Young Military Rarities

Chapter 443: Godfather is so beautiful! (2)

Yes, he does n’t have Ming Che's memory. He does n’t know how good Ming Che has been to him. He only knows that Black Feather is absolutely heart-wrenching for him. Even when the memory is not restored, he will abandon him no matter what he does He always takes him as the most important point, and he has helped him out of trouble several times. The human department is complementary to each other. Heiyu remembers his goodness to him.

"Two methods, either you ascend back to the realm of God, or give him a god-like transformation."

Knowing the importance of Black Feather to him, Fei Ye did not pout with him.

"No wonder he used to urge me to be stronger before, but he never said again when he restored his memory."

Concentrating his eyes, Yun Che murmured a bit. He didn't know what department he used to urge him to become stronger and take off to the previous level. But after recovering his memory, he knew that he had no plans to ascend and would not return to the realm of God, so he would never say it again, preferring to stay with him in this state again for him.

"Can you make god-shaped Xingdan?"

If he remembered correctly, he just said that he could help Black Feather? Since there are only two conditions for the black feather to transform into shape, the previous one is definitely not related to him. The only possibility is that he can refine the god-level transformation.

"You don't plan to take off?"

Fei Ye did not answer him, but asked back, Yun Che shook his head, and then shook his head. "Where is it different? In fact, I'm just an ordinary person, and I don't have much ambition, as long as I can be comfortable with the people I care about, ordinary I'm very satisfied after my life. Fighting and killing is my strength, but it's not the way I like to live. Since soaring is an option, I would rather be my chicken head here instead of competing in the previous position. Become a phoenix, continue to walk on blood and thorns. "

As long as he does not take off, he will be the master of the two spaces in the future. Although he may no longer have absolute control over the creatures in the space, he will not be bullied. When he becomes the strongest in this space, At that time, no one would dare to make his idea, and he would be able to live a truly carefree and peaceful life with his family.

But once the space master soars, even if he returns, he will not be the owner of the space, let alone never return, not to mention that after going to the previous plane, he may face more killings and wars. He's not timid, but he doesn't think it's necessary. He has his own strong midfielder. Is the previous seven gods strong enough? But in the end, did they all fall down?

"But if it's for Black Feather, you will definitely choose to soar, right?"

Sweeping the previous evil, Fei Ye looked at him deeply, with a positive tone.

Yun Che also nodded slightly without hesitation. "Well, if only I can make him change shape, I will never hesitate."

Not only is love the most important thing in a person's life, but also affection and friendship. For him, Kurowa is the most special and close friend and relative. For him, even if he abandons his favorite lifestyle, he will do his best. Go all out.

"Hua Xing Dan, you need to experience thunderstorms. Your space is not closed and cannot be viewed. You must be outside if you want to refine. If the thunderstorms move outside, Xuantian will notice and leave the research center. I'll make it for you again. "

He is willing to give up the ease of life for Black Feather, and he is also willing to do anything for him, including keeping this ease for him.


Smiled at him, Yun Che didn't thank him, he knew it didn't need to.

"What about sons? How long shall we stand here?"

Obviously, Fei Ye also likes that he does not take himself as an outsider.

"They're eating. Let's go."

Feeling condensed, Yun Che pulled Fei Ye's hand, the words fell, and the person disappeared.




"Xiao Che!"

"Brother Che!"

As soon as the two appeared in the cafeteria, a variety of appellations rang, and the dumplings dumped the dinner spoon and flew towards them. Yun Che reached out and hugged the youngest Yun Ziyang. miss you

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