Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 929: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (192)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Exactly across her not very thick pants, the man just pressed it down.

In this way, the girl's hand was held up by the man, but she felt the coolness of the ointment under her palm, and Li Nanheng's mind suddenly slackened, and she lowered her palm, and saw the little stab wound by the dagger. It's not very deep, but it just stopped bleeding for a long time.

He really wanted to make her pay the price of cheating him for so long, asking her to cry on the bed, asking her to hoarsely call his name with her usual cold voice, and asking her to be in his body. Beg for mercy.

But now the coma and wounded Feng Ling couldn't bear any punishment from him.

Seeing her face turning redder, the man closed his eyes and suddenly pulled away and got up and went to the bathroom.

Under the cold water, the girl's face and body were still lingering in her head.


Although this time was a cold water bath, the heat could be gone for too long. Perhaps there was no way to explain it, and he couldn't restrain himself when he went out again.

Under the shower, the man closed his eyes, and his mind was full of white and seductive. The human body, the perfect muscle lines behind the man are tight, his head is raised, and his slender neck is stretched. The whole person suddenly has a wild nature. Junmei ...

The water droplets from the shower fell, and the muscle lines behind the man were tight and powerful.

I don't know how long, the man suddenly exhaled a long breath, and suddenly leaned back against the wall of the icy bathroom, letting the water vapor spread from the shower, wait until the water temperature changed from cold to hot, he did not take off his shirt At this moment, the whole body was already soaked, raised his hands and pressed the forehead flushed by the water, and his eyes were deep like an abyss.


When Li Nanheng came out of the bathroom, it was more than half an hour later.

The girl was still lying in a mess in her bed, her eyes still unable to open without force.

Seeing this scene, Li Nanheng almost felt that the explanation at that moment and a moment ago had been done in vain, and suddenly he turned to the closet and took a light-colored soft home clothes. After changing the clothes, he wiped his head and dripped water before he wiped his hands. Short hair, then walked back to the bedroom, kept calm and stepped forward to put on Ling Ling's clothes.

Li Nanheng's observation power has always been very strong. In the way she handled the chest wrap, how to untie it, and then entangle her, and the position of the last buckle is not exactly the same as before. Will be seen a little bit flawed.

After returning everything to its original state, the man was about to pick up a basin of cold water to help her wipe her sweating face because of her medicinal properties, but the snoring of the girl kept on challenging her self-control.

Li Nanheng originally thought that he had a strong self-control, especially in this aspect of women, he really never had an undesired urge.

Available for Feng Ling.

Whether it was once thought that she was a man, or now that she is a woman.

There is no difference.

Want her.

From the moment he thought he was really bent, these three words were already written on his face.

He never hid, and was even more calm to worry about any change.

When Feng Ling's clothes were re-dressed, she was still in the hot water of torture by medicine, and she did not know that in such a short time, she had been kissed and touched by men, and touched. Take advantage of the cheap.



Feng Ling was suddenly awakened in a moment of coldness. When she opened her eyes, she was still a little stunned, and it took a long time to get back the focus of her eyes. She looked at the surrounding water and the water in front of her eyes with a stunned look.

It took me a long time to reflect that I was sitting in a huge bathtub, and the water in the bathtub was cold.

She shivered in the water, and then she regained all her consciousness. She looked around so clearly that she found it was an unfamiliar bathroom.

Feng Ling frowned and was about to get up, but the light in the corner of her eye suddenly saw a black combat suit worn by a man hanging by her side. She saw that set of black combat suit, and her vigilance was slightly lowered.

Whose is this?

Is it A's? Or ... where's the hotel?

There aren't many hotels that Feng Ling has lived in, and the layout of the bathrooms in the apartment or apartment or hotel can not be clearly distinguished, but I feel that the decoration here is simple and stylish, and everything looks expensive. Even a tile on the ground is bright and clear, and the price is absolutely high.

She frowned, trying to get up from the bathtub, but immediately she felt tired and weak, unable to lift her strength, and her headache seemed to explode.

Some memories of yesterday were all irrigated in her mind. She closed her eyes and relaxed for a long time, and accidentally encountered a bottle of something on her hand, which she didn't know was a shower gel or something, and fell to the ground.

The bathroom door was opened a few seconds later, and the tall, tall man came in: "Awake?"

Feng Ling heard this voice and hesitated for a moment. He pressed the flat gauze on his forehead with one hand, and suddenly raised his head to look at the man in home clothes in front of the door.

On weekdays, Li Nanheng is not wearing a uniform or a simple jersey at the base, or he will occasionally go back and change into a more formal suit, or the first time I saw him look so easy-going, especially his clothes, soft He looks very comfortable, and has softened his soft-tempered and angular man for a long time.

Although Feng Ling admits that he is actually prejudiced against him, it is not pleasing to him, but Li Nanheng is indeed rare.

She lowered her hand and looked around again before asking mutely, "What is this place?"

"Don't worry about it anymore, are you still uncomfortable? The medicine is over?" The man walked over, poked his hand in the bathtub, raised his hand and touched her slightly cheek.

Feng Ling sat in the bathtub stiffly, staring at him with a dumb look. Wasn't she still in the military zone yesterday? And ... she remembered that she lost her mind and killed someone ...

The injury on her forehead still showed that it was not just a nightmare, but real.

Seeing that her body was no longer as hot as a fire, and seeing her frosty complexion pale, Li Nanheng didn't say much, and let the water out of her bathtub directly, while unscrewing the water on the other side and letting out The hot water at a moderate temperature said faintly, "If there is any discomfort or a headache, tell me directly and I will call the doctor to see it."

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