Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 905: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (168)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling shook her head: "It's okay, my stomach is not very comfortable."

Qiao Fei looked at her carefully, and then looked at her inexplicable expression. Although I didn't know if it would be too abrupt, she still whispered: "Yes ... that's what a woman would have every month How many days? "

Feng Ling glanced at him immediately.

A big man knows a lot.

Although he was unwilling to tell such a thing, he nodded his head: "But it's okay, let's train normally."

Now the sniper team is intensifying their training every day. Although the weather is cold, it cannot be stopped or rested easily. After all, the United Nations and the US military will send various bosses over here, and they will focus on inspecting the sniper team.

"Can it stand?"


"On that line, I only practice guns today, do less other actions, and do not move too much."

Seeing that she didn't seem to plan to delay training because of this kind of thing, although Qiao Fei hoped to speak now and let her go to rest, she saw that the other four were still practicing, so she had to keep her practicing, only Give her a cup of hot water during the occasional break.

Until noon time to go to the cafeteria, Auntie Jelly usually has a rest time in the morning, and only works at noon and evening.

Feng Ling wanted to thank her for what happened last night, but after arriving at the cafeteria, she learned that Aunt Jerry suddenly resigned last night and left the base overnight.


Is it because of her?

Could it be because Aunt Jelly kept this secret to help her, but because she was an honest person, she was too entangled in her heart, and she was afraid of talking about her, so she just left the base. Lest they cause trouble?

Aunt Jelly has been good in the base. If it wasn't for her secret that was unintentionally discovered by Aunt Jelly, how could things develop to such a point ...

Feng Ling couldn't take a few bites at this lunch, and kept thinking about it. While everyone else was still eating, she got up and went out and called Aunt Jerry.

After getting through, it turned out that Fang had shut down.

Feng Ling was not reconciled, and was afraid that Aunt Jerry left because of something else, and went back to the cafeteria to ask other staff and chefs, but everyone could not explain the reason.

I just said that Aunt Jerry packed and left last night. When she left, she said nothing, but she seemed to be in a calm state. It did n’t seem to be angry or aggrieved. They left without leaving any words for them.

This matter suddenly became a big rock in Feng Ling's heart, and she was absent-minded during the afternoon training, including not sleeping well at night.

When I woke up the next day, my stomach didn't hurt as much as I did yesterday, but there will still be some faint pain, and the physical strength in these days of each month will be less than usual, and you will easily feel tired.

When going to the morning exercise, Qiao Fei probably knew it. Let them do a simple warm-up exercise with a small range of movement first, and then continue to just practice the gun.

During the rest, Qiao Fei was just like yesterday, holding a glass of water to pass over to her: "Beginning to see you yesterday afternoon, not only did you look bad, but my mood didn't seem to be so good. If there is something, say, I can help you solve it Help you, don't be alone. "

Feng Ling took over the water: "It's nothing, except that Auntie Jelly in the cafeteria has suddenly left, and it will be difficult to eat what she makes in the future."

Qiao Fei immediately laughed, raised her hand and rubbed her head: "You don't look like food, do you usually eat anything? This time I started to eat and walked away. Can the auntie make you feel so sorry? "

Qiao Fei's rubbing of her head made Feng Ling pause for a moment. She only glanced at him and said nothing.

I went out yesterday and took a small case with the police. Li Nanheng, who came back today, saw this scene while passing the entrance of the sniper training camp.

The man wore a white shirt and black trousers, but the jacket did not wear a suit. Instead, he wore a black combat suit jacket. Obviously it was not particularly suitable for matching together, but it was worn on the man's tall and erect body. It was a different kind of handsome feeling.

Li Nanheng glanced at Feng Ling sitting on the bench, holding the hot water cup in his hand and letting Qiao Fei rub his head, his eyes showed a chill, and when he returned to the base, he was going to change clothes first. Swap the shirts and trousers he used to hate, but it is obviously more important now.

Turning around, the man walked directly into the training camp.


AK they took care of him, and they were routinely ignored by Li Nanheng. They also smiled and should greet and continue to say hello, anyway, the boss is the boss.

Hearing the movement, Qiao Fei turned back to see the man who had come, and then saw Li Nanheng's eyes lightly approached, it seemed that the goal was towards Feng Ling, and he immediately took a step to the side subconsciously, but it seemed unintentional, but It was very intentional to block Feng Ling sitting on the bench behind him, and said, "Boss, you have cooperated with the police to handle that small case. The pace of progress in the training camp yesterday and today is very good, five people. Now the design of the sniper rifle is very stable enough to pass the inspection. "

Li Nanheng had no temperature wink, because Qiao Fei blocked Feng Ling behind him with a protective gesture, but his eyes sank suddenly.

He dragged his jacket down and folded it directly into his arms, so he wore a white shirt in almost three to four degrees below zero, and then opened the shirt's neckline with a few delicate and expensive buttons. The temperature is cold and scary.

Although Qiao Fei blocked his sight, the air around him felt like a few degrees lower. Feng Ling was not unaware.

She held the glass in her hand, but her stomach was not very comfortable. If she could not provoke him, it would be better not to provoke him. Anyway, Qiao Fei was already in front of her. She now wanted to let Qiao Fei walk away.

"It's so cold that you have to sit on the training ground and drink hot water?" Li Nanheng's gaze was looking at Qiao Fei's face, but his voice was clearly speaking to the people behind him.

After waiting for Feng Ling to explain, Qiao Fei directly said: "Boss, these two days have cooled down, and there will be an important inspection immediately. We cannot let them have a cold or illness. I specially put the insulation pot here to make them Drink more hot. "

"Really? Why is there no heat in the cups of other people?" Li Nanheng glanced gently at the hot water on Feng Ling's cup, and looked at the cups in the hands of others coldly.

But when I turned back again, looking at the heat on the cup, I remembered her special situation in the past few days, and instantly understood why she had to drink hot these days.

The coldness in the man's eyes eased a little, but he frowned because of the attitude of Qiao Fei who kept him behind.

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