Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 919: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (182)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

From the beginning, there was no wasted energy to struggle and Feng Ling. The moment he held the dagger tightly in his hand, he suddenly turned over fiercely. At the moment when the fat commander hadn't reflected it, he tried hard and fiercely. Stabbed the dagger at the hand he pressed on his shoulder!

"Ah-" The sharp dagger stabbed into the back of Fat Commander's hand instantly, and was more directly pierced by the blood. When he screamed, he relaxed his hands.

Feng Ling stood up on the edge of the sofa, because of the instability of his feet, but turned his eyes sharply. Scarlet eyes looked at him with murderous eyes because of his feet of medicine and anger. Do n’t give it to him. When he was holding his hand firmly, he suddenly stepped forward and knocked people to the ground, kicking his foot on his rolling belly, and hitting his face was fierce. Severely slap in the face, without a word of nonsense, directly drew the dagger to the aorta of his neck.

The fat commander did not expect that she would have such a sharp and swift skill after she took the medicine. He obviously looks like a thin and weak boy ...

"You ..." Fat Commander's hand was painful, and he shuddered because of the coolness on his neck and the bloodthirsty killing in Feng Ling's eyes. The shock in his eyes turned into fear: " How brave! Dare to hurt me! Do you know who I am! "

Feng Ling sneered and looked at him: "You say one more nonsense, no matter who you are, it's the same as my dead soul! Do you think I will be scared? It's a big deal to deal with scum like you!"

"Down together? You represent the XI base! You dare to make trouble with us, believe it or not, the people above will report it so that you can't eat it all around the XI base!" Fat Commander's pierced hand kept hurting Trembling, his hands bleed outward, but his eyes were still full of arrogance, forcing all the fear down, he didn't believe that this kid really had the courage to dare to fight with the army.

Hearing a few words from the XI base, Feng Ling's murderous eyes gradually recovered a sense of calm, but there was only such a trace.

There was a sudden footstep outside the door at this moment. Ak realized that Feng Ling hadn't returned for a long time, for fear of something. After all, she left his eyes for more than ten minutes for the first time these days. When I noticed this building, I noticed that it was wrong, and I didn't care that many of them fainted, rushed in, and knocked in directly.

The moment I entered the door, this was the scene. The fat commander fell to the ground, his hands were covered with blood, and Feng Ling's eyes were flushed to suppress the fat commander. In his hand was a blood-stained dagger, which was against the opponent's neck. As long as you use a little more force, you can directly kill people!

"Feng Ling, what are you doing ?!" Even if you remember to protect Feng Ling, this is still the military. After all, if she dares to work with the commander here, then none of them will want to leave, and the XI base will also Will definitely be implicated.

Before he returned just now, he had already called Li Boss. Li Bos with a group of elites in the base were on a mission ten kilometers away. He had planned to come directly over the missions, and sent them ahead of schedule five days earlier. Take it back and talk to the boss Li and hung up.

Master Li hasn't arrived yet, so don't go wrong!

While Feng Ling was clutching the fat commander's collar, struggling to kill him alive, and his dagger was still against his neck, his eyes were cold, and he hated word by word: "They gave I prescribe medicine. "

A K's heart suddenly jumped fiercely, and he suddenly turned to look at the speed kettle next to him, understood her meaning, and frowned.

But looking at Feng Ling's current state, he should not have suffered a big loss. Even though he still has the urge to kill this scum, he must bear it for the sake of the overall situation.

And it seems that the fat commander's hand was also injured by Feng Feng.

He hurriedly walked over and pulled Feng Ling up. Feng Ling was sorry first, and A.K whispered, pressing **** her shoulder like a warning: "Boss is coming right away, if there is any dispute, we will tell Boss , Don't use this method to solve it by yourself, otherwise it will be difficult to do it! "

Speaking, he lowered his voice to her ear again: "You have hurt the commander, even if they are the ones who came first, but this is the way of life, his status does not allow you to do something too extraordinary, listen Mine, wait until the boss comes over! "

Feng Ling remained motionless, looking grimly on the floor, but at this moment, the fat commander smiled proudly.

He saw that they were afraid to act in order to take care of the overall situation.

Feng Ling's hand holding his collar was even tighter.

"I and you are on the same front, the boss asked me to protect you, but after all, we are the XI base, Feng Ling, you will destroy the XI base ..."

The bloodthirsty eyes in Feng Ling's eyes gradually faded, and he retracted the dagger, and then released the people on the ground. At the same time, A was pulled hard by Ak, and he took a step backward. She held the dagger tightly in her palm. But he did n’t make another shot. He only looked at the fat commander who stood up on the ground with one hand coldly. He did n’t want to say a word. He was pressing the fiery agitation in the body and the urge to kill, fearing that he would not control himself , Suddenly turned around and went straight out.

Ak saw that her eyes weren't right, and she didn't know how serious the medicine that these **** had given her. She frowned, and was about to go out with her.

"Two wastes! I thought I could escape in this kind of place?" The fat commander looked at this K seems to be afraid to do anything to him, and Feng Ling couldn't hold on because of his medicinal properties. After all, he was a man. My face has just been injured and my hand has been stabbed. Even if I have been injured, I can't stand the anger.

"Bang!" Suddenly Feng Ling suddenly walked over and held his head, slamming it against the wall by the door, and instantly a warm red liquid flowed down her forehead. It came down and stained the wall.

A K's eyes were swollen: "Mom! What are you **** doing!" He stepped forward and pulled away the fat commander, and in the past it was necessary to lift Feng Ling up, but the fat commander suddenly absent He took out a gun from his waist and pointed it directly at the back of A K's head. A K's movements stopped and he didn't move anymore, but his eyes were still worried. How did Feng Ling move, she could only see blood flowing down her forehead.

A K's hand fists into a fist.

Feng Ling closed her eyes and for a long time because A said he couldn't cause trouble for the XI base. He was about to turn around to save A. The fat commander held the gun in one hand and the other was still injured The active hand suddenly stretched out, dragging Feng Ling's hair fiercely and hit her head against the wall again!

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