Young Military Rarities

Chapter 368: Lively wedding, **** scandal (2)

Standing up, the old man's body shivered fiercely because of the strong anger. Under his roar, the best men and bridesmaids hurried forward, but before they met the woman, Zhou Zhijun raised his hand to stop them. For a time, all the bridesmaids and bridesmaids could only stand there, at a loss, and there were whistle sounds at the venue lest things should not be too loud.

"Is Xiaoting? Why are you here? Let go of me quickly."

Ignoring the surrounding or condemnation or anger or gloating attention, Zhou Zhijun lowered his head and looked at the woman's head in his arms. The previous brother, he heard it very clearly, and thinking about his sister's disappearance in the morning, he was almost sure, deeply buried. The woman in his arms was Zhou Ting, although for a while she couldn't figure out how she would suddenly rush out.

Liu Yuan, who was knocked to the ground, was waiting for the man who was about to become his husband to help himself. Who knew that he didn't even look at himself, and all his attention was on the woman in his arms. Liu Yuan's eyes quickly covered with embarrassment and anger, and it took a long time to stand up with the help of her bridesmaid.

"Brother, brother, save me, save me, brother I don't want to die I don't want to die brother"

Zhou Ting, who was holding him tight, suddenly let go of him again, holding his hand and crying with tears on his face, and everyone knew that they had misunderstood it, but the younger sister suddenly broke up with his brother's wedding and yelled for help, There is also a lot of information in it. The people who eat melon quietly calm down and watch this farce with interest.

No one noticed that as soon as Zhou Ting rushed out, the cameras hidden in all corners of the venue had already transmitted the picture to somewhere, and then someone's skillful arrangement arranged to broadcast or broadcast the wedding to the entire base simultaneously. Therefore, it is not only the head-and-face characters in the venue, everyone in the base can clearly see or hear what happened at the wedding reception.

That ’s right, all of them are arranged by Yun Che. For such an occasion today, they must not have killed Zhou's family casually. Even if they could, Yun Che had no plan. He wanted more than their lives. Letting them fall into disrepute is nothing more than simmering vegetables.

"Don't cry, what's wrong?"

Anyway, Zhou Ting is his sister. Even if she makes Zhou's family lose her face, he always feels that she has been killed.

"Woohoo ... brother, my parents are going to kill me, they said I shame the Zhou family and said I can't like you, I just love you, why?"

"Shut up!"


Zhou Ting pulled him crying, not to mention how sad she was, but she cried and said those words were mixed with horrible information, and Liu Yuan on the side was shocked and stared, Madam Liu hurrying over to hug her daughter, Liu Xi's face was as dark as Mo Tan, and Zhou Mingyuan, who was coming together, was screaming with anger. Zhou Wang's even thought about it, rushing over and slamming her with a big ear.

"Did I hear that right? My sister fell in love with my brother? This is going to be incest."

"The circle of blame is chaotic. The Zhou family is not going to end well now."

"You look at Liu Yuan, what a pity, the high princess has become a laughing stock."

"Who are the Zhou family? This is ..."

"Zhou Ting is also ruthless. Do you remember the incident of her being cast off the other day? Wouldn't it be the Zhou family?

"Don't say yes, maybe it is ..."

The people who eat melon are pointing and pointing. They don't care whether Zhou Ting is an adopted daughter. Incest is an absolute scandal no matter what era it is in. In particular, something just happened to Zhou Ting. For a moment, everyone The eyes of those who looked at the Zhou family have changed, as if they were watching them as bed bugs, and Zhou Zhijun's good reputation accumulated from the last days to the present is gradually crumbling.

"You have a good daughter!"

If possible, Liu Xizhao can't wait to stab the Zhou family with his own hands, and Liu's face makes them all lost.

"In-law ..."

"Don't call us in-laws. How can you let us marry our daughter like this?"

Zhou Mingyuan just opened his mouth

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