Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 972: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (235)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Whether she could return to the base, Li Nanheng didn't say much, and drove her back to the apartment.

Before entering the apartment, Feng Ling glanced at the number of the elevator on the floor below his apartment, thinking silently in his heart, recently, if his health is OK, he should go out to look for the furniture city and buy some furniture appliances Or something, and then moved in.

Li Nanheng glanced at her: "Don't expect to go to the lower floor to live, you have time to renovate and change the furniture, you can take care of the injury and you can return to the base at any time."

Feng Ling: "..."

She glanced directly at him.

She didn't say anything, how could he guess what she was thinking!

Li Nanheng's cold eyebrows moved: "Just think carefully about this, do you think I can't see it?"

Feng Ling: "........."

Walking into his apartment again, it was the same as before leaving, there was a cold wind outside and the interior was warm as spring.

But some of them seem to be different now ...

For example, the last time she lived here she was a man.

But live in now ...

Li Nanheng brought her back when she knew she was a woman. She was a lone man and a widow. It was another concept.

"Boss." Feng Ling glanced at him.

Li Nanheng glanced back at her, "What?"

Feng Ling ’s lips moved, and she wanted to say something, but she seemed to be too coquettish. After all, she did n’t live here, and her attitude changed, but she felt changed, maybe, although she was not sure , But maybe he already knew her secret.

How else wouldn't be surprised at all.

When thinking of this, Feng Ling stepped back even more awkwardly: "I, that, I still ..."

Li Nanheng frowned: "Want to go live?"

"Um." She nodded.

"Afraid that after knowing you are a woman, I can't control you in the middle of the night to plot against you?"

"... No."

"Want to go live, yes, say a reason that convinces me."

Feng Ling wore a set of clothes temporarily bought in Cambodia, a very loose white sportswear, her legs stood straight, and her two hands were hanging on both sides of her body, like a training ground in a base She was being trained and looked very serious and serious: "I feel that Han Jin and Xiao Xu should also know. I have been in Cambodia for so many days. Although the doctor did not emphasize my gender, I saw it on the checklist. There is a girl, Xiao Xu must have seen it, so my affairs will probably spread sooner or later. Several old men in Li's family value your reputation. I don't want to affect your reputation because of my own affairs ... "

Li Nanheng smirked and threw the black duffel bag in his hand directly to the ground, and turned back to her directly: "I didn't care about the reputation when others suspected that your sexual orientation was wrong, now I just bring a girl to myself Where, how can I show it to others? Or can someone's mouth hurt me by a penny? "

Feng Ling looked at him: "But the old masters of Li's family care about them ..."

"If I had lived the way they said from childhood to childhood, you wouldn't have seen me now." The man approached, raised his hand and brushed her cheek and ear, standing in Fengling As she moved, she slammed the door behind her.

Then Li Nanheng turned around and walked back to the direction of the sofa: "Don't think too much, stay first, it's for you to come over to heal, what do you think I want to do?"

Seeing his bright and upright tone seemed to be very decent.

If Feng Ling was not fooled by this man's unpretentious appearance, how could he be dragged into the emotional vortex between men and women that she never understood.

In fact, she is still confused.

It's not even clear what kind of affection he has for Li.



Still like it?

But since he said that, she didn't have to think too much, went forward to open the luggage bag he had put down, took out his clothes from the inside, and was preparing to return to the bedroom he had lived in before.

Li Nanheng's voice suddenly fluttered from the side: "You don't have any normal clothes to wear yourself?"

Feng Ling looked at the two black uniforms and loose T-shirts he held in his arms, and then looked at him again: "What are normal clothes?"

"Except for base suits."

"My sportswear is very good ..."

Li Nanheng raised an eyebrow: "Women's clothing?"

Feng Ling: "... I don't wear it, I have to go back to the base."

"Only in front of me?"


Hearing such a firm rejection, Li Nanheng stopped talking, but leaned on the display rack beside the living room wall, looking at Feng Ling, a clean little boy.

She probably didn't know that no matter what she was wearing, he couldn't help but still be hard when he wanted to be hard, whether it was men's or women's clothing.

As long as she is a woman in her core, she wears everything.

"I rushed back from Cambodia until now, running all the way, you are not in good health now, go to rest first." Li Nanheng looked at her and said lightly.

I didn't expect him to let himself go on this topic so easily. Feng Ling was still a little uncertain, but he didn't really need to say more when he saw him, and turned around with his clothes.

When he was about to enter the bedroom, Li Nanheng's voice fluttered again behind him: "It seems that you are not convenient to wear those clothes. I asked someone to buy you two sets of pajamas and home clothes. "

"Thank you, Boss." Feng Ling finished, went straight into the bedroom, and closed the door quickly again.


at night.

Feng Ling watched as someone from a nearby department store sent a few bags over. She had just walked back and forth a hundred times in the living room to keep the amount of activity in her body, and went straight to open the door.

After receiving the bags, I saw the signs on the bags knowing that they were delivered from the department store closest to the place, and they all hugged the bags into the sofa and cast them on the sofa.

"Boss, are these what you want?" She raised her eyes to the man coming out of the kitchen with a coffee cup.

As he walked, Li Nanheng glanced at the sofa disapprovingly, and threw down a sentence: "Is it for you?" Then he went directly into the study.

Feng Ling looked at these things in surprise.

Did n’t you just buy her two pajamas?

What about these dozen bags ...

She picked up one of the bags in confusion. It was a pajamas and pink. Although it was not the style of a damsel with a variety of small flowers and small lace, she also knew that it was a very plain and pink lady .

Looking at this set of pajamas, Feng Ling instantly remembered what Li Nanheng said just now, but felt that he was being tricked by this man.

She specifically told me not to be a lady ...

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