Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 812: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (75)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Do you and the boss often work together?" Feng Ling asked.

Xiao Xu thought about it: "Almost, I have been with the boss for many years. At the time, I was only a teenager like you. I had been in the base for so many years. Seeing that I should leave the base soon. To work at the U.S. Police Department, seriously, there is still a lot of perseverance, after all, this place is no different from home for me. "

"Facing the situation of violence, terror, terror, points, and children like today, and the warehouse below was blasted, then in a dangerous situation, if the boss asks you to jump to rescue, will you jump?"

"Jump." He didn't hesitate.

"Even if you jump down, you will either be buried in the sea of ​​fire, or you will be killed or seriously injured, and you may be disabled for life."

"Then have to jump."

Feng Ling's expression slowed down: "So, the rescue of Mayor Ritterde and his children on the cruise ship is a task that must be done. Whether it is because of the task or because of human nature, I should do it. Don't hesitate to do it. I didn't hesitate when I was there. Now it's very good to keep my life. You don't have to take special care of me. I'm fine. "

I didn't expect Feng Ling to ask so many questions, but in the end it was just to keep them from thinking about her injuries.

This kid is young and has a steady manner of sexual affairs. I never expected that dealing with people would be extremely good, and people would hate it at all, and even liked this kid with a heart.

Of course, there is Li Bo, Xiao Xu's love for Feng Ling is limited to the like of an older brother to his little brother, but he dare not have other ideas.

Besides, Xiao Xu swears that she is absolutely straight. For so many years in the base, she has not felt a little about a man, but to Feng Ling, it should be like watching a little child grow up little by little.

Seeing Feng Ling say so, Xiao Xu was relieved.

The sky outside the ward window was already dark, and Feng Ling picked up the food that Xiao Xu bought and ate some.

Boss Li never came back, and Xiao Xu accompanied her to take care of her in the hospital.

Many things in the base are waiting for the boss to go back to deal with and solve it. He specially puts Xiao Xu, who is most trusted by him, here. Feng Ling also understands that the boss takes her seriously. The boss is also very concerned about the injuries of base members when they are on mission, which proves that he It is indeed not too indifferent.

What happened in this mission is also a kind of growth for Feng Ling.

At the critical moment, the orderlyness of Instructor Joe showed that they were battle-hardened fighters.

And she is just a half-toned newcomer. She is considered to be excellent among the newcomers, but among the elites and old people in these bases, she is still a newcomer who needs to be trained and needs to grow.

In the evening, Xiao Xu went to the lounge next door. After Feng Ling took the medicine, he did another atomization under the doctor's advice. After this time, he felt that the chest and lungs were no longer so hot. I know if I can sleep well.

Before going to bed, she took a cell phone to send a message to Xiao Xu, and asked for some electronic information in the base.

Then look down on the bed.

Watched a lot of relevant terminology and detailed outlines on base killing missions and rescue missions.

I also looked at the heat resistance of the helicopter and various aspects of driving information.

There are also special passwords that only inside personnel can know.

As she looked, she wrote on the paper with a pen that she had just borrowed from the doctor, with a sharp nib, and tried hard to recall those words that Boss Li had communicated with the base lobby before continuing to Xiao Xufa Text message, ask these bosses about Li Bo's instructions and other aspects that need to be known.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Feng Ling was still looking at the information on the mobile phone, and the door of the ward was suddenly opened.

She looked at the recorded nib, raised her head from the screen of her mobile phone, and saw Li Nanheng who had returned to the hospital at a glance.

The man in front of the door paused for a moment, and came a simple sentence: "Will you still sleep if you are injured?"

The man's voice was low and clean, like some kind of calm and pleasant musical instrument.

Listening to his tone and expression on his face, it is estimated that there is the United States. Army. Fang things over the base have been resolved, there is no need to worry about the design of labor and violence. Force. plan.

I don't know if it was because of her injury. The man spoke to her a lot more lightly today, just this simple sentence, inexplicably holding her heart and moving.

Feng Lingxuan put the pen and paper in his hand on the table beside the bed, while setting the phone aside.

Li Nanheng also opened the door at this time. Originally, only one emergency light on the bedside was measured in the ward. At this moment, it was lit a lot by the light in the corridor outside the door. The man stood backlit by the low light outside the door. The figure was slender and tall, Feng Ling glanced in his direction again. The boss suddenly came back so late. She didn't know why she suddenly became nervous. She asked him directly, "Boss, how did you get back to the hospital? Find me?"

Li Nanheng looked at the guy who was still pale on the hospital bed, and then directly turned on the headlights in the ward. When the light turned on, he went directly to the bedside, standing high on the bed and watching the person sitting on the bed. , And looked at Feng Ling's loose light blue hospital clothes. Usually, they used to wear black uniforms in the base. They were all black. It was rare to see Feng Ling wear light-colored, pale skin. It was fair and almost transparent, and the tempting person wanted to touch it.

He looked at her indifferently, throwing a word that could not hear him: "There is nothing wrong with the base, you are injured, you can't just be thrown here like this."

Feng Ling gave a meal: "But it's too late now, if you rush back to the base, it will take a long time to drive, won't you toss?"

Nan Heng took off his jacket for the battle uniform and threw it on the simple sofa by the window in the ward. He was only wearing a black T-shirt and said lightly, "I'll stay here tonight and go back tomorrow morning."

Feng Ling: "... live here? Boss, are you staying in the hospital? Living in my ward?"

"Why? No?" Li Nanheng headed back to the simple bathroom in the other direction of the ward, and said bluntly, "In case any base member is injured, I will come to see it, as you said, now it is too It ’s late, and I ’m having a hard time driving back. It ’s better to live here. There is nothing missing in this ward, and there is enough room for a person to sleep on the sofa. I have problems living here? ”


As he passed the end of the bed, he glanced again at the pen and paper she had just laid on the table beside the bed: "Xiao Xu said that you are learning about all the dangerous missions in the evil base based on today ’s missions. You will only know when you are injured that you will temporarily hold your feet It's really promising. "


(Three more ~ ​​Is it a monthly ticket?)

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