Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 968: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (231)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Mingzhu came upstairs, and when she passed the corner of the stairs on the second floor, she heard the conversation downstairs, and her eyes became cold instantly.

Good home?

Since it is a good destination, why do you want a dead person to occupy the place?

She firmly held the handrail on the entrance of the stairs and looked at the people who were discussing the matter. Her eyes were very cold and she turned back to the room and closed the door with a bang.

"Miss ..." The maid who walked on the second floor heard the movement. Looking back, she looked timidly at the little-tempered ancestor at home. She didn't know what happened to her.

The people downstairs also heard the faint movement from above, and several of them looked at each other, and they knew exactly what Feng Mingzhu was mad at.

But Li Nanheng refused to marry, no matter how powerful the Feng family was, it was impossible for him to force a woman whom Li Nanheng didn't want to marry.

The only peaceful way is to accept Li Nanheng's proposal.

However, the good marriage that was said at the beginning can not be dragged on, especially the military. After Fang took the opportunity to find fault, the Feng family and the Li family must marry, so that there will be no mistakes in joining forces.

At the beginning, Li Nanheng said that after the second birthday of Fengjia's daughter Mingshou passed the age of eighteen, she married Yi Guanzuo and returned.

In this case, by now, we must count.


Cambodian hospital.

On the third day after the snake venom in Feng Ling's body was completely eradicated, all the indicators and blood of the body finally returned to normal, but she had not been awake, her body was cold and hot when she was in a coma, and her body temperature was lower than normal when she was cold It has repeatedly burned forty degrees when it is hot.

When Qin Shiting and Dr. Wendel came to check, they said that this is a normal symptom of snake venom. Although the toxins are now cleared, there are still some small places that will not hurt the body and life, but the body will have a high fever. And the body temperature is abnormal to automatically detoxify the sweat glands on the surface of the skin, so high fever is also normal, as long as you always pay attention to physical cooling.

Seeing that Feng Ling had had another high fever, the nurses in the hospital were busy taking the ice packs and coming in again to give Feng Ling an injection.

Li Nanheng was standing in the ward, holding in his hand the list of the army commander's backup staff just sent by Xiao Xu, and the other hand receiving a thermometer handed to him by a nurse.

Seeing that Feng Ling ’s body temperature was currently at 37 degrees Celsius, I was relieved that while putting the thermometer down, I looked at the person who had been lethargic on the bed.

Until the nurses in the ward were gone, and there was a return to quietness, the man threw things in his hands on the windowsill in the ward, turned and walked directly.

Probed Feng Ling's body temperature with her hands, then leaned down to her nose and felt her breathing more smoothly and evenly than the previous few days, and then dragged the white quilt up and down, then looked down at her What it looks like when sleeping.

I have lost a lot of weight in a few days. People who are already very thin are even thinner now.

Li Nanheng was about to reach out and tidy her slightly messy hair behind her head when she fell asleep, and then retracted her hand when she heard the door of the ward was pushed open.

"Boss, the new commander of the army. Fang has been confirmed this time, which is the second one on the list. The group of idiots of the army. Fang must have never imagined that this person had a deep relationship with our XI base. But our comrades-in-arms are our teachers. It is estimated that these grandchildren will not have any good days in the future ... "Xiao Xu's voice came in directly.

However, because of the drowsiness, even if it is good news, even if it is exciting, it still lowers the sound slightly.

However, as soon as I came in, I saw Li Boss at the bedside, looking like he was taking care of Feng Ling again.

"Boss." Xiao Xu even lightened his voice and lightened his steps, walked over and looked at Feng Ling who was still sleeping on the bed: "You have been here for some days, and the base has been waiting for the army. Fang gave an explanation, and the base lobby also kept in touch with the army. Fang had better take the time to go back in the past few days. After all, the severity of this matter is not only a matter of their credibility, but also our base. With regard to the life issues of the members of the capable sniper team, Feng Ling did everything she needed to do, so she does not owe the army now. Fang Any, now they have caused troubles, and they can just take the opportunity to make them well again. Get to know 'our base.'

"I just talked with the base lobby by phone. After Feng Ling woke up, we went back together." Li Nanheng said.

Little Xu thought: "But it's appropriate to stay in Cambodia like this?"

"There is nothing wrong with it. I would n’t be too bad if the base is missing in these days. There is a Li family, there are instructors and leaders of various training camps, and A Feng is also here. If the military has something, you can call him directly He will also tell me when I'm not at the scene. "Li Nanheng said, ignoring Xiao Xu behind him, only looking at Feng Ling's dry lips, turned around, poured a glass of water, and took a cotton swab. She smeared her lips.

At the moment of smearing, Li Nanheng's expression paused slightly, and he looked at the water cup and cotton swab in his hand.

This scene ...

Why is it so familiar?

But at that time, the person who had some chapped lips because of a coma was himself, and the person who took care of the bedside was Feng Ling.

After she took care of him?

What happened?

At the top of the snow mountain in Rogers Pass, and after returning, Feng Ling changed his attitude ...

"Boss." Xiao Xu whispered again, "When will Dr. Qin say she will wake up? Is she afraid that she can't stand her body or what?"

"She can't be too frustrating for the time being. Even after waking up, she will have to rest for a while. She can't go back to the base for training for the time being." Li Nanheng lowered the water glass in her hand, still looking at Feng Ling's face, thoughtfully.

"If you don't go back to the base ... Where can she go?" Xiao Xu didn't dare to say that he knew Feng Ling was a girl.

"I didn't go there, and it's no problem to live there for a while."

Xiao Xu: "..."

Isn't this a sheep?

Feng Ling is so weak now, she is even better in weekdays, but she is also obedient in front of Li Boss. She is like this now, if the Boss wants to do something to her, it is estimated that she has no basic resistance Right ...

Well, although he knows that the boss is not so shameless.

But he knew the secret of Feng Ling early in the morning but kept calm. What did the boss mean? Afraid of other men in the base colluding with Feng Ling?

There is a boss, who dare to hook up?

Xiao Xugang was about to speak again. At this moment, Feng Ling on the bed frowned slightly, and her eyelids moved slightly. Even the slight movements caused Li Nanheng's eyes to stagnate for a moment, and she suddenly leaned over to ask :"Woke up?"

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