Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 806: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (69)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

However, accidentally happened when Qiao Fei was urged to step down from the cruise ship to the inflatable raft on the sea.

At that moment, the fire at the tail of the cruise ship had spread to the bow. Seeing that the entire cruise ship was almost completely submerged by the fire, there was only a nervous expression on the substrate, Mrs. Mayor Ritterde, and she was crying and holding on. Feng Ling ’s child, Mrs. Mayor Ritterde, watching the fire behind her, panicked for help, but did not dare to jump into the sea, fearing that she would not jump on the inflatable raft, and feared that she would be directly caught after jumping into the sea. spy.

With thick smoke rising, Mayor Rittered cried while coughing, accompanied by a three-year-old child's hissing cry, Feng Ling felt that his entire world would be crying.

The fire is getting larger and larger, and the inflatable raft cannot be too close to the cruise ship. Under the consumption of such time, the inflatable raft must be pulled back some distance, otherwise the fire will not be able to carry anyone at all.

Seeing Mrs. Ritterte's wife crying and crying but she refused to jump, Feng Ling frowned and shouted, "Jump! Jump!"

"No ... I dare not ..."

"Just jump if you want to live! Hurry--"

"I'm afraid ..."

"Here we continue to burn. Neither of us and this child want to live. Do you know how big the fuel tank is on such a large cruise ship? Do you know that if the fuel tank here explodes, we may all be blown up. Nothing? Jump! "Feng Ling shouted at her," Jump! "

Seeing Mrs. Ritterte's wife crying and shaking her head, Feng Lingqi held her child in one hand and pushed her hard with one hand.

But Mrs. Ritterted's wife grabbed the fence, but she didn't dare to jump down.

She screamed, "I can't swim! I'm afraid of water! I'm afraid! I dare not!"

"Hurry up!" Qiao Fei couldn't hear the above voice on the inflatable raft below. I didn't know why it had been delayed for so long before jumping down, which caused the inflatable raft that could have caught them smoothly and was forced to back. Far, almost over the safety distance.

"Jump!" Feng Ling stared impatiently at her: "Do you want to die?"

She said as she took off the life jacket on her body and wrapped it in the arms of the child. She couldn't control how many children were thrown down first.

Upon seeing the child thrown down, Mayor Ritterde's wife screamed all her life.

In the helicopter above, I don't know what the people below are saying, but Qiao Fei's furious voice came from the headset: "Trapped people refuse to jump into the sea! The wind and waves are too big, the fire spreads too fast, and the inflatable raft cannot Come closer. "

"Ask to board the ship to save people."

Qiao Fei said as he stretched out his hand to catch the child who had just been tossed down. The child had a life jacket on the boat that was sealed to him. He fell into the water and was caught by Qiao Fei, who was quickly rushed over. I took a sip of water and took the inflatable raft directly.

At this time, members of the rescue team on the helicopter looked at the situation below, frowning: "No, the fire is too big, too late to board the ship, it will explode."

The next moment, the headset heard the voice of a rescue team member connecting to the second-line communicator on the other side: "Boss, the trapped person refuses to jump down on the cruise ship, and Feng Ling is still there. I am afraid that the risk factor will be great , All rescue ships and helicopters nearby will be affected by the explosion. "

Although Feng Ling also wore ear veins, she really couldn't hear what was inside on the cruise ship, and only faintly heard a sound of current, as if she heard Li Nanheng's voice, as if she did not hear it.

Even she was about to be venerated by the smokey eyes, not to mention the wife of Mayor Ritterde who had been crying next to her.

Suddenly, Feng Ling seemed to hear something. She suddenly looked up and looked forward, and saw the rescue team's helicopter approaching this direction without hesitation. She frowned instantly. What were they doing? Now at this time, I know that I am about to explode. In order to keep the safety of all other members, shouldn't I fly out of the safe distance as soon as possible, how can I suddenly get closer?

Then, she saw that the helicopter was opened underneath, and a rope ladder was lowered. The rescue team leader personally walked down the helicopter door and climbed down the rope ladder.

Feng Ling was stunned, took off the headset, and looked in the direction that gradually approached.

The helicopter hovering directly above the fire was affected by the high heat and made a huge noise. The propeller was still spinning fast, the rope ladder was shaking violently in the air, and the rescue team leader climbed down so quickly that it reached the bottom end and approached smoothly. The location of Mrs. Feng Ling and Mayor Ritterde.

"Come on! Come here!"

Feng Ling paused, knowing they were here to save themselves.

But she did not forget her mission. The person who did not dare to jump into the sea was the mayor of Ritterde. If this stalemate persists, if the mayor of Ritterde left without a life, the task would be a failure.

Suddenly she pulled the hand of Mayor Ritterde's wife and handed it to the rescue team leader.

The captain of the rescue team only glanced at Feng Ling, and did n’t need to ask more to know what Feng Ling meant. Without any objection, Mayor Ritterde, who was still panicking and crying, helped people bring a rope ladder. This rope ladder can only Taking one person away, the helicopter saw that someone had successfully climbed the rope ladder, and for the safety of everyone, they flew up quickly.

Seeing the rescue team captain and the mayor of Ritterde still hanging there at the bottom of the rope ladder, but at least have left the explosion area.

Feng Ling directly dragged the obstructing headset from her neck that was no longer usable in the hot environment and threw it down. When Qiao Fei kept shouting underneath to let her jump, she jumped suddenly towards The surface jumped down.

Almost a second and a half after Feng Ling jumped off the base plate of the downstream ship, a burst of red clouds burst into the fuel tank of the cruise ship, and a fierce explosion sounded behind Feng Ling.

At the moment of falling into the sea, Feng Ling felt only a fierce blow from behind, giving her a severe blow. She sighed in her chest, and a sudden burst of sweetness came out of her throat, accompanied by Qiao Fei's sad cry For a moment, as if completely covered by the fire, Feng Ling's entire person fell out of control and fell straight into the sea. The moment he entered the cold sea, Feng Ling instinctively wanted to go upstream, but the severe pain in the back and the pain in the chest cavity It made her weak.

Qiao Fei's inflatable raft was also affected by the explosion, but the child above has been successfully sent to the army. On the side of the rescue boat, he turned to the place where Feng Ling crashed into the sea, and wanted to put another inflatable raft down to save people. , But was stopped by the army. At the same time, he stopped his movement to jump, and reminded him: "Cannot use the inflatable raft anymore, it will lead to a direct explosion. This sea has been affected and you cannot jump ..."

"But Feng Ling is still down! She was injured and let go—"


(Three more ~)

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