Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 907: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (170)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

But he said nothing.

Now sending Feng Ling out at the most appropriate time is equivalent to letting her take the opportunity to avoid these words.

Isn't Li boss not only trying to drive her away, but also protecting her secretly?

However, it seems that it is impossible. The Li family has always been strict with many of the rules and regulations of the base. The old masters of the Li family are more serious than the boys. If the old masters of the Li family know that, It is not known what they are going to be blasted to. With the rational thinking of the boss, it should not take such a big risk to maintain such a seal, not to mention that there are already rumors.

But if it wasn't for maintenance ... it was obviously a small task of the police station, but Feng Ling was sent alone ...


Early the next morning, Feng Ling, carrying his sniper rifle, left the base and went to the Los Angeles City Police Department to help.

The act of besieging the culprit this time was very simple. All she needed was to kill the culprit in the opposite building window at the top of a sixty-story building on the mission site. The test was only her marksmanship and sniper rifle. Proficiency in operation.

Because in the window of the opposite building, the police informant took the risk to lead people to the appropriate place, so success must not be allowed, otherwise many police will sacrifice for this.

The police did not particularly trust her marksmanship, but after all, she was sent from the XI base, and she could only risk cooperation and bet on it.

However, the final result was that Feng Ling's mission was completed very well. This shot of more than 300 meters away from the opposite building directly hit the back of the murderer's boss, and then a shot to the next most powerful one. The helper also headshot directly, saving a lot of trouble for the police.

Two shots ended the mission, Feng Ling picked up the gun and left without talking to anyone.

But before he was about to return to the XI base, Xiao Xu suddenly called her and said that the base would be entertaining the VIPs in the next few days, and there were some things that needed to be prepared but not bought. She wanted to make a list for her After finishing the mission outside, I went directly to buy and buy things, and then returned to the base after buying.

After receiving the list from Xiao Xu, Feng Ling looked at so many items on the list, and they were not only available in Los Angeles. She also drove to the cities next door to buy, so the time was counted. Even if she bought it back at the fastest speed, it would take at least two or three days.

Why is it so easy?

These two days happened to be uncomfortable, and it was just these two days that I didn't want to go back to the base to feel the sight of so many people exploring.

Feng Ling hooked his lips, took the list directly, walked back to the car carrying the sniper rifle, threw the gun into the car, and went straight to the first stop of purchasing land.


In a large shopping mall in Los Angeles, the first floor of the mall is a special food seasoning area.

Feng Ling walked in, with a good sense of direction, went directly to the location of the seasoning to buy, and asked the clerk inside for 20 pounds of seasoning. This is when the base is used to entertain VIPs and specialize in certain luxurious dishes. It must be used. It is said that the name of this seasoning is Misi. Few people have eaten it, and few people know what it is. The taste of this thing is very special. Generally, only exceptionally rich and tasteful chefs buy it Or some countries add this kind of miso to certain dishes when they entertain VIPs, the taste will be very delicious, but the quantity required at one time is too large, you can't buy it in some ordinary places, you must buy it here, and Every day this store seems to only prepare 20 pounds, if you exceed this, you can only wait the next day.

After Feng Ling told the shop assistant about her request, the shop assistant nodded and went in. She waited outside, and after waiting for about ten minutes, she heard a light and elegant perfume coming close, and she looked back at a The slender young woman with sunglasses walked by. Feng Ling didn't know much about the women's nameplates and bags. I only saw an H on the bag and a J on the shoes. The other letters were not clear, but it looked like It should be expensive.

Moreover, she vaguely felt that this woman seemed to have met somewhere, but her impression was not clear.

The clerk inside had just taken out the twenty pounds of seasoning for Feng Ling, and suddenly saw the lady who came in, and hurried forward to ask.

I do n’t know what the other party said. The shop assistant hesitated, turned around and went back to the warehouse, and walked out shortly afterwards. He said politely, "Miss Feng, this is the 20 pounds of misc you want. It should be enough for the top chefs you have invited. Generally, this kind of celebrity party, the dishes are very rich, and the seasoning such as rice is more delicious, Miss Feng did not expect that you would understand these things. "

Feng Ling stood by and looked around. At first, when the clerk shouted Miss Feng, she thought she was calling herself, wondering how this person knew she was a woman.

As a result ... it turned out to be the next one.

Feng Ling walked over: "I'm sorry, aren't you guys limited to 20 pounds of this dressing every day? If I remember correctly, I just came here first, and you're going to get things out later, and you're preparing to Me, what do you mean now, cut off halfway? "

Her tone sounded mild and calm, but her eyes clearly did not have any intention to let the clerk take the initiative.

The clerk froze for a moment, and then looked at the so-called Miss Feng next to her. It was a little embarrassing. She whispered to Feng Ling: "I'm sorry, these Miss Feng are the big Miss Feng family. She has VIP status in our mall Besides, this kind of young lady will appear in this food seasoning area. It is already very noticeable. If it offends her, we won't be all right, so please wait for another day. Today, let her take it away. ,OK?"

Feng Ling smiled, but her eyes were not warm: "I can understand you, but I believe that your shopping mall knows first come first come, even if she is the wife of the president, she should follow the rules."

"This ..." The clerk was a little distressed for a while.

The lady Feng then glanced at Feng Ling, then took off the sunglasses on her face, and then looked up and down Feng Ling, wondering, "Where have I seen you?"

After Miss Feng took off her sunglasses, Feng Ling could clearly see her face and hear her again, which was a reminder.

That time in the hospital, when Mrs. Feng and Qin Shuke were in her ward, the young lady of the family Feng Mingzhu also came in once. At that time, Feng Ling didn't pay much attention to her, but it happened like this. Seeing each other will make some impressions.

Feng Ling recognized her, but after all she wasn't familiar. She went straight to the subject without changing her face: "Miss Feng, I have just set a 20-pound miso."

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