Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 836: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (99)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Because Li Nanheng didn't speak, no one here spoke much, but his eyes were still staring at Feng Ling.

"Let the things go down, you go back first." As if Li Nanheng didn't hear Xiao Xu's suggestion just now, he pressed the cigarette in his hand coldly into the ashtray on the conference table.

Li Nanheng's voice was very cold. Xiao Xu, sitting aside, felt that he shouldn't make this suggestion. He immediately narrowed his neck and shrank back to stop talking.

However, just as Feng Ling nodded and turned around to leave, one of the military officials said suddenly: "I see that he is really suitable for this operation. Is he called Feng Ling right? The last time he rescued Ritter The Mayor of Germany ’s family, he has made great achievements, and both our skill and our agility are seen by us. He is a very reliable member, and I look at his figure and image. For this action, if With his participation, it will definitely do more with less. "

Li Nanheng looked up at Feng Ling in front of the conference room door of the base. His eyes were deep and deep, but it seemed to contain a huge vortex, which made it impossible for him to easily pry into his heart, but Feng Ling felt clearly. This time, the task should not be simple, and the boss Li did not intend to involve her in the first place.

The U.S. military. The party has gradually become more dependent on the XI base in these years. When encountering some difficult situations, they will directly find the XI base to help solve it, but it is definitely not too much to let them come to the base in person. Simple things.

Another companion in charge of the military side also said: "He is really suitable."

Several other people at the conference table also nodded one after another, including several other instructors in the base. Nod, "It is true that looking at the entire base, the only thing that is most suitable is indeed Feng Ling."

After listening to these words, Li Nanheng didn't have any expression. He put his legs on his back and leaned back. His cold brows were half raised, like a cold emperor, lazy and expensive: "So? This kind of sneaking terrorists. The mission of the base nest is to be handed to him as a newcomer who has just entered the base less than three years ago, and is still a team student who has just learned how to pick up a sniper rifle? "

Xiao Xu gave a sigh and coughed. I felt that the boss had always been proud of Feng Ling's skill and speed, and in all aspects. He was always strict and ridiculed about Feng Ling, but he would definitely support it externally. In the face, he would definitely say that Feng Ling is not.

But today, the boss obviously did not intend to let Feng Ling show the limelight. This kind of task that might almost kill his life, it seems that the boss did not intend to let Feng Ling participate in it.

The person in charge of the military said: "Mr. Li, what we need now is not just the flexibility of our skills, but also a woman who can absolutely cooperate with us and have the ability to protect themselves, but there are no women in the XI base. There is no one in the group who can find a suitable woman from the inside out for this task. Since it is a latent terror base, the first and most important thing is to dispel their doubts and need a A person who will never be suspected by them, and Feng Ling is absolutely in line with our task requirements in terms of body shape and psychological quality. It is absolutely possible for him to do this as a woman. "

Hearing that Li Nanheng's eyes cooled down.

Xiao Xu immediately said: "Actually, it's not very reliable to act like a woman. That's what I said just now. Those women who haven't seen them, haven't seen them before. They still have to find a real woman in the past. the best."

As soon as he finished speaking, several instructors next to him dragged his sleeves and asked him to shut up quickly, reminding him to look at the faces of the military leaders. They were not very good-looking.

Li Nanheng directly closed the computer in front of him, took the silver lighter on the side, and played it twice at will. The crisp sound of occasional ignition and then the flames and the small fire light seemed to reveal a little bit of suffocation. His fingers were icy cold on the silver lighter ...

"He's not suitable." Li Nanheng tilted his head, and his eyes were very firm: "Choose a candidate."

No one was sitting there, everyone knew that Feng Ling was indeed a candidate for this operation, but the boss's words were here, and no one could say more.

But the military side said: "Mr. Li, our action is to surround the terrorists who have threatened the president's personal safety for many years. The XI base is set up here to do everything ready to sacrifice, every The members of the base all know that they may not be killed in any dangerous mission. If Mr. Li is a member who cares for himself and fears that they are in danger, what is the point of setting up the base here? "

Li Nanheng threw the lighter in his hand back to the table indifferently, and asked very weakly: "The US military, police and police forces add up to tens of millions of people. The manpower is fully sufficient, but they let me members of the XI base again and again. Go to the top with my life, but I also want to ask, what is the meaning of your existence? "

"You ..." The person in charge of the military side immediately looked ugly, and after forbearing, he said, "This is the meaning of the above, to deal with such things as terror, terror, and children. The position of XI base in the United Nations is not to block The hardest shield in front? "

"So the person I cultivated carefully should die in vain?" Li Nanheng's eyes were cold and biting, "I will wait until I think about it, and I will make reasonable arrangements before I start the mission tomorrow."

The person in charge of the army. Fang smiled coldly, and looked at Feng Ling in an instant: "The time has come for the United Nations, Feng Ling, just to make you look like a woman who looks weak and harmless. The leader of the horror sub-spy spies enemies in a bar operated by the Red Light District of Los Angeles. The inside and outside cooperate with us to encircle their bosses cleanly, and at the same time directly overturn their bars and hidden bases in the underground. This kind of thing, but you just need to play It should not be difficult to be a woman. "

Feng Ling probably heard what it meant just now. Now when I hear the words of the person in charge of the military, I understand what they are discussing just now.

She didn't say anything, just looked at Li Nanheng.

Li Nanheng's eyes narrowed, and he held one hand on the table of the conference table, looking at Feng Ling's direction, his eyes were dark.

Just as Feng Ling was about to speak, Li Nanheng said with a cold voice, bitterly chilling: "A new person is not suitable for this operation. I will arrange another candidate, so I do n’t need to worry about it directly. under."

At the same time, he looked at her coldly: "Get out."


(Kiss drama warning, it will be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow ... including emotional drama and so on ...)

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