“Elisabeth is smarter than her peers. I tested it with Dalton a few days ago, and she has the knowledge of an 18 year-old. She’s good at playing musical instruments, and it’s special considering she was a princess.”

Victoire said, puffing his pride by himself.

‘It’s really nice that a kid like her is my daughter….no, she’s not my real daughter.’

Victoire came to his senses in amazement at his own thoughts.

Elisabeth is a cute and lovely child. The big, clear eyes and the sweet, cute voice that looked up always tickled my mind.

However, Elisabeth is a child who kept her mouth shut and smiled like a submissive doll. There was a clear assertiveness without causing trouble.

The more I knew about this child, the less I could understand why she was hated.

But that’s it.

‘One day she’ll be a child that will be used to achieve its purpose.’

You shouldn’t give your heart. (t/n: fyi, victoire’s talking to himself)

I was so immersed in the soft feelings that I felt for the first time in my barren life that I even thought nonsense, but I should not cross the line anymore.

‘She’s an orphan, but she’s the blood of the Cabezo.’

Victoire has settled his mind.

‘Being nice to the child is just a minimum conscience for a child who will one day be sacrificed.’


“How was your day, Your Grace? I’ve had a long day waiting for you.”


Upon returning home, Victoire entered the mansion, greeting Elisabeth. When Elisabeth came to the office, saying she had something to say, he sent her back. However, it was Victoire himself that was shaken even when he turned her away.

Elisabeth was only a very small and young child, and that made him extremely agitated.

‘But was it too much for a kid like her?’

She was already shunned by her parents once. If she had been ostracized by himself, she would have been irrevocably hurt.

“Your Grace, the investors earlier…”

Victoire jumped out of his seat like he could not hear what his aide Harry was saying.

“Your Grace? Your Grace! Where are you going?”

Victoire ran frantically to the study.


Victoire, who opened the door, was unable to speak. Among the tall books, Elisabeth was fast asleep. With a thick book in her arms as if it were a teddy bear.

“Your Grace, why are you here…”


Victoire sent out the following aide Harry and closed the study quietly. Victoire approached Elisabeth, wary of the sound of his footsteps.

The red sunset, which came through the long window of the study, shone on Elisabeth. The girl was like a little angel. The sound of breathing coming out of her mouth felt like it was not real.

‘She’s still so cute when she’s asleep, she must have been incredibly lovely when she was a baby.’

The sleeping baby Elisabeth must have smelled like a fragrant baby.

Suddenly, Victoire felt sorry that he had not seen this child grow up.

I wish we had met earlier.

‘What book were you reading?’

Victoire, who lowered his gaze, flinched.

【Noble Families of the Empire: Focused on the Duke of Leschine】

‘Why is this…?

It was one of the books designated as forbidden books after the Duke of Leschine was disgraced and destroyed.

‘Does she know that we are the blood of Duke Leschine? That can’t be true.’

The only people who knew that Count Daughtry was actually the blood of the Leschine family and his closest aides, including the Empire’s Marquis Dalton. This little girl could not have known the secret.

Victoire looked at other books piled up around him. 【The Rise and Fall of a Family】,【The History of the Empire】,【The Second Duke】,【The Handbook of Aristocrats】, and so on. They were similar books.

‘These are similar kinds of books. I don’t think I’ve seen it because I’m only interested in the Leschine family. Are you interested in this field because you were a princess? Hmm. Maybe.’

Victoire nodded his head.

‘But for a 12-year-old, this is too difficult to read.’

What Dylan said made sense.

‘Elisabeth should play a little more than be in her study.’

Victoire thought he was just like a father who had a real young daughter.

‘I have to stay away from this child.’

Even if I stay away from your body, you won’t leave my mind. Strangely enough, it keeps digging into my heart. I hope this child’s every step of the way is cared for and she grows up to be more upright, better, and happier.


From the next day on, Elisabeth was restricted from entering the study.

“You mean she has to play for more than five hours a day to get to the study? What a fresh set of rules.”

Damon, who was sitting on the couch in the sitting room, said with a smile. Victoire glanced at his smiling son.

(V) “A kid has to be a kid.”

(Damon) “Elisabeth is cute, but she is definitely a bit mature. I’m good at everything, but I’m not good at playing. Marian said that too. It’s a pity to keep looking at me.”

That’s what Victoire is feeling, too.

“I think Marian has changed a bit, too, Father.”

“Marian is still loyal.”

“Marian’s loyalty is unquestioned. But these days, Marian is really worried about Elisabeth. When Elisabeth got lost in the woods with Dylan, she cried as if the sky had fallen down.”


Marian was not simply Elisabeth’s maid. She is the right-hand man of the Leschines, who was assigned to monitor Elisabeth.


“You’ll have to exclude her from Elisabeth’s maids, right?”

“I’ll make her a nanny for Elisabeth.”


Damon asked back in embarrassment.

“To wash Elisabeth’s identity more thoroughly, she’ll need a nanny who has raised her since she was a child.”

