Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 940: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (203)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng walked back to the room and saw that the carpet had been flattened by Feng Lingpu.

Just walked in, the bedroom door was unlocked, Feng Ling had just picked up the phone and was about to lie on the bed. He turned back when he heard his footsteps.

"Can the phone still be used?" Li Nanheng glanced at what was in her hand.

Feng Ling nodded, lifted the phone and shook it in front of his eyes: "Yes, this phone is still the boss you took me to buy last time. It was said to be waterproof, but it may have been soaked in water that day. Seriously, I can't turn on the phone. Now the water in the phone is dry, it's okay, it can be used normally, and it is not affected at all. "

"Buy another one if it doesn't work."

"It works, it's no different from before." Feng Ling specially showed him the screen of the mobile phone to prove that it was still working well. An American military movie was playing on the screen. Just ready to watch.

"In addition to movies of this subject, what kind of movies do you like to watch?" Li Nanheng suddenly felt that on her way to pursue Feng Ling, she might use some vulgar routines that can no longer be vulgar. After all, she has not experienced it, only for compensation. Give her those experiences that she was missing as a child, even if tacky and naive, to accompany her, for example, take her out to a movie.

"I don't like anything. This is recommended by Ak. I just came to see it." Feng Ling said while holding the mobile phone and sitting directly next to the bed, took off his shoes and put a pair of bare feet on the bed.

Seeing her pair of white tender feet, Li Nanheng's dark gaze shifted slightly and returned to her mobile phone again.

"He recommended this movie for you?"

"A K said that there is no intrigue among men. Let me see more of these movies and learn the routines in these movies."

Li Nanheng: "..."

Feng Ling's cell phone was suddenly taken away by the man, and she was empty and looked at him in puzzlement.

"Learn what intrigue, that kid really doesn't teach you in a good direction. It has been a good luck that you have been with him for so many years, and you haven't been damaged by him." Then, Li Nanheng tossed her mobile phone aside: Come with me if you can't sleep. "

Feng Ling got out of bed directly and walked out with him.

Li Nanheng took her to the room with fitness equipment. After turning on the lights, she asked if she had come in to practice and Feng Ling shook her head.

"I haven't exercised for a few days. Suddenly I can't recover too much, otherwise it will be counterproductive." The man walked to the treadmill and pressed a few times on it, and the sound of the machine dripped, while adjusting the speed and kilometers while indifferent. "Just jog ten kilometers before doing in-situ balance training."

Neither of these exercises will affect the injuries on her head, and her brain will not move too fast.

Although it was already night, Feng Ling did not fall asleep now. The boss also arranged a physical training for her in another way. Although not as much equipment as in the base, it was also very good.

Feng Ling waited without any objection. After the man pressed the treadmill for a while, he said blankly, "If you don't use it for a long time, you don't know if the machine is broken."

Feng Ling: "Can't you run tonight?"

"You go out for balance training first. I'll see what's wrong." The man said while examining the treadmill.

Feng Ling nodded very obediently and turned around, looked around in the living room, and finally returned to the carpet she had just laid, lying on it for balance training.

It ’s just that when the limbs are propped up to the ground, her head is also struggling. Although the forehead injury is not so painful, when the head is lifted up, she feels that her brain is also hurting. But after a while, I crawled back to the carpet and raised my hand on top of my head.

After a minute of rest, hold your limbs up again and begin to move.

This repeated several times and finally found a little state, at this time, the doorbell rang again.

Feng Ling turned to look at the direction of the doorway, and then looked at the man who was repairing the treadmill inside. He didn't seem to hear it.

Someone has been here just now, although I do n’t know who it is, the people who know this place are probably acquaintances, and there will be no problems.

She got up, walked to the door, and opened the door directly.

The moment the door was opened, the calm expression on Feng Ling's face remained unchanged, but the woman who went outside and returned after seeing Feng Ling changed her face instantly.

"How could it be you?" Feng Mingzhu looked at Feng Ling in the door in astonishment.

This stinky boy named Feng Ling had never given her face in the mall that time, so annoyed that she couldn't wait to smash the bag on his head!

As a result, she always felt that Li Nanheng didn't let her in. There must be a reason. Even if he didn't like her anymore, he wouldn't let her in even by the door, unless there were other people in his family, just to prove Take a look and see if he hides any woman at home, but it turned out that Feng Ling would come to open the door!

Feng Ling didn't expect to see this Miss Feng here, but what did Feng Ling say? After looking at her, she walked in without any expression and said to the room inside, "Boss, someone is looking for you . "

Feng Mingzhu took advantage of Feng Ling's opportunity to go in, and followed in, her eyes quickly glanced around this apartment she had never entered.

There are no women's things, most of them are purely masculine products, and the color classification is clean and tidy. There is no clutter. Feng Ling, a stinky boy who makes her feel unsightly, has sweat on her forehead, but a little bit panted, but I can see that it should be just a simple exercise.

So there are only two men in the apartment, and no woman for her.

A certain point in my heart was temporarily put down, but Feng Mingzhu still looked at Feng Ling in doubt, and asked: "Why are you here in Nanheng? Are you not a member of their base? Not training in the base? Go out on a mission, what do you live in? "

When Li Nanheng came out, he heard Feng Mingzhu being aggressive outside. The human voice walked out, his voice was clear: "I can't see Feng Ling's head hurt? A base member raising a wound with me can prevent you from sealing. Miss's eyes? "

Feng Mingzhu looked at Li Nanheng in a blink of an eye, and looked at the room behind him. Through the open door, there were some fitness equipment in it. Immediately, his eyes were much softer: "Nanheng, I wanted to leave just now. Yes, but after thinking about it, I think it's rare that we meet again. It's better to say something, so I will ... "

"What? My order is too polite? Make you mistakenly think that I have a patience with you? Or does Miss Feng feel good about herself and think I won't throw you out?"

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