Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 814: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (77)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

It was probably too quiet in the ward.

Probably Feng Ling was used to living alone in a room.

In this small and small ward, she closed her eyes but seemed to be able to hear the steady breathing of the man, which seemed particularly good in quiet nights.

Never thought that a person's breathing could actually attract her attention.

Feng Ling closed her eyes for a while, she didn't dare to look at the sofa, but she could hear it.

For example, it seems faint to hear that a man has changed position on the sofa. It should be leaning to the side where there is a side pillow. Think about the usual behavior of the boss. It is estimated that the man should be stretching at will now. The limbs just leaned there to relax and turned to hear the keypad sound of the mobile phone, but it only became a mute after a few beeps. It should be that the old boss was afraid of making noise to her, and the keypad sound of the phone was muted .

Feng Ling just stiffened for a while, then turned over directly on the bed.

"Don't sleep yet?" The man's voice rang out, quiet and quiet in the quiet night.

Feng Ling turned his back to the man on the sofa, opened his eyes, and said softly, "Well, I'm going to sleep right away."

"Where is it uncomfortable?"

"No, I did two atomizations today and I feel much better. I should be discharged from the hospital in less than a week. I don't think it is serious."

"The doctor asks you to stay in the hospital for a week, then stay for a week. There are not many more in the base, not less than one. You can rest assured that you don't have to rush back."

After the man's voice fell, the ward was quiet again.

Feng Ling stopped talking, but closed her eyes.

About another half an hour or so, there was a slight, noisy knock on the door of the ward, and then Xiao Xu walked in and saw Feng Ling lying on the bed without knowing that he was asleep, and walked lightly. In the past, I put a set of clothes I just bought on the sofa.

"Boss, try this outfit that doesn't fit. I bought it in the size you usually wear. It should be about the same."

"Well, you can rest." Li Nanheng took out his clothes from the bag and motioned Xiao Xu to return to the rest room and rest early.

Xiao Xu nodded. After all, it was too late, and it was not good to talk about anything in this ward. He turned around and went out.

The ward returned to quietness. Nan Heng rolled out the newly purchased clothes and was about to change it directly on the sofa. He was about to untie the towel, and looked at the bed again. With his own Feng Ling.

Normally, everyone is a man, and there is nothing to avoid.

But I do n’t know if it is because Feng Ling avoids it or because he has an inexplicable feeling for Feng Ling. For a while, it seems that it is not appropriate to change clothes directly.

The man took the clothes directly and went into the simple bathroom. After changing the clothes, he took the dirty clothes in the sink and the black jacket on the sofa outside and took them in and washed them.

Hearing the sound of manual laundry washing in the bathroom, Feng Ling opened her eyes again, and then passed through the open door of the bathroom at that moment, and saw a man wearing a black shirt and black casual pants inside.

Although the management system in the XI base is not as strict as the domestic army or team, it is similar.

Everyone's clothes are cleaned by themselves.

However, the boss's clothes often have a group of people scrambled to help wash it, but the boss never let these people wash it. Everyone sometimes even guessed that there would be a housekeeper arranged by Li's house in the base. Or aunts and the like, just they didn't find it, otherwise why the boss's clothes are so clean?

Now it seems that his clothes were washed by himself.

Even if this is the young master of Li's family, after all, he was sent to the XI base from an early age. I'm afraid that he has already been used to the life of hands-on life, and there is no wealth disease of the young master at all.

Although there are simple toilets and bathrooms in the hospital ward, after all, this is not a place suitable for washing clothes. Nanheng just picked up a piece of sterilizing soap next to it and casually stained the clothes with those violent points. The blood stains on the child's bucket were cleaned, at least it no longer looks dirty, so I washed it with water a few times, and then hung it in the bathroom. I plan to put it in the washing machine again when I return to the base. .

When the man walked out of the bathroom, he saw in a blink of an eye that he had opened his eyes again.

He raised his cold eyebrows.

At a blink of an eye, Feng Ling thought about it, or sat up directly from the bed.

"Boss, I can't fall asleep. Tell me about the precautions when you are confronted with violence, power points, and children. I will be on the front line if I have such a task in the future." Feng Ling sat up and said.

"There is nothing to note. The mission is just a mission. The most important thing to remember when you complete the mission is to remember to save your life. The XI base does not have so many brainwashing ideas that donate lives to the country. We are only a half-military base that serves the United Nations. All the countries involved are responsible for various aspects of security issues. The United States and China are the most important, because the two countries in the base have the most people, especially the Chinese. "The man said lightly:" The tasks are well accomplished. At the same time, it is necessary to return with your own life. This is the most basic principle. All other things depend on the ability to adapt to changes and peacetime physical training. If your physical strength cannot resist, you will die directly if you bleed a little blood. You can also be rescued after a day of flow. This is the importance of physical fitness. "

Feng Ling understood what he meant: "I'm working very hard to increase my physical capacity, and give me a little more time. I will definitely not be worse than the others in the sniper team."

"You're no worse than anyone, but it's really too thin." The man watched her wearing a large light blue hospital suit, which was too loose on the body, like a child. Sneaking through an adult's clothes.

Feng Ling couldn't help this.

She has worked very hard to gain muscle, but women's bodies are not the same as men's. Long-term training for men may have all kinds of strong muscles.

But women.

In particular, she belongs to a woman who is taller than a woman, but the skeleton is very small. No matter how she eats and how she trains, she is only healthier than other women at most, and she is doing hard work at most. When moving, there will be a little muscle of the sporty woman who can't usually see on the arms and calves.

I want her to be as tall and strong as other men, I'm afraid she can really be a man in her next life.

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