Young Military Rarities

Chapter 335: Deliberately engage in trouble, come from each family (2)

The head "burn, must burn, not burn it is not a man."


Jiang Shang blinked his eyes innocent, Ye Xingchen was speechless, and Yun Che Xing Feng and others who could stop, not only did not stop, but watched with a smile on his face, and the chubby man who hadn't had enough stomach to return in the morning Look at them and continue to bury his chicken drumsticks. He does n’t know about adults. He only knows that Uncle Chu is not the first time to make trouble. In his words, Uncle Chu is two, although he is not Know what two mean.

"Head, can we maintain order?"

On the other side, let them give their heart-warming earth soldiers an unforgettable look at their chief. You said, you can eat as long as you eat. Is it the same as in a five-star hotel?

"You go?"

With a cold eye, the major officer simply turned away from looking at them. Those people dared to be so arrogant and made it clear that they were doing something deliberately. Besides, there were three young men of the Xing family. Even if they did not identify themselves, it was not their identity. No one can offend.


The earth soldiers felt more sorrowful, but soon their eyes brightened, because someone came out of the base.

Each base has special entrances and exits to facilitate the entry and exit of the abilities and special characters of the mission. Previously, Wang Guoan entered from the special entrances and exits. At this time, several people walked out from there at the same time. Their goal was not For others, it was Yun Che who was furious.

"Huh? Here it is."

Yun Che, who was full of food and drink, was holding his son to tease and raised an eyebrow and glanced at those who came towards them. The reason why he didn't let Xing Feng brighten his identity and didn't enter with Wang Guoan was just thinking about it. Which of the capital bases are people and ghosts? It seems that there will be answers soon.

"Give me the boy, don't toss it up."

Yun Yao got up and picked up the child and put it on the huge baby carriage. She didn't understand these things and wouldn't interfere in any way. She only needed to take care of a few children.

"You're full? You should take it when you are full. Have you seen all the VIPs yet?"

A glance at the brothers who have already put down their chopsticks, Yun Che's taunting skills are accumulating, and Chu Haoyu, who had been arguing for a while, etc. stopped for a long time, and when he heard that he waved his hand, he closed the table and took the chair by the way To the side of them, raising Erlang's legs looks like a good show.

"Three younger, you can come back."

The first group of people came straight to Xing Feng, headed by a middle-aged man who looked like 40 or 50 years old. It is not difficult to see from his pile of smiles that he was really glad to see Xing Feng return, but Now, who doesn't know Yun Che's relationship with Xing Feng? He didn't even see Yun Che at all, he didn't even look at him.

Yun Yan raised his eyebrows aside, narrowed his eyes and played with Leng Yehan's fingers with a smile. The attitude of the minions determined the attitude of the master. It seemed that the criminals were very eager to see his brother.

"What are you doing? Go back!"

When the light of the eyes sank, Xing Feng was not polite, and at the same time, he reached out and took Yun Che's hand tightly with his ten fingers. With his shrewdness, would he not see that he deliberately ignored Yun Che? Hum, when did his wife of Xing Feng turn to a housekeeper to ignore it? Since it's their shame first, then it's no wonder that he is the old man here, and don't think he will give them face.

"Three young people, my lady misses you. I haven't heard that you are back, so let me pick you up right away."

I didn't expect Xing Feng to be away from home for many years, and he was still a bad temper. The housekeeper hesitantly looked at his hand with Yun Che, and disapproved to quickly glance over his eyes, but he also knew that this was not something he could manage. Looking back, she cried, hoping to persuade Xing Feng to go back with him.

"Don't let me say it a third time, get out!"

In addition, Xing Feng not only did not move, but was even more rude. The deep black eyes inherited from the old man seemed to pierce his sharp blade stiffly. The housekeeper was frightened to take a few steps back, trying to persuade him and hinder him The sullen face did not dare to speak, and it was not reconciled to leave at this point, and for a while I didn't know what to do.

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