Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 931: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (194)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"What can you bear? Bear the commander's life or the army's torture? Or hand you over to the police station and sentence him directly to ten or twenty years?"

Feng Ling's eyes were quiet: "Yes, anyway, killing the army. The commander of Fang is not right. After all, they are not the terrorists we usually kill, and they cannot be the same, so I can accept any punishment."

Li Nanheng sneered: "Who will bear the innocence of the members of my XI base? Who will bear the dignity of the XI base? Is that fat man who has died under your hands?"

Feng Ling heard the word innocence, his eyes moved slightly, and he raised his eyes to look directly at him: "Boss, in fact, I have tolerate a few more minutes yesterday. The result may not be like this, I'm really sorry."

"I'm sorry." Li Nanheng threw the silver lighter and unlit cigarette in his hand onto the coffee table, and said coldly, "You delay for a few more minutes, either you hit the wall directly, or you and Ak first With the undead under his gun, since one must die, let the **** one die. "

With that said, the man leaned so casually on the back of the sofa, his voice was light: "Even if you didn't kill him yesterday, after I watched the surveillance, he would still not see the sun today."

"What should we do now?"

Seeing her commitment from the beginning, she turned her talk and asked him what to do.

It can be seen that although Feng Lingping is usually stubborn and unwilling to show his temper, he still has a high degree of trust in him.

Li Nanheng looked at her calmly: "Tell me first, what were you thinking when you lost your mind yesterday?"

Feng Lingjing for a while: "I don't know. I'm just angry. I've never been so angry. Everything is done by instinct."

"Really? But why did I see a wolf in your eyes yesterday?" Li Nanheng narrowed his eyes coldly: "Is that really you?"

Feng Ling's hands on both sides of the body clenched at this moment, lowered her head, and silently said, "Boss, can I not answer this matter?"

"What do you say?" Li Nanheng's legs crossed, looking at her lightly.

Feng Ling is a person who does not like to expose his scars to others, especially those experiences that nobody would believe in his childhood.

But now he is in trouble after all. Yesterday, he was able to leave the military area alive, and now he can stand here safely because of Li Nanheng. No matter what he has done to himself, he has never been malicious to himself. Even, he did She is defending her.

Reasonably, she couldn't hide this thing all the time.

Feng Ling's voice was a little astringent: "I grew up in a wolf pack."

In just nine words, Li Nanheng's calm and seemingly undisturbed eyes slowly gazed up, staring at her calm and usual eyes now, watching her come because of a serious injury on her forehead Now she still has a pale face and pale lips. Although her eyebrows are still indifferent, her eyes are more closely on her, as if she wants to see everything she has passed through her current honesty.

"Since I remember, I grew up drinking milk from a she-wolf in a cave in a deep mountain jungle. I learned to go to the cave to find everything to eat, so I did n’t know anything about the jungle. Fear, even everything there is familiar to me. "Feng Ling said softly," I remember, there was an old movie many years ago in the base, it seems to be called Tarzan, but I can't see it. I left in 20 minutes and did n’t keep watching because I thought of myself when I was a kid. If it was not five years old, I was taken away by a few mafia in the jungle. The party would take me away, I might as well be in the jungle When I grew up, I didn't even speak, only everything that the wolf could. "

"Probably because I was breastfed by a she-wolf from a young age, and grew up in a wolf pack. All of my temperaments are cold-blooded and unfriendly, but after I arrived at the base, I worked hard to incorporate them, so my temperament gradually calmed down a lot. I myself didn't expect that I would suddenly be stimulated to that point yesterday. I was really unreasonable at that time. "

Li Nanheng did not speak for a long time. Feng Ling knew that anyone who had heard of her childhood in the past would doubt whether it was true or false. How could a child come out alive in the wolf pack?

She didn't know it very well when she was a kid, but she also doubted it when she grew up. Maybe it was because the she-wolf who carried her back to the cave had just lost her little wolf cub, or maybe it was such a coincidence that she was hungry to feed her. She will eat milk in the arms of the she-wolf, and there is a certain kind of motherhood between wolf and human nature, so she survived in the cave bizarrely and was well protected by the she-wolf. Then, any other wolf would be attacked by the she-wolf when she wanted to eat her or bite her.

Although Feng Ling is a human, after all she has been in the wolf cave since she remembered, so she can understand that the female wolf feeding her seems very fierce, and other wolves dare not provoke her, so she can protect her thoroughness.

Being out of the jungle alive is something that she never thought about when she was a child. She can live outside for so many years. She thought that all the sinister things in this world had already experienced and dealt with all kinds of terrorists. She was so serious and scary Doesn't frown, what else can make her unacceptable?

But yesterday, when the fat commander took the medicine and put it under her body, she knew that the most sinister thing in the world was still human heart.

Li Nanheng didn't speak.

Does not mean that he does not believe.

He could only understand why she was dressed as a man. If she was taken away by the mafia from a young age, how could a little girl with a pure heart who had never touched any human beings protect herself? Have to live by herself.

It can also be explained that she kept his distance from him again and again, even for his confession.

It's not because she doesn't like it.

And just because she didn't understand.

The silence in the air lasted for several minutes. Li Nanheng didn't speak, and Feng Ling didn't act rashly. She just kept looking at him, her eyes were frank and fearless. She didn't regret her killing, but put it on XI base and Li Nanheng She still feels guilty because she doesn't want to involve anyone.

However, after being silent for a long time, Li Nanheng suddenly laughed and black eyes glanced at her: "So there has been a wolf cub mixed in the XI base these years, and I didn't know it until today."

Feng Ling didn't say anything, just looked at him.

Li Nanheng got up, walked to her, and looked at her condescendingly. Feng Ling remained motionless, leaving his sight to be slaughtered or whatever, looking at a certain point on the coffee table calmly, without any intention to avoid or resist. .

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