Princess of Cabezo, Emilie Cabezo, was set to die.

The decision was made a day after returning to the age of 12.

She died from the poison her father gave her. The reason was that she had tarnished the reputation of the family.

‘All my life I’ve only wanted love from my father. But my father gave me poison instead of love.’

“Miss Emilie, have breakfast.”

Emilie, lost in thought, raised her head.

The maid came in and set the table. The dish smelled unpleasant.

‘It’s all cold food.’

Emilie at this time ate alone in her room. It was her father’s punishment.

‘What did I do wrong?’

She couldn’t remember that. She was punished so often. All the reasons were trivial.

The crime of visiting a guest when he was in a bad mood, of being unnecessarily kind to a customer, of knowing more than her (half)younger sister, Polia, etc.

‘I can’t remember every single one of those ridiculous reasons.’

Perhaps this punishment was also given for a ridiculous reason.

“What are you doing and not eating?”

The maid asked bluntly.

She was hoping Emilie would eat quickly. That way, she’ll clean it up quickly. Emilie was struck with a look of annoyance.

“I’m not going to eat, so get rid of it.”

“Then tell me in advance. I shouldn’t have bothered you.”

The maid said nervously.

“I’m going to go down to the dining room and eat there today.”


The maid was startled.

Emilie rose from her seat, unconcerned.

“You can’t! The Duke is angry!”

The frightened maid desperately blocked Emilie and tried to stop her. Emilie pushed through the door pretending she didn’t hear it.

“What’s wrong with you, Miss!”

At last the maid finally caught Emilie’s arm.

“Then you shouldn’t have brought me that kind of food.”

“You’ve been eating them well in the meantime.”

“I’ve only been watching how long you’ll be doing this.”

Emilie lashed out at the maid’s hand.

The maid stood dazed with fright.

The employees looked down on Emilie, who was hated by Duke Cabezo. The Duke of Cabezo only liked Polia, Emilie’s half sister.

When Emilie appeared at the dining room, the Duke of Cabezo opened his mouth in amazement.

However, he frowned as he had been interrupted on his cozy time with Polia.

“What are you doing here?”

A cold voice that a father says to his daughter was unbelievable. Emilie’s heart throbbed.

‘Get a hold of yourself, Emilie. He’s the one who killed you before returning back.’

No matter how much attention you crave, he’ll never give it.

I didn’t want to be hurt anymore because of this kind of person.

“Oh, I’m here to eat to breakfast.”

“Here? I haven’t forgiven you yet. You tried to take away Polia’s stuff, but you didn’t reflect.”

Upon hearing that, Emilie remembered why she was being punished.

Emilie recently lost a ring, a keepsake of her late mother. But then Polia showed up with the ring. Polia stole the ring and refused to return it. It wasn’t Emilie but Polia who took the item.

“That ring is my ring. It’s the ring my mother bought for me.”

“Your biological mother is already a dead person! Whatever she bought it belongs to me, the master of this family. If I give it to Polia, it’ll be hers.”

My father said harshly.

Emilie’s heart was throbbing.

‘It’s okay to talk nonsense about me, but I can’t stand it when my mother’s being looked down.’

Polia, who was rolling her eyes, spoke in a charming voice.

“Father, I’m fine. Please forgive my sister. Sis! Sit here next to me!”

It was a perfect performance.

Emilie ignored Polia and said to the Duke Cabezo.

“The food that comes up to my room is of poor quality. It’s mostly cold and there were rotten vegetables a while ago.”

“You’re going to eat what I’m giving you, and you’re complaining about the side dishes now?”

“I understand the difficulties in the kitchen. They can just set up one at a time, but because of me, we put food in the dining room and food in my room. The quality of the food can’t help but decrease because it’s hard. That’s why I’m going to have a meal in the dining room for the kitchen staff.”

“What did you say?”

The Duke Cabezo fumed.

But his thin logic could not refute Emilie’s words. All he did was stare at his 12-year-old daughter and hope that she would step down in fear.

But it was strange.

