Young Military Rarities

Chapter 164: Proposed re-election of chairman (3)

Bai Dang, in solving the problem, Jiang Wanshan is indeed a good hand. The city defense is long and this position did not bury him, but

"Chairman Jiang, it is reasonable that we should cooperate with you, but now the president you have chosen has disappointed us. Do you want us to be disappointed again? I said earlier that the power association is because of our power. That ’s why, why not let us choose the chairperson we want? ”

In other words, Chen Hua would not choose to compete with Jiang Wanshan, but now that he has selected the camp, there is no three-hearted reason, and he can't let the great opportunity be lost in vain.

"I think so, otherwise, wouldn't there be fashionable democratic elections before the end of the world? Let's just have a fair, just and open democratic election. Except for the official and military people in the base, all abilities have The right to vote, who has the highest number of votes, who is the chairman. As for the candidates, I don't think you should list any of them, so as not to affect our judgment, we write the names of those we support in the election box. "

As if he had thought about it for a long time, Lei Dashan followed suit.

"I see. The Chen team said it well. After all, it is the chairman of the power association. We should have the right to vote."

"So, don't I have a chance to run for president?"

"Haha, let's save it, let's save it. People haven't spoken yet."

"Also, if you want to choose, I think the Yun team is the most suitable. Although Chaoyang ranks higher, the criminal team is too busy and has less time to perform tasks in person. The Yun team is more grounded, and the force value is also very good!"

"This can be there, or the cloud team will ascend to you? Brothers promise to support you!"


The suggestion is a good suggestion, but I don't know why the building is crooked again. The powerists completely ignored the increasingly ugly faces of Jiang Wanshan and others, but they swarmed to make Yun Che stand up for the president. This is a turning point. Even Yun Che was a little unexpected.

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