Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 894: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (157)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Early dawn.

Da Bin returned from the outside with a snowstorm, and returned to the tent where Li Nanheng was located.

"How did you make a substitution? Didn't you say that you want San Fat to take care of you here at night? You haven't slept for a few days, what are you doing here again?" Dabin shook the snow outside her clothes and went to the bed Side, while looking at the man on the bed who still looked lethargic: "How is it, still burning?"

Feng Ling looked back, then realized that she was sitting here for a few hours, and forgot to continue to take the temperature of the boss, she took a thermometer and said, "38 degrees five."

"Although it's still burning, this temperature should not matter to the boss. It's over forty degrees, and it should be fine." Da Bin said while looking at Feng Ling, he frowned suddenly. , Looked down at her carefully: "What's up on your neck?"

Feng Ling raised his hand sharply and placed it on his neck.

Although her clothes were thick, the collar was not too high. At that time, she was too rushed to wear it, and she did not pay attention to the kiss marks on her neck.

"I don't have a good throat. I learned some of the methods that the old man said. I touched my neck with wine and squeezed it. It may be red."

At this angle, Da Bin also just saw the red marks exposed. Before he looked too carefully, he was covered by the action of Feng Ling pulling the collar upward.

He has no doubt about it. In the snow and ice, everyone may have a cold, fever, and sore throat is also normal. Besides, Feng Ling has been taking care of the boss these days. It is estimated that fatigue and fire are uncomfortable.

"Da Bin, I'm not very comfortable. I'll go to rest next door and know that you've been patrolling outside for a hard night. I'll call Da Hu ..."

"No, if you are uncomfortable, hurry to lie down and sleep. No body can hold you back here a few days ago, sleeplessly." Dabin said as he pointed his chin at the door of the tent, meaning to urge She hurried to rest, without intending to keep her.

Feng Ling stood up and did not go to see the man on the bed again. She walked straight out. When she was about to go to the door, she stopped and said, "Last night, the three fats tried to make the boss relieve the pain of dizziness. I poured a bottle of white wine into the boss, and now I do n’t know if the boss ’s body can stand it. Although the temperature has temporarily dropped a little, I feel that it may burn again at any time. Keep your eyes on it. ”

"Grass! Did the dead fat man get kicked by the donkey? How can a high fever person drink alcohol!"

"He's also kind of confused." Feng Ling was indeed very angry, but in order to avoid Da Bin's bad temper, he really sought three fat accounts, and he had to be relieved when he told him to stare at Li Nanheng's temperature again. One sentence.

Then, after Da Bin's stern face returned to the bed and sat down, he got out of the tent.

Physical discomfort is really uncomfortable, and it is really sore and tired that I really want to lie down and sleep for a long time.

But just after coming out, the cold wind blowing outside, the wind in the early hours was very cold.

Feng Ling exhaled a long breath, raised her hand and pulled the collar up a bit, and stood outside just like this for a while. She didn't wear the thickest outerwear, only thin feathers, and the cold wind was almost rapid. Penetrating through the clothes, it was as if only such a cold bone could freeze all the hot and hot traces inside and outside her body, and everything was calm in all the confusion.

I don't know how long Feng Ling stood outside, and the three fat Zhengxiang who had been sleeping suddenly felt a cold approaching, and a terrified eye opened his eyes. As a result, he suddenly saw that Feng Ling was lying with a cold in his distance. He was in the quilt about a meter away, and then covered the quilt in his head, and went to sleep without saying a word.

San Fat sat up violently and shoved her across the quilt: "Hey, Feng Ling, did the boss have a fever last night? Where have you been just now? How long have you been standing outside? So cold on your body, put The cold outside is brought in. "

Seeing that Feng Ling in the quilt didn't respond, San Fat frowned, and murmured again: "You can't lie down like this, it must be warm and then lie down, otherwise your cold condition will not be covered by the quilt. It will be warm. "

Seeing Feng Ling still did not respond, only when San Fat was going to drag her quilt, the person inside seemed to be in a very bad mood and dragged the quilt up firmly, and no one was allowed to lift the quilt.

Three Fat's action was delayed, but she no longer dragged, but I was afraid she was really sick. It did n’t take long for the total to come to Rogers Pass. First, he had a cold and high fever, and then the boss picked up a life. It was also a serious illness. It is estimated that this place can leave a lot of shadows on these people and they will never come again.

Three fats got out of bed and pushed the stove to the bed closest to Feng Ling, sure not to burn the quilt, and also to make Feng Ling warm, so he turned around and signaled everyone else who was ready to get up quietly, let Feng Ling has a good rest.

Everyone knows that Feng Ling has been taking care of the boss these past few days. It is estimated that he didn't take a good rest yesterday afternoon. I didn't expect to have taken care of it last night.

There is no need for three fat reminders, and the movement of getting out of bed is very small, and try not to be noisy to Feng Ling, especially when I heard that Feng Ling may be uncomfortable, everyone decided to go Have breakfast next door, and the tent here is left for Feng Ling to take a good rest.

After Feng Ling fell into the quilt, she felt the hot and swollen head in the frosty, slightly woody head, but she closed her eyes and couldn't move, no one wanted to ignore it, and didn't want to say a word.


In the afternoon, Feng Ling was a little confused and couldn't open her eyes, but when she heard someone returning to the tent to pick up something, she said, "What can I do, didn't the body temperature of the boss drop a lot yesterday? Why did he burn it back? It ’s thirty-nine degrees. The physical fitness and resistance of this boss is definitely the best in our base. Is this the legend that you will not get sick once every few years, and it will take a long time to get sick once? "

"How can it be? It ’s not San Fat, the dead fat guy blasted in the middle of the night yesterday, and filled the boss with wine. The boss hasn't woken up yet. It definitely has something to do with that bottle of wine. The degree of liquor is so high. This is our boss The body can withstand it, and it can be replaced by anyone else. If he can't bear it, the fat guy will probably be directly guilty of murder! "

"The boss has been sleeping for several days now. The water in this river is so terrible that even the boss can fall, hey."

"The Rogers Pass is uninhabited all year round. This river has been frozen for decades or even hundreds of years. It is good for normal people to fall in and survive. I just hope the boss can survive it."

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