Young Military Rarities

Chapter 377: Galway's ambition, black feather blackmail? (3)

You can use the network, but you have to do it yourself, only in the base.

"Little sister?"

I picked up the phone and looked at it. Yun Che picked it up and heard his name Yun Yun. The noisy three people forgot about their contradiction and surrounded them together.

"Brother, are you busy? Come back and watch the show."

As soon as the call was connected, Yun Yan's smiling voice came. Yun Che couldn't help but wonder, "What a good show?"

They just finished making a mess, what else can they do? Isn't it always the Xiao and Liu's civil strife to ask them to watch?

"Oh, our black feather has blackmailed the Xiao family."


Blackmail? Xiao family?

What and what is this? Yun Che had a doubt in his mind. He did not doubt that Black Feather would get into trouble, but blackmailed or black family members. When did his black feather get such a high-end atmosphere?

Well, he admits that he really moved his mind about watching movies, who made the black feathers the Xiao family?

"In short, you come back and talk again. It's not clear on the phone. It's lively right now. Right, we are in Area A. Remember to go directly to Area A."

Obviously Yun Ye at the other end of the phone was slowly speaking to them, maybe he was watching it with interest, and hung up the phone after speaking.

"Black feather is working again?"

I would ask, except for Xing Feng, only Mo Wenyang, and Tan Jianting apparently didn't know Hei Yu. The person who asked it was Mo Wenyang. Because he was far apart, he only heard Hei Yu or something. The others are unclear. All post-apocalyptic's hearing has been strengthened. Even if it is not the hearing-enhancing ability, it is easy to eavesdrop on other people's calls. After all, most of the cellphones before the end of the world are in volume They are all very big, so for those of them who are experienced, the volume of the phone call is set to be small to prevent others from hearing what should not be confidential.

"It was said that he was a blackmailer who went to the Xiao family. I didn't say anything about it. Let's go back and see?"

Putting down the phone, Yun Che raised his eyebrows with a smile, and wrote on the face with a black belly.

"What are you waiting for? Take out the car quickly."

They watched a good show, and they were involved with the Xiao family. Would they be polite?


After Xing Feng took out an off-road vehicle known for his speed, the four of them sat up very fast. Xing Feng, who was in charge, smiled and looked at Yun Che, who nodded. The black off-road was like an off-string arrow. He rushed out with a sigh.

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