Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 873: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (136)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Seeing that the man was getting closer and closer, even in the thick snow of half a meter deep, he still had a steady pace, and he had already reached her in a few steps.

Feng Ling raised her head, her eyes stunned.

Li Nanheng looked down at her, looking at her in a thick coat sitting in the snow, like a child wearing an adult's clothes, and seeing her look that had not been reflected for a long time, cold Meiyu moved: "Stupid?"

Feng Ling suddenly looked back at him, looked at him again, and then looked down to pick up the matches and lighters that fell on the ground, struggling to get up from the ground, the clothes were too large and too thick, it was inconvenient to stand up, She reluctantly stood still, and looked at the man in front of her again, looking at the white mist breathing from the man's mouth, and determined that this was really Li Bo, not a phantom.

"Boss, why are you here ..."

Li Nanheng gave a glance at her sloppy expression, turned his head to glance at the white snow and the various steep icy mountain walls, and the sound of indifferent tone seemed inexplicably tender in this severe cold: "In the base, Han Jin and Li's family sent Afeng temporarily in charge. You can't really throw your hairy guys to the Rogers Pass to survive."

Self-destruction is not enough, but in the past two days, everyone was boring in the tent. While sitting and chatting together, several team members did sigh and sigh in the tent and said whether the leaders of the base think they are usually lazy or do they think Which mission did not perform well during the operation. It was a group of people abandoned or stocked by the base. Otherwise, how could they be thrown into such a place where the birds do not **** to be stationed, which is more than those of the border stationed troops or the border peacekeeping team. awful.

No matter how Feng Ling explained to them, they were still infected by this kind of emotion. It ’s easy to say that they restored their morale. Now they just go out looking for rivers to fish, but it ’s estimated that the big guy ’s heart still complains about the base. .

Now Li Bo comes here in person, he only needs to stop here, it is more useful than her to explain a hundred sentences to them.

The boss came here in person, indicating that the base did not give up on them, not to mention that they did not pay attention to them. It could even explain how important the garrison mission here was. It could instantly dispel the cranky emotions of those members.

"So the boss came to see everyone, to encourage everyone's mood?" Feng Ling asked again, while looking at the car parked not far away, there was no one else in the car, but he drove over by himself .

It's a long way from the center of Montana, it's a long road, and it takes a long time to drive, especially the road up the mountain is very dangerous. He may encounter an avalanche at any time, and he even drove over by himself.

Li Nanheng didn't explain, only glanced at her hand in the cold wind: "What are you doing?"

Feng Ling paused and pointed to the pile of dry wood on the ground: "I'm trying to ignite the fire. Although the tools and equipment that brought the fire are good, but if you really want to live here for three months, those Save everything, otherwise you will probably run out of it in less than a month. "

"I ran out of it. The base didn't throw you here. Every ten days, someone will send you the necessary supplies."

Having said that, Li Nanheng reached out and took the match and lighter in her hand. Feng Ling watched him and subconsciously gave up the pile of dry wood.

She usually does not smoke and rarely uses match lighters, so she is a little rusty about the kind of igniting.

Although there are field survival training in the base, most of them are related to tropical forestry or forests. She grew up in a wolf cave since she was a child. She has been very confident about the survival of the field. As a result, she did not expect the first time after the base. The survival in the wild is actually in such a severe cold. Even if it is calm as Feng Ling, I did not sleep well last night. I have been worrying. I do n’t know how to live in such a cold place for three months.

Li Nanheng squatted down and reached out to check the fire she placed on the ground, and said lightly, "This is snow on the ground, and there is thick ice under the snow. Do you want to make a fire on it? Even if there is a fire, it doesn't come out It will die in a few minutes. "

Then, the man glanced at the two tents not far away: "The tent has the function of preventing fire and cold at the same time. Why not get it inside?"

Feng Ling pointed to the vicinity: "I want to make a slightly larger place here opposite the tent. I want to make all the snow on the ground. After all, the tent is used to rest and live. The firewood and the base are transported here. Of coal is burning in it, and I am concerned that in case of danger such as coal poisoning. "

"Open the tent properly to let the air out, and there will be no poisoning if there is flowing air." Li Nanheng dialed the firewood on the ground and lit it three or two times.

Then, as he said, the wind was cold here, and before the fire touched the snow below, it was blown out.

The man was still squatting there, examining how thick the ice was in the snow.

Feng Ling stood behind him, looking at a man wearing a thick black winter coat like her. She wondered if the size of her clothes was made according to his height and shape? It was so big and thick and swollen. When I first wore it that day, I walked like a toddler who walked back and forth, and walked back and forth smoothly today.

But looking at Li Nanheng's spinning cold clothes, they are also very thick clothes, but they are inexplicably not bloated at all, and they even look stylish.

Feng Ling glanced at him, and then looked at his trouser legs pulled up three times, pouting, but said nothing.

The man in front stood up, Feng Ling looked at the pile of dry wood on the ground again: "Doesn't work?"

Li Nanheng turned her head and looked at her: "The road is all people's way. Nothing will work. What about the three fat people?"

"They are tired of eating dry food these days, and said they are going to find the river below the snow mountain, break the ice and catch some fish and come back to eat."

Li Nanheng took a few steps forward, as if walking, and measuring how thick the snow and ice were nearby. A few minutes later, he stood a few meters away and broke a stone covered by frost and snow on the ground. , Said, "When they come back, tell them to use the ice-breaking tool to cut out the snow and ice within 20 square meters here. Your car should have a base for you to prepare. No snow or ice on the ground. After that, spread those things, and as long as you maintain them every day, they will not freeze for three months. "

It turned out that those things in the car were so used. No wonder the person in charge who sent them to Montana at the time said that although they would send them here regularly, they could basically use everything in their car.

That was what it meant.

It is indeed the XI base, and everything is prepared very carefully.

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