‘Why don’t you say you’ve done wrong?’ [Father’s thought]

Normally, Emilie will ask for forgiveness from the Duke Cabezo but he cleared his throat. Now Emilie sat proudly at the table, instead of begging for forgiveness. When the kitchen staff served the tableware and food, they even ate it deliciously.

In the meantime, Emilie has never given the Duke Cabezo a single look.

As Emilie’s attitude was different from usual, the Duke Cabezo’s attitude changed.

He didn’t shout and get angry, he just stared at Emilie.

The sight made Polia sick.

‘She’s really going to eat with us from now on.’ [Polia’s thought]

I just managed to kick her out of the table!

The Duke Cabezo had to be in-charge fully.

Emilie had to be a thorough loner in this family.

Polia pushed the bowl of vegetable soup to Emilie.

“Sister, try this, too. It’s really delici… Kyaak!”

Polia spilled the soup on Emilie, pretending that it was a mistake. Emilie’s white clothes turned red.

“Uh, sister! I’m so sorry! I just wanted you to eat something delicious, but…”

Polia wore a tearful look. Emilie looked alternately at the dirty clothes and Polia.

“Mistakes could be made. Emilie, go change your clothes.”

The Duke Cabezo said.

Polia smiled inwardly. It was easier to kick out the good and innocent Emilie than eat the cold soup.

Emilie rose from her seat in a gentle manner. Then the glass of juice was knocked down naturally.

Chwak! (t/n: tf, idk rlly know this sfx sorry)

The yellow juice drenched Polia’s clothes.

“Kyaa! Sister, what are you doing!”

“Oh my, I’m sorry. I was in a hurry to get out of the way early in case it smelled. Let’s go up there together and change.”

Emilie cheerfully said.


After the meal, the Duke Cabezo went out only with Polia.

Emilie was used to it because it happened all the time. Of course, the 12-year-old Emilie before was very upset.

‘Now I know how comfortable it is for the two of you gone.’

The duchy without the two was at peace. Emilie took a walk in the garden to organize her thoughts.

In the garden, large, colorful flowers and big trees were mixed in uncoordinated fashion. It was made by Polia’s biological mother.

‘Originally, my mother was the one who created the garden.’

It was a garden envied by society.

But as soon as my stepmother became the new Duchess, she pushed the garden away.

It wasn’t just the garden.

Everything that was related to Emilie’s biological mother, and everything that was Emilie’s, has been changed to her stepmother’s and Polia’s.

‘I was fine. All I wanted was my stepmother’s love.’

Such a girl was thirsty for affection. Because she lost her biological mother and her father was not close to her. However, her stepmother, who was from a brothel, kept Emilie in check who threatened Polia’s position.

She was kind and at the same time, when no one was there, she pinched and hit her. She also cleverly criticized and insulted her in public.

And eventually that happened.

A few years ago, on a mountain where they went on a family outing, the stepmother secretly called Emilie out.

<Emilie, come here. Why don’t you go up there with Mom?>

<With me? Not Polia?>

<Polia is scared and she hates high places. The only one who can play with Mom is our good daughter Emilie, no one else.>

Emilie was happy like flying in the sky. This is because Emilie’s stepmother, who had always abused her when there was no one, showed her favor in the absence of others for the first time.

Emilie’s little heart throbbed. She was excited and happy.

<Did my mother finally open her heart to me?>

The stepmother took Emilie’s hand and climbed up to the cliff. It was strange for her stepmother to squeeze Emilie’s hand and approach the edge of the cliff, but she was so happy that Emilie followed her nicely.

<Mother, I see Polia and Father down there!>

The stepmother laughed at Emilie who was waving her hands excitedly. She fell toward the cliff as if she had waited as Emilie’s hand brushed past against her body.


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Emilie reached desperately for her stepmother and grabbed her.

But *the bitch cried out with a cold face. (t/n: oops wrong trans)

<Let go of me! Only if I die like this can my daughter be a true princess!>

The stepmother shook off Emilie’s hand and crashed down the cliff with a piercing scream.

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