Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 816: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (79)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng has fully exerted his concise instinct at this moment. He can speak two words and will never say a third word again.

Obviously he proposed to eat, but he came here with two casual words, which made Feng Ling, who had never eaten these things, answer?

She didn't even know how to choose.

Feng Ling traced his indifferent face side by side, his head was really big, and the two of them went side by side for a while. The man didn't say a word, but only occasionally looked at the various stalls on the roadside, and didn't say much.

Ask someone to come out and go to the snack street and just leave others alone to die by themselves?

The so-called straight male cancer that is not romantic or coaxing is probably this?

Knowing this is the case, Feng Ling will not run from the hospital in the middle of the night to visit any snack street.

But Li Bo offered to take the initiative and she nodded, how could she refuse?

Feng Ling worked hard to search the topic: "Boss, do you usually come to the hospital to visit this in person after each base member is injured?"


"Will that also live in the same ward as the injured member?"

Li Nanheng glanced at her: "Whatever you want to say, just say it directly. You don't have to bend corners to cover me."

Feng Ling: "..."

It was so easy to see through.

Nan Heng glanced at her face, and added coldly: "After all, I am the person in charge of the base and the captain of all training teams. Apart from tasks and training, I usually have little contact with members. In the case of injuries during the mission, if I have not yet visited and expressed the importance of the base to each member, it would be too much. "

What this said was that even visiting her in the hospital was just doing her duty, she didn't mean to care about it at all.

Obviously a person who is cold outside and hot inside, but he has to talk about himself so badly, and so kindly.

Feng Ling's soft short hair fluttered around her head caused by the night breeze. She frettedly closed the broken hair around her ears and suddenly seemed to remember something. Then she looked up and asked him, "Boss, there is a barber shop near here. What? "

Li Nanheng looked at her and said, "What are you doing at the barber shop?"

"Hair cut, I think my hair still looks a little longer, cut to the short length of A and Tam is just right." She pointed to the short hair that was softly attached to the forehead: "The base Every time the barber said that my hair was very good, and it was a shame to shave short. It was stubborn that I kept this hairstyle. It is difficult to figure out. If I can have an outside barber shop, I will shave back and go back. Is it a little tougher than before? "

This guy wants to shave his hair?

Li Nanheng looked at her calmly.

Although the teenager's hair is short, it looks at least gentle and gentle, making people feel extra soft when they look at it.

Try to think if Feng Ling's hairstyle becomes short-cut ...

I have to admit that even if Feng Ling becomes short, it will look good, but if I look at it this way, if I suddenly change my hairstyle, some feelings will not be correct.

Li Nanheng couldn't say how she felt, but she did not want her hair to be so short.

And now this length is also very normal, even if the fluffy hair is rubbed on the top of this guy's head, it will feel very comfortable. If it is short, if you rub it, it is estimated that it will stick.

When Feng Ling was 13 years old when she first arrived at the base, her hair was very short. Later, the hairdresser at the base fixed such a hairstyle for her, and she has kept it for so long.

Li Nanheng couldn't figure out what he was thinking at the moment, but just glanced quickly at a small barber shop that was not far away, but said lightly, "None are near here."

Feng Ling paused: "Where do you usually go to cut your hair? Boss in the base cut it?"

"There are so many men in the base, how can it be so troublesome? Buy a tweet and push it by yourself." He opened his eyes indifferently to the nonsense.

Feng Ling dubiously looked at his short, at least natural, handsome hairstyle: "This is the hairstyle you pushed yourself?"

Li Nanheng was too lazy to answer, and deliberately led her across the long street from the crowd on the other side while passing by the barber shop in front, without approaching the barber shop.

He didn't answer, and Feng Ling didn't ask it persistently, but think about the hair styles of Ah K and other brothers in the base. It ’s true that everyone pushes them like this, no wonder they are not creative, that ’s all A short inch or board inch, but it feels very neat when you look at it for a long time, and the hairstyle of board inch is really a test of the face value, it turns out that the group of people in the base, all of them are pretty good.

Passing by the barber shop, after confirming that Feng Ling would not see it, Nan Hengmo kept walking forward.

Feng Ling is not stupid. After walking for a while, I don't think it seems right. I looked back at the crowd and said, "How did you pass the barbecue stall over there? Boss, don't you try it?"

Li Nanheng: "Chinese barbecue is not easy to eat. I'm not interested. If I want to eat, I just eat other things. Barbecue is fine."

"Is barbecue difficult to eat? But I hear others say it's delicious, especially ..."

"Very ugly."

Feng Ling: "..."

How inexplicably I felt that the boss's remarks were being said with conscience.

She didn't doubt much else, thinking that maybe the boss just didn't like to eat barbecue and other things.

It was said that he was visiting the snack street, but Li Nanheng still did not allow Feng Ling to eat on the roadside stalls, especially those who smoked, took her around the road. Feng Ling knew that he needed to do the fog Clear the lungs, these smoke can not smell.

A noodle restaurant is right in front of it, and the noodles of a large chain brand spread from China.

Li Nanheng said: "During the period of nourishing, there was not too much training and activities. Lying in the hospital is not easy to digest, so eat some digestible pasta."

After that, the man went in first.

After taking a few steps, thinking that Feng Ling usually seemed to like noodles in the base cafeteria, she simply turned her head and held her wrists to pull in.

The slender wrist of the teenager was incredible. He was clearly a strong hand to lift the spear, but it was so thin.

Nan Heng restrained and wanted to grab her sleeve to see how thin Gu Yu was in it. He didn't say much and took Feng Ling to a quieter place inside to sit down.

Because there are a lot of people in this store, it ’s full, and it ’s difficult to find a place, but they ’re lucky, just got up, and the back door window in the corner is just right after someone finishes eating, it ’s empty, and they just sit there under.

When Feng Ling sat down, he glanced again at the snack street outside: "Don't you eat outside?"

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