Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 818: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (81)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling laughed, although it was not obvious, but for Feng Ling who was always indifferent and did not have any extra expressions, this kind of frowning movement was already a very understanding smile.

"Okay, then I'll wait for the boss to invite me to eat." Feng Ling said as he put the things he had just picked into his shopping cart.

When going to the checkout, Li Nanheng suddenly asked her to go to the freezer next to her to take two bottles of mineral water. Feng Ling turned and took two bottles. When she turned around and was about to come over to check out, she saw the man holding out a black card. Handed it to the cashier.

When I saw that it was a black card, the cashier's expression was surprised. The black card is not something simple people can have, either it is particularly rich or has rights, but such a rich and expensive person How could you go to the supermarket yourself? And looking at a bunch of things in this shopping cart, the price is also very cheap and easy to use. It is not like this type of black card holder will buy it.

But the cashier didn't dare to ask a word, just raised his eyes and saw the tall man in front of him, and took the card directly to subconsciously.

Feng Ling was holding the water and was about to speak. The cashier had swiped the card, and then respectfully and cautiously returned the black card to the tall man's hand.

"Boss, although these things are not expensive, but they add up to two or three hundred, I can buy them myself." Feng Ling approached.

"You paid for the two bottles of water in your hand." The man glanced at her, put the contents of the shopping cart into two shopping bags, turned around and walked away.

Feng Ling looked at the water that didn't add up to more than five yuan in his hand: "..."

It was already late when returning to the hospital, Feng Ling returned to the ward to avoid the watch nurse on duty again.

On the contrary, Li Nanheng, a "family member" who came to visit the patient, just carried two bags of things and swayed and walked in. The nurse on duty looked at the things in his hands, with an inexplicable expression on his face. I don't know when this "family member" went out. Second, what did he buy so many things for? How long did he have to stay in the hospital?

Of course, the nurse didn't dare to ask, only when Li Nanheng came out of the elevator with a load of things, he conveyed an admiring look to the man, pressed down the doubt in his eyes, and watched the man's back walked back to the ward.

After Feng Ling returned to the ward, she took off her coat, drank some water, and sat back on the bed.

After returning to the ward, Li Nanheng helped her put those purchased things into the simple small bathroom in the ward.

I did not expect that Li Bo will have such a caring side.

Feng Ling looked at the figure of the man in the bathroom, slightly pursed his lips, and there was a smile in his eyes that he didn't even notice.


Three days later.

Boss Li stayed in the hospital for one night, and the next morning, before it was bright, he was called back by a phone call in the base.

Xiao Xu is still in the hospital, but usually she is only responsible for helping Feng Ling prepare breakfast, dinner, or buy some medicines for her nebulization. The rest of the time, Feng Ling is in a relatively quiet state.

This is also the first time she has been quiet and doing nothing in her endless training life in these years in the base.

It feels like ... it's not bad to say good or bad.

Relaxing is true, and boredom is also true.

She asked Xiao Xu to return to the base after staying in the hospital for only three days. Xiao Xu had no choice but to call Li Boss. Li Boss did not agree and warned her that she must stay in the hospital for a week according to the doctor's arrangement. After a few weeks, I'm sure there is no problem before I can go back, otherwise the base gate will never allow her to enter.

The gates of the base would not open for her, so she really could not go back.

On the fourth day of Feng Ling's stay in the hospital, Xiao Xu had to go out temporarily because of some private affairs. He probably would not be back tomorrow.

Feng Ling had just finished nebulizing in the ward, took out the nebulizing equipment and returned it to the nurse, turned around and was going back to the ward, and suddenly heard a sound familiar.

"Aunt, don't always be angry with my cousin, look at you, it's not like a day or two for her heart to be uncomfortable. She's stubborn and stubborn. What are you mad at? Isn't it clear that you can't live with your body? It's not wrong for her cousin to like a man. Besides, haven't we met Mr. Li that day? I think he is really good, although it is a bit indifferent and not easy to get closer, the more such a cold person acts and behaves the more Seriously, it won't be annoying and irritating. And that Mr. Li is really handsome. Look, I grew up in the United States. What big, sturdy man I haven't seen? But Mr. Li is not that kind of look. He is a very muscular man with a big head, but at a glance, he knows that he is an absolutely superb type of body and skill, and he is particularly manly. I think he has a particularly attractive aura on his body. Can't tell what it is, but anyway, as long as she is a girl, you should always be interested in him, not to mention that my cousin, from an early age, thought that she would marry him, but was rejected, and took me Pity the little cousin this thing that matter, let her heart nest on fire, so more and more stubborn, that in fact, I also understand her feelings. "

The voice of Mrs. Feng Qin Qiu then came: "Attracted? Did you also feel anxious about that Li Nanheng?"

Qin Shuke smiled while holding Qin Qiu's arm, "Mr. Li is really handsome, but after all, he is a favorite cousin of Pearl, after all, rabbits don't eat grass by the nest, no matter how handsome they are, If my fiance is attentive, if I really talk about it, I would think that the little fresh meat of that age is more suitable for me! "

Qin Qiu gave her a white smile with a smile: "What fiance? Li's family cancelled the marriage contract, it is not fiance anymore. He would rather name your poor cousin who died early, rather than marry your cousin Pearl Li Jia ’s life is a little overdone, but the Feng family must marry Li ’s family. Hey, I do n’t know what to do ... ”

Feng Ling hadn't understood what the two of them were talking about, and didn't even think about avoiding them for a while, but they suddenly met in the corridor of this ward area.

Qin Shuke was the first to see Feng Ling, and when he saw Feng Ling wearing a light blue sick suit, his indeterminate face was handsome and ridiculous, as if he were the best from the day. Suddenly, he stared at Feng Ling's face in disbelief, and said in amazement, "I just said that he couldn't get to his phone successfully, but this made me meet again ..."

"What?" Qin Qiu didn't understand her meaning, only saw the expression of her little niece excited and beaming, and suddenly she turned to see Pestle with a sullen face.


(Third month ~ New month, if you have a monthly pass in your baby's number, please help Qingqing cast it ~ What ?!)

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