Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 942: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (205)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Mingzhu's back stiffened for a moment, and it took a long time to bend down and pick up the lipstick. She couldn't stay any longer and left quickly.

Li Nanheng didn't have time to talk to the woman again, but turned to look at the bedroom door that had been closed by Feng Ling.


Feng Ling was ready to sleep, and she just watched the movie that A K recommended to her. As a result, she didn't lie down, and the bedroom door suddenly slammed open.

She blinked suddenly and saw Li Nanheng.


"Do you mind the words 'my fiancee'?" The man stared at her face.

Feng Ling's expression suddenly paused: "Why do you ask?"

"What do you say?" Li Nanheng saw that she had already sat on the bed, didn't walk over, so leaning against the door so straight and standing straight at her, "Let you talk about the festival with her, you slightly After all the content and experience, I will explain directly about her claim that she is my fiancee, and you will seize such an entry point to show that you have remembered this matter and are very mindful. "

Feng Ling didn't know the way of speaking and the knowledge of reasoning, just thinking what to say.

Can it be considered that she cares?

Facing the man's seemingly good mood, Feng Ling scolded him for a neurosis, opened the quilt and drilled into the quilt, and then said, "There wasn't much that happened, Miss Feng had to say something. Then, I would just say a few words as she wished, and say whatever I thought of. I was not impressed by things that didn't matter much, and I didn't take them seriously. "

"Well, I'm not impressed by what I don't care about, but I'm only impressed by what she claims to be my fiancee." The man smiled back.

Feng Ling drew a corner of her mouth, and she simply lay down, raised her mobile phone to make a gesture to watch a movie, and ignored him.

Li Nanheng didn't delve any further, just smiled and said: "Have a good rest." He raised his hand and turned off the chandelier in the bedroom, leaving the wall lamp in front of the bed and closing the door.


Feng Ling's injury is almost healed. Except occasionally causing the brain to shake when doing simple physical training or a little bit of pain when exerting force, the rest of the time has no effect, and the surface injury is also early. There is no need to change the medicine sticking cloth, only a little scar is left. Fortunately, this kind of injury only hits the wall. Most of the injuries are in the subcutaneous tissue, and the surface is not as difficult to heal as a knife or blow injury. If you take good care of it, there will be no more scars after a long time.

But under the circumstances where she can still see the traces, she needs to cover Liuhai in front of her short hair, and it does look a little unsightly with her forehead exposed.

At least she felt annoying.

So that Feng Ling didn't want to cut her hair too short any time soon.

While Li Nanheng went out, Feng Ling called the base lobby and asked about the handling of the killing of the commander.

After all, just ask A K for their words, they are all reassuring her, don't worry, let the boss do it, don't worry.

However, if this matter can be resolved as soon as possible, Li Nanheng will not go out often these days.

Although he didn't say anything every time he came back, she could see that this matter could not be handled too casually, and must be thoughtful and absolutely not be bitten by the military. Otherwise, all the efforts in front would fail.

She didn't know what happened, but called the base lobby to find out. The people in the base lobby didn't talk too much to her, only to let her not meet with the military recently, let alone people outside the base. Any links.

Whether the development of the matter has reached a certain stage, Feng Ling can probably be heard in their tone.

The military side is originally a very authoritative side in the United States, and this is true in any country, and the reason why the military side is most accustomed to the XI base is because there is no room for two tigers, no matter how serious the commander was killed in the military area Under such circumstances, it is impossible to deal with this kind of complaint, whether from public opinion or time.

In addition, Fang and XI bases have always looked at each other secretly in secret, this matter can also be regarded as they got a small braid of XI base, it is estimated that they are still trying to find ways to discuss.

If it wasn't because she was from the XI base, or because Li Nanheng came forward, it is estimated that she would only have to avenge her death.

She glanced at some recent news about the U.S. military. The killing of the commander was pressed down, and there was no briefing, which means that so far only these people know about them. The outside world has no way of knowing it.

Looking at the clean news pages, Feng Ling told the people in the base lobby briefly about his plans, but the people in the lobby let her continue to live outside. For the time being, don't take any action, and listen to the boss's instructions. She was not allowed to be impulsive.

After hanging up the phone, the tight strings in Feng Ling's body relaxed slightly.

In fact, she has already made psychological preparations for the ** I base to give up, but it is not how difficult her situation is now, but the military. The party will certainly join forces with some people to put pressure on the XI base, or intimidate and lure, The situation of the XI base is now flourishing. There are no fewer jealous people. Weigh the pros and cons and give up her is not a difficult choice.

However, the choice made by the XI base was the opposite of what she thought.

They did not give up on her.


In the evening, Li Nanheng sent her a message saying that she would return to Li's home tonight and have something to talk to a few fathers, and let her rest well.

Feng Ling lay down after glancing at the phone.

A person sleeps in a large bed, eyes closed in the dark, but sleepless.

She never knew that it would be so fast to adapt to the existence of a person. It was only a few days. Even before a week had passed, she was used to the existence of another person in the bedroom opposite, or in the study or The existence of that person in the living room, as long as she opened the door of this bedroom, she would surely see the light in that person's room.

She spent more than ten years adapting to a person's life, learned to abandon loneliness and cold, but did not expect to adapt to a person's temperature in such short days.

Used to having a personal feeling around me.

But she hadn't waited for her thorough habit. People didn't come back tonight.

Boss Li doesn't seem to like going back to Li's house. Every time he returns to the base after returning to Li's house, he will look ugly. Obviously, it is out of step with the pace of doing things between several old men.

Now that the military officials are killing officers, the pressure on the XI base is more likely to come from a few grandfathers from Li's family.

Feng Ling rolled over.

Can't sleep.

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