Finally, Wen Yu looked at Wen Hu Jiu.

Before Wen Yu could speak, Wen Hu Jiu said solemnly,"Ninth Prince, I know what kind of person you are. It is also said in the martial arts world that you value friendship and loyalty."

"Wen Yu insisted on going to Tianqi City with you today, so he will leave it to you."

"But I have something to say first. Although my Lingnan Wen family cannot compare with the imperial court, if Wen Yu loses a single hair, I believe the world will know why my Wen family likes to use poison!"

This is a warning and also a reminder.

After hearing his words, Xiao Ruofeng immediately stepped forward and bowed:"Senior Wen, please rest assured, the school does not participate in court affairs, and no one dares to make trouble in the school."

"Moreover, Mr. Wen Yu is a guest official approved by the master. I believe that in Tianqi City, the master's name is still very useful."

"Besides, Mr. Wen Yu is very powerful. I think he is the only one who can bully others. No one can bully him."

"Humph, I hope so."

Wen Hujiu nodded, then looked at Wen Yu:"You little bastard, protect yourself well when you go out."

"Got it."

Wen Yu responded, then waved to them:"Go ahead, I'll wait for you at Jixia Academy! And Xiao Baili, don't forget the pill I gave you, remember to give it to the teacher."

The teacher that Wen Yu was talking about was Gu Chen.

The reason why he was called teacher was because Gu Chen and Wen Yu had known each other for these years, and he had helped Wen Yu with some of his tricks, but Wen Yu did not become his disciple.

So thinking of Gu Chen's situation, Wen Yu exchanged a longevity pill from the system, which cost him three million reputation points, which he had secretly given to Baili Dongjun before.

"Cousin, I understand. You should do well in the Jixia Academy, and protect me when I come!"

"Xiaoyu, wait for me!"

Wen Yu watched them leave for a long time. Xiao Ruofeng and Lei Mengsha beside him did not disturb him.

After a long while, Lei Mengsha said,"Wen Yu..."


Wen Yu glanced at Lei Mengsha, and that look seemed to say, you should think carefully about how to address him.

Noticing his eyes, Lei Mengsha quickly changed his words, and then said:"Young sir, they have gone a long way, let's set off too."

Oh, heaven and earth.

The person who was still calling me brother a few days ago, but today the seniority is super doubled, and I have to salute when I see him.

It's so hard for me~

Lei Mengsha felt very cold in his heart at this moment.

Hearing this, Wen Yu didn't say anything, and said to the two of them:"Then let's go"

"Young Master, please come in."

Seeing this, Xiao Ruofeng made a gesture of invitation, and then the three of them left.

At the same time, the news that Wen Yu became a guest official of Jixia Academy also spread.

Lingnan, the Wen family

"My grandson still chose to go to Tianqi City by himself and face"


Wen Lin looked at the news about Wen Yu, and for a moment he felt mixed emotions.

How could he not know why Wen Yu did this, but now that things had come to this, he could only suppress his thoughts and cursed:"You are still too young and acting on impulse!"

But when he said this, he still had a smile on his face.

Because when Wen Yu made this choice, he knew that Wen Yu had grown up, learned to weigh the pros and cons, and learned to take responsibility.

However, he still gave an order:"Notify the best guards of the secret guards, my good grandson has gone to Tianqi City, and he must bring people with him. Let them all follow. The Lingnan Wen family cannot lose its prestige!"


Tianqi City, Pingqing Palace

"Your Majesty, I just received news that the Ninth Prince has invited Wen Yu to join the Jixia Academy, but not as a disciple, but as a guest official to teach swordsmanship.

Zhuo Qing came to Emperor Tai'an and reported respectfully.

"Well, I know."

"Pass the order and ask everyone to stop."

Emperor Tai'an said slowly.

Hearing this, Zhuoqing said cautiously:"Your Majesty, I am worried that Wen Yu joining the school is just a stopgap measure."

"Lao Jiu will make the decision himself. He knows whether to keep or not, and what to do."

Emperor Tai'an glanced at Zhuo Qing.

The meaning was very clear, that is, whether this was a stopgap measure or Xiao Ruofeng wanted to ease the relationship, he didn't care.

