Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 808: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (71)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Feng Ling." Qiao Fei suddenly leaned closer to her nose, feeling the frequency of her breathing and breath, while continuing to press her.

"Breathe, breathe hard, Feng Ling!"

"Can you hear me? Breathe hard, fast!"

Under Qiao Fei's high-efficiency and standard CPR, Feng Ling frowned because of the pain of being compressed at the chest and lungs, and more because of suffocating water and smoking a lot of thick smoke before. It hurts.

"Ah ..." She coughed again suddenly, and the remaining water finally coughed out. She instinctively inhaled again, spit it out again, and then coughed several times before reaching out. Pushing away Qiao Fei's hand, he turned over to face the person behind him, and kept coughing vigorously: "Cough cough ... cough!"

"Feng Ling, how's it going? Is it better? Can you breathe normally?" Qiao Fei got up and walked around, reaching out to help her sit on the floor.

"Cough!" Feng Ling's consciousness was awkward and she coughed a few more times before slowly opening her eyes. The light in the corner of her eyes saw the blue sea and the distant shoreline that was almost unclear. She looked at the other side Direction, took a long time to take a deep breath, and said dumbly, "I am not dead ..."

"The oil tank on the cruise ship exploded. Under normal circumstances, the power of that explosion should be certain. But it is estimated that the tanker has been parked here for a long time. The oil in the tank is not much, but the power of the explosion. It should also cause damage to your internal organs. When we go back, we must see a doctor immediately. "Qiao Fei said as she raised her hand and wiped the sand and water from her face, blocking her at the same time. The forehead shook her hair backwards, and looked at her pale face with concern: "How are you feeling now?"

"Cough." Feng Ling coughed again, but wanted to speak, but she instinctively raised her hand and tried to stroke her chest due to coughing. As soon as the hand was stroked, her expression instantly snapped and her head looked down. The suit and black shirt inside were open to him, and only the white chest wrap was wrapped around him.

She suddenly froze all over. Qiao Fei, while she was about to push him away, sat firmly beside her and supported her somewhat unsupportable body: "Sorry, I found your secret, but I did it for I ca n’t save you from unbuttoning your clothes. I did n’t continue unbuttoning when I saw it ... so I did n’t see anything I should n’t see ... ”

Feng Ling really wanted to push him away, but there wasn't much energy at this moment, just sitting there stiffly, raising his hand to tightly compile the open two layers of clothing, blocking the exposed shoulders and the collarbone, and lifting at the same time His coughing red eyes looked at him cautiously.

Upon seeing her look, Qiao Fei also understood her meaning: "You pretend to be a man, but just want to stay in the base safely?"

Feng Ling didn't speak, but her face was very bad.

But Qiao Fei saved her life just now, and she couldn't say anything, and he did not untie the clothes inside her. CPR did need to untie the clothes. This was not wrong. Qiao Fei did nothing wrong. There is no reason to blame.

"You can rest assured, as long as you don't have any impure motivation, and you won't do anything that threatens the base, but just want to stay at the XI base, I will not talk about it." Qiao Fei looked at She thought of her outstanding achievements in the week. A girl was even harder or better than a man. On the one hand, she was admired, and on the other hand, she suddenly softened because of her, but he accidentally discovered the secret just now, and he also A little embarrassed, he said in a sour voice, "I swear, I didn't really see anything just now."

Feng Ling closed her eyes slowly.

Her own way of wrapping her breast cloth was only clear to her, and she had not been untied, and she knew it at a glance.

Qiao Fei did not lie to her.

Besides, Qiao Fei is still an assistant instructor of the sniper team, which is equal to half of her superiors. With the promise he just made, she is even harder to say more.

"Instructor Joe." Her voice was a little dumb, and now there was a burning pain in her chest, and her voice was a bit difficult to say. "I'm an orphan, no parents, nowhere to go. The XI base now tells me It ’s a home that I ’ve been used to for a long time. I do n’t have any women in the base. I have to do this. Now that you know it, I do n’t want to explain too much, but please keep it secret for me. ”

Qiao Fei looked at her for a while, and nodded: "Okay, don't worry, I won't say it out. The important thing now is that you need to go to the hospital right away. I guess the boss should be almost over there. Knowing that we are missing, we will be as soon as possible. Come and take us away, you must hold on. "

Feng Ling nodded somewhat weakly.

She inhaled a lot of thick smoke on the cruise ship. The thick smoke was very deadly, and she persisted for so long. In the end, she fell into the sea and drank a lot of water when she needed to breathe fresh air. She knew that she was now It is very serious. Without seeing the doctor, it is estimated that there will be a lot of sequelae. Even more, it may require a lung operation.

But at least it was saved.

At the moment of falling into the sea, she never thought that she could come back alive, but now that she has survived, of course she will not allow herself to die casually.

"It's not far from the coastline just now, and they will be able to find it along the way very soon. I'll help you find a comfortable place to sit for a while." Qiao Fei shot Fu Ling up, there are a few obvious Jiao Shi, holding Feng Ling up, he also sat next to him.

Feng Ling sat on the reef, fastened the buttons on his shirt one by one, and looked at the thick smoke still on the sea near the distant coastline.

Seeing that Feng Ling's button was a bit strained, Qiao Fei knew she was a woman, and was embarrassed to touch her again. She didn't dare to pinch her waist when she just supported her, but she just kept supporting The arm only brought people to the reef, after all, this position is obvious and it is easy to be found by helicopter.

"You feel a pain in your lungs right now. Would you like me to help you?" Qiao Fei sat next to him and saw Feng Ling's action paused. Qiao Fei gave a cough awkwardly and explained. Said: "Anyway, it just helps you to fasten the buttons and zip them up. There is no impure idea. I just see that you have worked too hard."

"No, thank you." Feng Ling said in a low voice, then fastened the last three buttons on the shirt, and then pulled up the outer black zipper jacket zipper, and then coughed twice, uncomfortable Sitting on the reef.

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