Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 810: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (73)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling was about to get up on the reef, but just got a little stunned because of the severe pain in his back and chest and lungs.

Standing on the side, Qiao Fei, who was about to jump off the reef, quickly supported her, then lowered her head to look at her again, and asked with her eyes if she could hold it.

Feng Ling shook his head calmly and whispered, "I'm fine."

"Injured?" Li Nanheng walked over and glanced at Qiao Feifu's movement on Feng Ling's arm, his eyes turned flat again, looking at Feng Ling's pale face: "The rescue team said you were injured on the cruise ship , Disappeared after falling into the sea, Qiao Fei jumped into the sea to rescue you, how are you? Seriously? How can you drift to such an island? Just a long way from the coastline? "

Feng Ling hadn't spoken yet, Qiao Fei said directly: "Boss, I have nothing to do, mainly because Feng Ling was too long to accompany her on the cruise ship to save the mayor's wife. At that time, she took her own The life jacket and gas fire mask were given to the child, which caused her to inhale a lot of smoke herself, and was later affected by the explosion. I see that she was seriously injured and must be taken to the hospital immediately after returning. "

"Not as serious as Assistant Instructor Joe said, boss, I didn't ..."

Before Feng Ling's words were finished, Nan Heng heard her hoarse and abnormal voice, and her face sank directly. Without listening to her nonsense, she went back and ordered her and Qiao Fei from the reef.

When Qiao Fei released Feng Ling's hand, he still glanced in her direction, and saw that her clothes had been re-dressed. She should not be able to see anything, so she got on the plane with peace of mind.

Feng Ling is different. It is really hurt a little. Just now I was always supported by Qiao Fei. Now I see that Feng Ling is very difficult to take a few steps. This situation is obviously really injured. It was just that the flame of the explosion did not rush directly to the body. Fortunately, at the time, the sea was below, otherwise Feng Ling was afraid that it had become a scorched black, and even his hair would be burned out.

After Xiao Xu put Feng Ling on the helicopter, Nanheng calmly issued an order: "Three teams, taking all the slightly injured members back to the base infirmary, Han Jin and Abo, leaving to check all rescue aircraft, four teams and five teams directly The whole team returned to the base training ground and continued to stand by. "

After speaking, he hurried back to the helicopter, and when he entered the cabin, he saw Feng Ling who had just been helped to sit inside.

Feng Ling turned to look at the man who came back from outside. At this time, the overall situation was the most important. The calm expression on the man's face and the tone when speaking to the headset made Feng Ling's heart extremely firm, as if no matter what happened, this man He doesn't frown easily, no matter what, he can arrange everything calmly and rationally, and be responsible to all the people in the base, and he will never care about it.

The helicopter took off again. Qiao Fei was on another plane. There were only Xiao Xu, Nanheng and Feng Ling in the cockpit.

The sound of the propeller was too loud. Feng Ling found another headset to wear on the back, and echoed Li Nanheng's concise follow-up order. When he flew over the sea near the coastline below, he saw the smoke billowing below and the fire on the cruise ship. Already swallowed by the waves, only some black smoke remained, and the fire was still soaring above the abandoned warehouse that had just been blasted.

Li Nanheng was calm and calm, and gave instructions in an orderly manner.

Ten helicopters and dozens of team members all obeyed his dispatch arrangements.

After arranging all the follow-up things, Nan Heng picked up the headset on his head and tossed it aside, went to the cockpit and explained to Xiao Xu a few words, and then looked back at Feng Ling, who was sitting behind the fuselage. It seems that he hasn't returned from the mission that has ended.

As he walked over to her, he stared down at her still pale complexion: "Fly directly to the Los Angeles Hospital, where there is a spare apron where helicopters can be parked."

Feng Ling hesitated, and said, "Boss, don't have to worry about it. I can go to the hospital for a simple check. Helicopters are the public transportation when the base is out of the mission. I cannot fly to the hospital because of my personal circumstances."

"You were injured by the explosion during the mission. It is not a private matter to send you to the hospital."


"Don't bullshit, where do you hurt now?"

"I don't know if it is an internal injury that others have said, but it may be because it feels like all the internal organs have been shaken a bit, and it hurts a lot now." Feng Ling looked at his serious and calm eyes, instinctively. Answer truthfully.

"The fuel tank on the cruise ship exploded. It is considered good luck that you were not killed on the spot. Go to the hospital for a check. If it is serious, you will be hospitalized directly. If you are completely cured, return to the base."

Feng Ling didn't speak again. She wasn't sure if the injury was serious. She didn't see any blood on the surface, but she was really hurt.

You can only wait until the hospital finds out before deciding on other things.

Although Feng Ling didn't speak, her expression was dignified.

Nanheng glanced at the other helicopters again. He came over to her with long legs and sat directly beside her. He said indifferently, "How do you feel about launching such a mission for the first time?"

"I'm very excited." Feng Ling replied very officially, with a hoarse voice and a calm tone.

Nan Heng sneered: "With your ability, the task of combating violence, power points, and children can be entrusted to you. Don't think that I will deny your ability by assigning you to a cruise ship. Both sides need people with strengths. You and Qiao Fei have good water quality. In other words, other people may not be better than you on the cruise ship. Besides, this kind of task that is simple to others is actually the hardest. Now the task has been successfully completed. I I think you should know what I mean. "

It's really difficult.

In the face of violence, force points, and children, you just need to find a way to keep yourself alive, and then try to kill the other party.

However, on the cruise ship, I have the opportunity to protect my life and protect others, especially the terrified child who is only three years old.

Feng Ling coughed, but turned his back to Nan Heng coughing, and then coughed a few more times. After feeling comfortable, he turned to look at the man next to him: "The emergency situation at that time was Mayor Ridede. Mrs. and Mrs. refused to jump, and there was a delay of about three or four minutes. Otherwise, it would be safe to avoid the explosion time. "

"I know, usually, this rescue task is more difficult, because the rescued people may not cooperate with you, and their guts are not under your control, but you have done a good job." Nan Heng looked at her face: "If you feel uncomfortable, just lean back here, and it won't be long before you go to the hospital, eh?"

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