Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 829: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (92)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Lingping was so accustomed to being with a group of men, but now she is really a little uncomfortable.

Li Nanheng was really tired, and soon fell asleep again. The man breathed smoothly in her ear. She put one hand on her body, and the other hand also compiled the sheets under her, staring at the yellow night light. Under the ceiling of the ward, he turned his eyes to look at the sleeping man.

It ’s not that they have n’t had close contact. At least when they first entered the base a few years ago, when Li Nanheng tested her personally, the two men held each other for a while due to close fights. At that time, the distance was very close. But the atmosphere at the time was different from now.

At that time, it was the sweat and the fighting on the training ground and her pride of arrogance, but now it is in such a quiet space, without a thought, I feel a man lying next to himself, his nose breathing It is less than ten centimeters away from her ears, and she can even feel the obvious gap between a man and her pretending man, the kind of unexplainable but unexplainable on Li Nanheng's body. The masculine taste of the handsome man, the smell of the laundry liquid on the clean clothes in the clean air, and the slightly intoxicating tobacco smell.

I don't know if the breathing rate of the man when he was asleep was reassuring, Feng Ling gradually closed his eyes.

I do n’t know how long I slept. Feng Ling felt like he was imprisoned in his dreams. He could n’t move his hands and feet. He woke up suddenly. He almost hit the man ’s face at a glance. She is still sleeping. The frequency of her heartbeat has changed from the speed of shock. The whole person looks tightly at the handsome face of the man close to her, and then lowers her head again to see that she was taken by him. The long legs were directly pressed on the lower legs, and there were two arms that were taken away by him, and the whole man was completely held in his arms by the man.

Feng Ling gently pushed his hand away, and when he got up again to open his legs, the man's soothing brows suddenly fell asleep in his deep sleep, and suddenly opened his eyes in the dark, 惺忪Some dark eyes looked at her, "What are you doing?"

Not sure if he knew what he was doing when he slept, Feng Ling just kicked his leg away and said, "I'm going to the toilet."

Li Nanheng was like a sleeping lion when he was asleep. At this moment, it was more like a lion that was suddenly awakened. His eyes were low and dangerous, and perhaps his natural acuity. After he scanned her again, he glanced at both of them at the same time. And found that he had accidentally squeezed some of her side while he was asleep, he took up almost two-thirds of the place by himself, without speaking, turned over directly, and continued with his back to her. sleep.

Feng Ling didn't know if Li Bo was awakened by her or because she was unhappy, but in this case, she said more and made more mistakes, and it became more suspicious if she did too much. It was golden to keep silent. Guideline, went to the bathroom and stayed in the bathroom for a while, and really went back to bed slowly after going to the toilet.

As a result, she just climbed into bed, Li Nanheng suddenly got up at this moment, she could not help looking up at the man who suddenly stood up.

Seeing that Li Nanheng also turned to go to the bathroom, she lay down again.

However, when the man returned to the toilet, he felt that the ward was a little stuffy, especially when the two of them were sleeping together in the bed, it was even hot, and they were going to open the window, but they saw that it started to rain again and again. The window is very easy to catch a cold and cold, not to mention this is a ward with a sick number inside.

He only glanced lightly into the night outside the window, and walked back while taking off his shirt.

"Don't sleep yet?" After taking off his clothes, Li Nanheng threw his hand, and threw the shirt and the black T-shirt together next to him, and then untied the belt again. It seemed to be Feng Ling's expression. Hesitated again, and finally tied the belt back to the bed.

In the thirty or so seconds that the man untied and fastened his belt, Feng Ling could only see his bare perfect upper body through the dim night light in the ward, and every inch of lines on his abdominal muscles was sexual. Fatal, just wearing this pair of black trousers, simple trousers matching the uniform, wrapped his two straight and strong legs, with the silver buckle on the front of the belt was re-buttoned, more It is the fatality of sexuality, as if it is a crime.

He sat back on the bed again, seeing that Feng Ling was still open a moment ago, but now he closed his eyes: "Are you a corpse?"

Feng Ling: "... Boss, go to sleep."

The man sneered: "How do you make me sleep? This expression looks like this, I don't know I thought I was going to **** a corpse."

Feng Ling: "..."

He just lay down with his upper body naked, turned over and looked directly at Feng Ling. With a finger move, he pulled directly on the teenager's ear, but his eyes were indifferent: "Why is the ear so red? Fever?"

Feng Ling didn't reply, closed her eyes and pretended that she also fell asleep.

After seeing this guy learn to keep silent, Li Nanheng did not embarrass her. The rain outside the window was still leaping non-stop, knocking on the window, it seemed to be exceptionally quiet in the ward, and the teenager's breathing went from sleeping at first to gradually. Smooth, unexpectedly a good night's sleep.

Why is it that the ears are always red?

Probably ... it's really stuffy in the ward.


Three days later, Feng Ling was discharged.

When they were discharged from hospital, several of them happened to be out of the mission. By the way, they passed by the hospital and took a look. Li Nanheng's car stopped naturally downstairs.

During the week Feng Ling was hospitalized, Li Nanheng appeared three times in total. The first time and the second time lived directly in her ward, and the third time came to represent the base to return to the injured.

When being injured in a glorious base is actually very stressful ...

Fortunately, Feng Ling has a good interpersonal relationship in the base. She usually has good grades, and she is still low-key and silent. There are not so many right and wrong. So this time she was injured and hospitalized. Machine pass her nonsense.

After finally getting the doctor's discharge permission and signing, Feng Ling returned to the ward and changed the hospital uniform. She picked up the uniform and was preparing to wear it. She changed clothes very quickly, and because she knew she was going to be discharged today, so Inside, I changed the clothes I usually have in the base. I wore a loose side vest on the outside of the chest wrap, which looked like a man, and then put a loose white T-shirt on the outside of the vest.

However, she did not expect that she was preparing to change clothes and leave the ward. Just when she had just put on her pants and picked up the next uniform to prepare for wearing, she suddenly heard a "click" on the door and she was outside. The sound of the door opened.

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