"Oh? One more ingredient is missing?!"

After hearing Wen Yu's words, Li Changsheng immediately became interested and looked at him curiously:"Yu boy, which one do you think it is?"

Wen Yu did not answer, but stretched out his hand to the cup in the room and sucked it into his hand.

Then he poured the wine in the wine pot into it and handed the wine pot to Xiao Ruofeng.

He took out a packet of poison powder from his sleeve, poured it into it, shook it slightly, and stirred it evenly.

"I'm still missing this flavor for the wine I want to drink."

Wen Yu drank the poisoned wine in one gulp, with a satisfied look on his face:"It smells good." Seeing him intoxicated, Li Changsheng's alcohol addiction was finally aroused:"Yu boy, give me some of what you added, so I can see what it is."

"Mr. Li, you can't drink this stuff of mine."

Wen Yu shook his head and refused. Although he knew that his poison had no effect on Li Changsheng, he would not let him try it. After all, poisoning wine was his personal habit and hobby. Seeing his behavior, Li Changsheng became more interested and said proudly:"I, Li Changsheng, have been in the martial arts world for so many years, and there is nothing I can't drink."

"Yu boy, you can't be so stingy that you don't even want to share with me. I recommended you to be a guest of my school." Li Changsheng immediately changed into a look of deep sorrow. He felt like he had met the wrong person. Wen Yu no longer concealed it when he saw this :"The wine I drink must be poisoned, otherwise I will lose my appetite.



He was not pretending, but he had been taking poison for so many years.

Poison had become an indispensable part of his diet. Now, he felt that anything he ate without poison was tasteless. There was nothing he could do. His talent was there, but he was so willful.



Taking poison?!

Are you kidding me?

But seeing Wen Yu's enjoyable expression, Li Changsheng and Xiao Ruofeng were both stunned.

Could it be that the more you drink, the more poison you have?

Xiao Ruofeng looked at Wen Yu in disbelief, and said,"Young sir, I read a lot of books, don't lie to me. Will people be fine after drinking this poison?"

"You forgot that I am from the Wen family. I grew up in a pile of poisons. My body is soaked in poisons."

"Poison? For ordinary people, it is a deadly thing, but it is a great tonic for me."

Wen Yu said calmly, and then took out another dose of poison, put it in his wine gourd, and drank it directly.

He said this to replenish his poisonous body.

After all, he could practice by taking poison, which was really shocking.

Fortunately, he compiled a story that was immune to all poisons, which was more acceptable to people.


Seeing that he was fine after drinking the poisoned wine, Li Changsheng's eyes widened, and then he laughed heartily:"Hahaha, interesting, really interesting"

"I was originally wondering, you, Wen Yu, are from the Wen family, why haven't you used your Wen family's methods during this period of time? Is it because you haven't learned the skills well enough, or have you not learned them?"

"Now it seems that you are worthy of being a member of the Wen family. You drink poison like water."

"So that's it."

Xiao Ruofeng couldn't see the changes in Wen Yu after taking the poison, but Li Changsheng could feel it clearly.

He clearly felt that Wen Yu's aura rose slightly after drinking the poisoned wine.

Li Changsheng immediately thought that Wen Yu was practicing by taking poison.

As for the principle behind it, he didn't know, but this method made him think more highly of Wen Yu.

It also made Li Changsheng more interested in Wen Yu.

Perhaps because he thought Wen Yu was a good person and to his liking, Li Changsheng immediately invited him:"How about coming up and drinking with me, Yu boy?"

"Of course it's okay."

Wen Yu would not refuse to drink with Li Changsheng, and immediately performed the Immortal Step and came to his side.

The Immortal Step is a body movement that accompanies the Sacred Heart Sutra.

When using the Immortal Step, it looks like a leisurely stroll in the garden, and it doesn't seem fast to others, but in fact it is shrinking the earth into an inch, and the speed is so fast that it is hard to keep up.

There is no wind, no true qi fluctuations, and no sound barrier.