“It’s a concept that she couldn’t eat or learn because she was poor.”

“But she’s a nobleman, so she should have a nanny.”

“Father, you know this is a little too much, right?”

Victoire glared at Damon.

“Marian came to our mansion holding Elisabeth, who is about to starve to death. It was windy and rainy that day. We accepted her because we thought it would be dangerous to leave it as it is.” (t/n: this is the made up story for eli’s adoption)

“I don’t know if Elisabeth knows much about Father’s devotion.”

Damon said cynically.

“What are you talking about?”

Damon shrugged.

“She was depressed because she was restricted from entering the study without knowing Father’s mind.”

Victoire has become serious. Elisabeth is depressed? He struggled to say.

“Call Marian to the drawing room.”

Marian, who was called in by Victoire, appeared in the drawing room. Her expression was cold.

“What did you call me for, Your Grace?”

“Is Elisabeth shocked by her restricted access to the study?”

The cold face of Marian was replaced by surprise.

“Your Grace knows that?”

“Damon told me.”

“I thought you wouldn’t mind if you knew.”

“Why did you think I would?”

“Because she’s not your real daughter.”

“That’s a little… “

Victoire, who tried to say, ‘She’s sad,’ shut his mouth.

He should not have crossed the line. Elisabeth was not his daughter, but also a Cabezo, a child to be used. How many times has he vowed to stay away from the child?

“Your Grace. I dare say. Please be nicer to the young lady.”

But Marian shattered her pledge. This faithful servant who has never dared to go back from her master’s words.

“You can’t keep her forever anyway. So please, until [that day].”

Marian meant it.

Victoire should have been angry. He had to scold her for becoming emotional in the face of revenge. Strangely, however, Victoire was not displeased. It was rather reassuring. It was reassuring that there was such a kind nanny beside Elisabeth.


“Yes, Your Grace.”

“I want you to be Elisabeth’s nanny from now on.”

“Yes? What do you mean?”

Marian asked with a puzzled look.

“No matter how good Elisabeth is, she’s still a nobleman. If she doesn’t have a nanny who raised her since birth, it can be suspected by others.”

“Am I supposed to be young lady Elisabeth’s nanny for a more perfect performance?”

When Victoire nodded, Marian’s face hardened.

“If that’s the case, there are many other employees who can act better.”

“I don’t think anyone can take care of Elisabeth more sincerely than Mrs. Marian.”


Marian’s face, frozen by what Victoire said, melted like snow.

“I’m sure you’ll be able to protect Elisabeth even more perfectly. Mrs. Marian is the right person for the role. Don’t you think so?”

Victoire was still expressionless, but Marian felt that face somehow looked friendly.

“But I don’t know if I can.”

“There’s no one like Mrs. Marian. Don’t hesitate to accept it.”

“Tha-thank you. Your Grace.”

Marian bowed her head with a thrilled face.

“But where is Elisabeth now?”

“She’s playing hard to get to the study. She’s still a little clumsy.”

Victoire rose from his seat. Marian, whose complexion was revealed, guided Victoire to Elisabeth.

Elisabeth was often hanging around in her own playground built in the garden. Next to the swing was a small fountain, and Elisabeth was circling around the fountain in a pink-colored horse.

Victoire gazed at the figure in the distance delightfully. But the smile was also brief, and Victoire’s expression darkened.

“Why does she keep spinning?”

“Young lady doesn’t know how to play. She has never played before.”

Victoire looked at Elisabeth again. Elisabeth was riding enthusiastically on her horse. Her eyes were full of enthusiasm. Her cheeks were puffy and eager, but she was not enjoying the game, but was doing it like a task.

‘How do the damned Cabezos raise a child?’

His heart became heavy. I thought my emotions were dry, but I was angry at the thought of Elisabeth’s past.

‘It may simply be that.’

The more I see her like that, the more I want to be nice to her. I want to see that kid smile. Maybe it’s simply because of the rage against the Cabezos.

“Hey, what are you doing alone?”

Then suddenly Dylan appeared before Elisabeth.

“I’m playing. So I can go to the study room.”

“If you’re playing then just play, why are you playing to go to the study? Is that fun to you?”

“Umm, more than you think?”

Elisabeth thought seriously and answered.

‘You must be having fun, though.’

Victoire’s face brightened a little while eavesdropping on the conversation between the two children.

“Come here. I’ll push the swing.”

Dylan hugged Elisabeth and sat her on the swing. Then he started pushing from behind.

“Ah, ahh! It’s too fast!”

“It’s alright. You’re not going to fall.”

“It’s too high!”

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Elisabeth was screaming and laughing like she was having fun. Victoire nodded as he watched Dylan wrap himself around Elisabeth with an aura to protect her from any possible injury.

‘Pretty good.’

Somehow he was pleased.

“Your Grace, aren’t you going to visit the young lady?”

Marian asked. Victoire shook his head and went back into the mansion. He will continue to distance himself from Elisabeth. Don’t fall too deep into that child.

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