Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 887: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (150)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Seeing this group of people dead and injured, San Fat couldn't help laughing and laughed: "Mum. I'll tell you to chase Lao Tzu, a bunch of waste!"

"I didn't expect food to be used for food. The ice caves that have been cut for so long have actually come in handy." Dabin also laughed, raised his hand and patted on Sanfa's shoulder: "Listen No, the boss said that he would like to reward you with ten pounds of barbecue. In such a bitter cold place, ten pounds of barbecue are worth more than ten pounds of gold! "

Three fat smiled, he raised his eyes and looked at Li Nanheng: "Boss, you have to talk!"

Li Nanheng glanced at him, ignored him with a sneer, and just sneered the gun in his hand to his waist: "There are still a bunch of people waiting to be resolved above, and I will reward you when it is over."

"Good grin!" San Fat stomped his feet in excitement, and smiled as he stomped: "Mom, these silly forks, they rushed up when they said they rushed. This is a force that never thought of a food. A hole was cut in the ice that no one broke for hundreds of years. Hahahaha, I just said that it's not wrong to be fat, it's not wrong to eat, hahaha ... "

Seeing San Fei's proud look, Feng Ling shook his head and smiled, put his gun away, ignored those who fell to the ground behind him, hurried forward, glanced at Li Nanheng's left hand, and glanced at his again. Right hand.

Although Feng Ling didn't speak, San Fat and Da Bin suddenly remembered the position of the boss holding the gun in his left hand and immediately exclaimed: "By the boss, your left hand made the gun so slippery! Too great! "

Li Nanheng is neither salty nor light: "After returning to the base, every night while others are going back to rest, I will go to practice shooting with my left hand for two hours. Within three years, so are you."

"So the boss is reminding us that even if you are a hard boss, you have a period of hard work, right? Geniuses are not all born, but also rely on the efforts of the day after tomorrow ..." Three fat faces were filled What the soul chicken soup looks like, full of worship.

"Why can't Li boss have a hard time? Although the boss is from Li's family, I heard that several old men threw the boss into the base a long time ago, regardless of the boss. At that time, the boss estimated that he was very young and should be older than Feng Lingjin. It's still small when it comes to bases, "said Da Bin.

Li Nanheng ignored them, only glanced at Feng Ling, and said, "Don't worry, I didn't use my right hand just now."

Feng Ling then looked away, and never said more.

Although Feng Ling was always quiet, the eyes of concern were still very clear. Li Nanheng slightly hooked his lips and went directly to the other way up the mountain: "Go, go back and solve the remaining ones."

I thought that I could still go back and forth for a while in this fierce battle. Everyone has already prepared for the possibility of casualties and even a long time to end. As a result, I did not expect that such an ice cave would solve a big problem. How long did it take to resolve it so quickly ...

San Fat whistled and walked in front, and Da Bin was listening to San Fat as he whistleed and bragged along the way. He forced himself to say that he had a lot of foresight, and Da Bin's mouth twitched constantly. he.

Just before the two men had gone a little far away, Li Nanheng suddenly stepped on his feet, suddenly pushing Feng Ling as soon as Feng Ling walked to him.

Feng Ling didn't expect that he would suddenly push himself, a slump fell to the side, and the moment he fell to the ground, a bullet passed silently by a muffler gun passed her neck, Although there was only a bloodstain on the epidermis, the pain suddenly struck, and she suddenly looked back behind her.

I saw that among those who fell to the ground, two of them were just hit in the abdomen, and fell to the ground pretending to be dead, and killed them after they temporarily lost their defenses.

Looking again at the actions of the two men, Li Nanheng did not wait for Feng Ling to fall to the ground to reflect that he had turned around and drew his gun and turned back to meet.

Feng Ling raised her hand and touched it around her neck. There was only a very light blood mark. She glanced at the blood on her fingers, and she stood up and rushed forward.

San Fat and Da Bin heard the sound, "Hey?", And looked back to see the situation, when even a "bad" sentence, they were busy returning.

At this time, I didn't know where to kill a few more people, and successfully intercepted San Fat and Da Bin.

Feng Ling had chased it up, but after the injury, the man in the excellent black suit was hiding quickly. When they chased back, one of them suddenly jumped forward and blocked directly. Before Feng Ling.

Feng Ling faced the challenge alone, and Yu Guang in the corner of his eye saw Li Nanheng chasing the fastest runner, and frowned.

Even if he is more powerful, now the wrist of his right hand is still a temporary weakness. If that person finds that his right hand cannot move for a while, it is broken ...

Feng Ling quickly turned to avoid the bullet, and then leapt to the side and slammed down the snow on the mountain wall. His backhand was a shot at the man, but he avoided it.

On the other side, Li Nanheng saw that the man in the black dress was not only good at his skills, but also obviously trained very professionally in ambush. However, with a few strokes, the opponent began to attack his right hand, and Li Nanheng avoided his right hand Suddenly, he fired and shot the gun in his left hand to the ground.

Just at the moment, Li Nanheng knew that there were no more bullets in the gun, and it didn't make much sense to pick it up. He only seemed to take two steps backwards, and then took advantage of the opponent's gun to attack him. His foot kicked the gun on the ground, but instead of putting it in his hand, he slammed forward while the gun was in the middle of the air.

The **** that flew in the past fiercely smashed on the man's face, taking advantage of the tenths of a second he closed his eyes, Li Nanheng leaned forward and rushed forward, curving his left arm fiercely at him Abdominal attack, and when he was holding a gun to fire at his back, he raised his head and slammed into his chin again, shot his arm around his wrist, grabbed the gun in his hand, and sneered, using The look of "brother I understand you" sneered at him.

The weight of the gun was obvious, and he had few bullets left.

The other side was ashamed and angry because of his look. The two lost their weapons to each other on the ice of the river, and directly shot hand-to-hand combat. Nan Nan's skills quickly and accurately made the other party helpless, but after all, they were just in the ice cave. Having suffered, he always stepped on the ice that was melted by blood on the ground when he stepped back, and then slipped back fiercely. While Nan Heng shot, he would hold the backhand that he held down and forced him towards him. After falling off.

Li Nanheng's eyes were cold, and he grabbed his collar tightly, and the two rolled away in the direction of the ice cave.

"Boss——" The person Feng Lingying opened in front of him suddenly saw Li Nanheng and that person's body rolled out of control in the crack of the river, but they fell directly into the huge ice cave in the blink of an eye. !!

Feng Ling's heart jumped fiercely, and he turned back with a shot. At the moment when the other man's eyebrows were bleeding, he turned and rushed forward—


(Be assured that nothing will happen. I will use this to plan a high fever. Then I will give you a lot of benefits that you ca n’t imagine. At the age of seventeen, it is cooked and ready to eat ... ...)

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