Young Military Rarities

Chapter 379: Uncle's Sharp (3)

You, you also ‘accidentally’ sat on someone ’s coccyx bone, is that okay? "

The last question, Yun Che was talking to Hei Yu on the surface, but in fact he was looking at the Xiao family. Xiao Yan's analysis had hit them and they were about to collapse. It would be a little too much to continue to not spare. After all, the Xiao family and them have no irresolvable hatred. If possible, he does not want to provoke people with military power in his hands, of course, not because he is afraid, but too annoying, but if they refuse to stop, He doesn't bother too much.

"let's go."

"Miss Liu!"

Xiao Ying, the second daughter of the Xiao family who accompanied Xiao Lan's mother and son, calmly evaluated, and helped her sister to turn around, but Yunyao called Liu Yuan, only to see him pushing the stroller forward, and handed it over to the talk Weiye only came to Liu Yuan afterwards. "Ms. Liu, I and Zhou Zhijun have passed. Whether he will come to me or not, I will never see him again. You can rest assured that this is the case, and I have already encountered a Love me with all my heart, the man I love. "

After speaking, Yun Yao smiled at her, and Liu Yuan couldn't hate her, she could see that she really loved Zhou Zhijun, and she was just a silly woman in the final analysis.


The belated apology came with choking and deep remorse. Liu Yuan was not a bad person, she was just protected too well, loved Zhou Zhijun too much, lost her self, and was just as stupid as Leng Mei.


Shaking her head with a smile, Yun Yao said something to cheer before turning around, waiting for her Yun Che and others to be like a knight to welcome the queen, until she walked among them, the group said under everyone's attention Leaving with a smile, it seemed that nothing had happened before. Looking at their backs, several women in the Xiao family couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. They even forgot to leave. Are these people really their enemies? This question hovered in their minds for a long time.

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