""Great body movement."

Li Changsheng's eyes lit up and he praised.

"Just so-so."

Wen Yu was not proud either, and then he also imitated Li Changsheng, lying on his back on the roof, holding the wine pot and shaking it to toast:"This cup is for Mr. Li"



After that, the two of them started drinking on the rooftop, without any food, just drinking.

When they ran out of wine, they asked Xiao Ruofeng to bring some.

As they drank more and more, maybe because they were drunk, or maybe because they were chatting well, they started all kinds of wild conversations.

"Yu Xiaozi, you know when I was young, an immortal told me that I was an immortal and should not stay in the mortal world. But I didn't want to go to the immortal world and wanted to stay in the human world. The immortal didn't force me and said he would grant me immortality."

"This scene was seen by a poet, who left the words,"The immortal stroked my head, and I received eternal life after we got married."

As he spoke, a touch of reminiscence flashed in Li Changsheng's eyes. With this look and expression, those who didn't know would think he was telling the truth.

Seeing this, Wen Yu smiled and said,"Oh? Old Li, it seems that you and I have the same adventure?"

"What do you mean?" Li Changsheng immediately looked at Wen Yu

"I was originally a fairy from heaven, but I fell to the mortal world by chance. I couldn't bear to see the decline of swordsmanship, so I came down to earth to show the real swordsmanship to the mortal world. Hence, there is this sentence,"If Heaven had not given me the Jade Sword Fairy, the swordsmanship would have been dark forever~"

Wen Yu said unrestrainedly.

It's just a made-up story, and anyone can say it differently.

Hearing what he said, Li Changsheng was stunned, then looked at him with a smirk on his face:"You kid, you are really becoming more and more to my taste"

"I like it very much. It's a pleasure to chat with you."

"From now on in Apocalypse City, I will protect you. If anyone attacks you, call me immediately and I will beat him to death."

"I don't want it. If you want to kill me, I will be happy only if I kill myself."

"Haha, you have great ambition!"




In this way, the two drank from day to sunset, from sunset to night, and from night to day.

Over and over again, the two drank for three days and three nights.

In the yard below, there were jars of wine left over from the two people.

Originally, Xiao Ruofeng was alone, but now Lei Mengsha, Liu Yue, Luo Xuan, and Mo Xiaohei also came.

They sat side by side on the stairs, looking at Wen Yu and Li Changsheng on the roof with tired faces, and said with despair.

"No, they won't get drunk, right? They've been drinking for three days and three nights."

"Yes, I have already bought out all the wines from all the wine shops in the city. If they drink again, I will have to go out of the city and buy them somewhere else."

"From now on, we will have one more person to drink with who we cannot invite."

"The fighting power of these two people after drinking is really terrifying."

Just as Xiao Ruofeng and the others were sighing, Wen Yu was stunned when he saw that the wine in his wine pot was gone.

Li Changsheng on the other side also found that it was gone.

The two looked at each other, and then said in unison:"Bring some wine!"

Hearing what the two said, Xiao Ruofeng and the others instinctively wanted to buy wine, but then they reacted and could only smile bitterly and said

"Master, young master, you have drunk up all the good wine in the city."

"You drank half of the wine in the palace, and the other half was locked up by my father. If you want to drink more, you can either drink the inferior wine or wait for us to buy it in other cities."

Xiao Ruofeng said with a tearful face.

Seeing him like this, Wen Yu and Li Changsheng looked at each other and then sighed together.

"It's so hard to find a bosom friend in life, but there's no wine, what a disappointment"

"Lao Li, next time, when my cousin comes over, let him brew wine while we drink. Oh, there is another dish, roasted lamb leg, we can eat and drink at the same time, wouldn’t it be fun."

Hearing this, Li Changsheng immediately responded:"It sounds good when you put it that way, well, that’s it, no matter what the results of these two people in the academy exam are, they must join the academy."

All disciples: Master, is it okay for you to be so blatant about the shady dealings?

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