Moreover, he had his own ideas in his mind.

In fact, this time, he made such a move, partly because he wanted to be a villain in it, so that Wen Yu and Xiao Ruofeng could get in touch.

In this way, even if Wen Yu finally escaped from the control of the court, he would be on good terms with Lao Jiu.

With Wen Yu, the future super strong man in the world, and Lao Jiu being Li Changsheng's disciple, it would be much easier for him to ascend the throne.

It must be said that Emperor Tai'an really likes Xiao Ruofeng.

Of course, he really wants to kill Wen Yu.

But for him as an emperor, killing has its advantages, and not killing also has its uses.

"Go down"


Zhuo Qing respectfully withdrew...

For a time, the whole martial arts world was talking about Wen Yu becoming a guest official of Jixia Academy.

Li Changsheng, who used the sword to fly to heaven, and Wen Yu, who recently appeared with the sword to open the gate of heaven.

It can be said that the two most powerful swords in Beili are in the academy, which makes more people want to join Jixia Academy.

Wen Yu and his party are also on the way to Tianqi City.

On the way, they rested in an inn.

Wen Yu opened the panel.

System: Reputation System

Name: Wen Yu

Identity: Wen Family's grandson

Constitution: Evil Poison Body (First Order)

Talent: Poison Supreme

Character Template: Li Chungang (79% fit)

Cultivation: Free and Easy Heaven Realm-Nine Heavens

Skills: Wen Family Poison Sutra

Martial Arts: Shocking Finger

Reputation: 37.5753 million reputation points

Reputation Mall: Open to view

"Hiss, as expected, the bigger the noise, the greater the benefits."

Looking at his reputation value, Wen Yu drooled happily, and then he opened the exchange mall without saying anything and exchanged for a second-level breakthrough pill.

Second-level breakthrough pill: 10 million reputation points, taken below the Fuyao realm, can break through a realm, and there are no side effects

"Ding! Consume 10 million reputation points to obtain the second-level breakthrough pill."

"Good, the remaining 20 million....Let's see if there is a suitable technique."

After exchanging for the second-level breakthrough pill, Wen Yu's breakthrough was a foregone conclusion. He immediately thought about the problem of his own cultivation technique.

The Wen family's poison sutra was indeed amazing, but after breaking through to the free and easy heaven realm, the performance of this technique seemed a bit mediocre.

So he thought about exchanging himself for a suitable technique.

The first thing he thought of was a technique related to poison.

But after a moment's thought, he rejected it.

There are many reasons, the most important one is that the items he has unlocked at this stage, the techniques related to poison, have no effect on him.

Because he originally has an evil poison body, practicing poison techniques is just to increase some means, and his real improvement in cultivation still depends on taking poison.

Moreover, the means of these poison techniques can be used by the evil poison body itself.

For example, the fusion of poison and true qi, such as long-distance control of poison to kill people.

Unless you unlock the Seven-Colored Poison Sutra, or the powerful techniques such as the Tianyou Poison Classic.

But these techniques are too advanced, and they all start with at least nine zeros, and they have not been unlocked yet.

"In this case, I will choose something useful to me, such as those who live longer and can recover from injuries quickly."

With a goal in mind, Wen Yu immediately searched in the reputation mall.

Finally, he saw a martial arts book.

Sacred Heart Sutra: 25 million reputation points, a drop of phoenix blood is given after purchase, a supreme magic skill created by combining the martial arts of thousands of families and the characteristics of phoenix blood, which makes the owner immortal, keeps youth forever, and resurrects the dead

"this......It seems good."

Wen Yu pondered and said,"Because I have a reputation system, and as long as I live long enough, my reputation will increase, and in the end I may be able to achieve true immortality."

"Well, this is it!"

No one doesn't want to be immortal, and Wen Yu couldn't resist the temptation.

Thinking of the immortality attribute brought by the Sacred Heart Sutra, Wen Yu immediately chose it.

After all, there are still many things in his reputation mall that have not been unlocked, and many of them are also very expensive. As long as he lives longer, his reputation will increase.


"Ding! Consume 25 million reputation points and obtain the Sacred Heart Technique."

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