Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 948: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (211)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Seeing Mr. Li, all their attention at the moment was on the military and Fang people, and his arrival today seems to be just a cutscene.

After understanding the situation at hand, Feng Ling turned around and followed.

Li Nanheng walked ahead, Feng Ling quickly followed, and did not slow down until behind him, but still kept a distance of one meter away.

Until he walked out of the main entrance, Li Nanheng stopped suddenly, and Feng Ling stopped quickly and quickly, lest he hit his back again as before.

The man took out the cigarette and nodded his head, holding his cigarette between his fingers, and glanced at her coldly: "What are you doing with me?"

"Boss." Feng Ling has understood the situation from the beginning to the present, with a sincere look: "I didn't know that this was all the boss you planned, I almost helped, sorry."

Li Nanheng looked at the hotel's main entrance behind him, turned indifferently and continued to walk, Feng Ling quickly hurried to keep up.

Until the side of the tall black Hummer, the man took a hard breath and spit out a white mist, and then the cigarette was thrown on the ground without smoking, raising his foot and extinguishing it while indifferent: "I think you are very patient, and you just plan to bear all the crimes when you come in. I thought I hid you in my house for so many days just to make you stand out today. What do you think of the XI base? What do you do? What do you think of me? "

"No, boss, I thought ..."

"Think? I thought I was controlled by a few old men? Do you want to save me in such a stupid way?"

Feng Ling knew that he had a loss. He was almost impulsive because of what Feng Mingzhu said before. He almost thought he had undertaken something because of his own affairs. He just wanted to bear all the sins by himself and didn't want to involve him.

Fortunately, I said nothing wrong.

Feng Ling said quietly, "I'm sorry."

When Li Nanheng saw her expression of knowing that she was wrong, she didn't say anything, and didn't mean to let her go back with him. She just tilted her head and looked at the door not far away, and said after a while: "I'm not at home Who have you seen in these two days? "


"Why didn't you suddenly be so negative inside? What did I say you forgot?"

Feng Ling met his gaze, and his lips did not speak.

She didn't want to mention the matter of Feng Mingzhu, but although she was very calm and could not see any change at that time, she was still affected by Feng Mingzhu's words.

Therefore, it turns out that Li Nanheng said nothing wrong. As long as it was not what he said, she should not listen or believe it. For example, today, she was almost used by Feng Mingzhu's brainwashing method, which almost made a big mistake.

"I didn't expect some old men from Li's family to help me. At first I thought they wanted me to come out and calm this down."

"You really didn't know anything outside from a young age. You didn't even know what happened to Li's house." Li Nanheng looked at her coldly. "It's not easy to step on Li's head, even a few An old man is unfamiliar with you, but after all, the XI base is the painstaking effort they left when they were young, and they will not be wronged by the fault of the military and the district.

"Well, I only saw it later. I didn't understand it at first ..." Feng Ling's eyes were innocent: "Boss, did I say something right?"

Seeing her expression of begging for mercy, Li Nanheng didn't speak any more, just reached out her hand, and said lowly, "Okay, go eat."

She did come without meals. She had already prepared early that she might be pushed into the abyss here today. She is really hungry now.

It was just that she looked at the man in front of her, and had an indescribable mood. Before raising her hand, the man's hand directly held her wrist, opened the door, and "threw" her into the car, and then got on the car. And go.

In the car, Feng Ling said while wearing a seatbelt, "So can I avoid the situation now?"

The man drove, looking ahead, and said indifferently: "I didn't hide just a few days ago. One is to heal you, the other is to not be found by the people in the military zone. It leads to other topics."

Feng Ling looked at the passing scenery outside the car.


If she returns to the base a few days ago, and the brothers in the base remain the same, she will definitely be taken out by the military.

And she has n’t been out these days, and no one knows whether she was awake or not awake, or what happened and what happened. In this way, when the XI base put her affairs on the table, it was also relatively easy to control. Otherwise, it is easy to be held by someone else.

"If I'm not sure, I won't allow a few grandfathers to call you out. Don't think about it next time. If your boss can't even handle this, the XI base will change hands." Man I took the coat behind me and threw it at her, and I steered the steering wheel with one hand, and quickly turned my car in the other direction.

Although he didn't say much, looking at the coat suddenly thrown in his arms, Feng Ling knew what he meant.

When I came out, I was in a hurry and always thinking about things. The weather outside was very cold now, and she hurried over in a cold wind. She only wore a T-shirt inside, and it was just a black uniform. It was very cold.

Feng Ling wore her jacket on her body while she was about to say thank you, but the thank you word came to her mouth, but she still didn't say it.

I feel the anger of the old boss is a little uncomfortable at this moment, because just now she ran over and tried to sacrifice her like state to provoke him. She still talks less.

In front of a Chinese restaurant on the commercial street in front, the black Hummer stopped and Li Nanheng got out of the car.

Feng Ling saw that he meant to take her for Chinese food. She did say that she liked Chinese food, and she followed the car without any objection.

When getting out of the car, a cold wind blew, slightly blowing the short hair before sealing the forehead to stop the wound. The redness on the forehead was still red on the white skin.

Li Nanheng saw this scene when he looked back, but Feng Ling was wearing his jacket and wrapped her whole body directly into the jacket. He trot followed, stood behind him, raised his head and looked at him: "Boss, aren't you going to eat?"

Every time she wore his clothes, it was like a child stealing an adult's clothes ...

Every time I want to be angry with her for a while, she can be inexplicably flattened out by her seemingly stupid but stupid look.


Think about how Feng Ling can easily give San Fat a shoulder-falling move in the base in the next year. How did these two words come together with her?

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