Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 867: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (130)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Li Nanheng, what the **** are you doing!" Feng Ling struggled to take his hand away,

Crazy, he must be crazy!

She stared at him with red eyes, but this was enough to make Feng Ling's body explode because of the heat.

"Li Nanheng! Let go! You let go!" Feng Ling once again began to struggle desperately, unable to do punches and kicks but absolutely no compromise, but with the body twisting,

She pinched her finger and looked at him in disbelief: "Li Nanheng, you put ... 唔 ——"

The man looked at her sadly, bowed down and kissed again, entangled again for a long time, until Feng Ling bite him again and again, and then he punished as if she suddenly took a bite at the root of her tongue and instantly hurt her. The whole body trembled, and the whole person was so crisp that they lost their energy like they had been hurt.

Li Nanheng's breathing was a bit heavy, and she let go of her lips, panting with a mute and terrifying voice, "This is the consequence of your disturbance. If you move again, it's not just your hands."

Feng Ling was also a little bit asthmatic. She was angry, forced and kissed. She bit her own teeth and said with hate: "Everyone is a man. Even if you don't just do it, what else can you do? Li Nanheng, don't think that you are the person in charge of the base and you can really do whatever you want! You let me go! "

The man looked at her flushed face and chuckled: "Who can say that a man can't do anything? If I really want to touch you, there is a way."

Feng Lingqi's leg was about to be opened, but he was again suppressed by his leg.

I'm afraid to find out that she is completely different from him.

Feng Ling suddenly raised her hand and bit a bit on his shoulder suddenly, but after biting for a long time, the man's eyebrows didn't frown, and she gasped with his hands desperately to compile his arm. On the unhealed wound, when he saw that he was still still, he went to scratch his ligament-wound wrist again, and he was still still.

"Li Nanheng!" She cut her teeth: "How can you stop!"

The pain in the arm came, but the man just glanced lightly because she was so brutally tearing and pulverizing the bleeding wound, and there was no evasive action, just hooking the lips, low dumb The voice ran in her ears: "It ’s a cruel means, knowing where I am most vulnerable, and specifically attacking my weaknesses, why? Kiss me and treat me directly as an enemy on the battlefield? No mercy at all ? "

"Where's this kiss, you are clearly ..." The voice from her anger suddenly swallowed back again, and looked at the man's pressed face again with some shock and more horror. This time he did not kiss, but his lips The distance from her lips is only half a finger, and if she moves a little, she can definitely stick it.

The man's face was close at hand, and the dark-colored black eyes like the deep sea were also close at hand. Feng Ling's lips trembled slightly. Two of his hands were pressed into fists by his hands pressed on the sides of the body. How can I struggle.

The scent of a young girl, like a girl, lingered around her nose, and her face, which turned from red to white and gradually turned pink, looked at her red ears and neck, and Li Nanheng's eyes grew more and more Deeper.

"Don't want me to touch you, just give me a break, otherwise I'm afraid it's hard to control myself now." Li Nanheng looked at her with glowing eyes because of her anger, and she did not move anymore when she was stiff At that moment, she took a long breath and let go of her hand suddenly, then stood up and backed away.

As soon as the body was free, Feng Ling quickly rolled on the bed, rolled to the side, raised her hand and dragged up some messy clothes, and turned to see the man near the bed, and her eyes turned again. Hate and anger.

"Don't look at me with this look, you haven't escaped the scope I control, and continue to stare without fear of death." The man glanced at her calmly, and then suddenly took off the white jersey vest on his upper body. .

Suddenly seeing the man's bare upper body, Feng Ling's sweaty hairs were erected, too late to admire the man's perfect figure, and stood up directly from the bed instantly.

Li Nanheng glanced at her furry little beastly look again, threw the vest in his hand aside, and turned directly into the bathroom.

Until I heard the sound of water in the bathroom, tight and full of alert Feng Ling slowly breathed a sigh of relief, regardless of the turn and rushed straight out, "bang" took the door behind him .

Hearing the sound of a door from outside, Li Nanheng stood in the cold and biting water, supported the wall with one hand, and let the cold water shower down, but still felt the fire in the body and the constant desire to rise. Hope did not get half a point reduce.

Even as soon as she closed her eyes, Feng Ling blushed under him, and even her neck looked magnificent.

For a moment just now, there was only one idea in his mind, that is, to calm down the ordinary day, the skill is very fast, but sometimes the dumb and dumb guy who was speechless and cowardly bullied him all over. Seeing his white face flushed with flush, watching his calm and indifferent expression panic because of him, watching him lose his calm struggle, and even crying directly under him.

Li Nanheng frowned, closed his eyes, and cursed in his heart.

Damn, why didn't he think he had a psychological problem before.

No matter how you feel, you feel that the mentality at that moment is almost equal to metamorphosis, let alone say that Feng Ling is a man, and the most important thing is that he is still a young adult.

The cold water was flushed for more than ten minutes, and the desire to boil and burn was still not reduced, but the body was about to be numbed by the water ice. The man turned off the shower with one hand, wrapped a towel around his lower body, and turned away.

The room was empty, except for the messy bed and the cold dishes on the table.

Li Nanheng lit his cigarette heavily, only took a sip, then clamped it between his fingers without smoking, walked to the window, and glimpsed the black-painted balcony next door, without light.

Bacheng was really frightened by him. After he went back, he didn't turn on the lights.

The man stood in front of the window and gazed at the balcony next door for a while. He didn't look back until the cigarette **** was hot. He pressed it in the ashtray and looked at the wine on the table again.

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