Chapter 27

Emilie was punished by the Duke of Cabezo. She went alone in a deserted mansion where no one believed her. Instead, Polia’s imposing days increased as time passed by.

The first thing Polia did as soon as Emilie’s probation day came was to visit her.

Emilie, who always looked kind, looked so determined that day that she couldn’t believe she was a young girl.

“Why did you lie, Polia?”

Seri admired Emilie, who had spoken bluntly. If it were her, he would not have been able to speak so calmly, whether she was discouraged or angry.

Polia, on the other hand, laughed at Emilie with a twisted attitude while relying on her father and mother on her back.

“Because I really hate you.”

Seri thought that even the answer was too Polia.

“I knew you didn’t like me.”

“You know? Our mom said you wouldn’t know, but she’s not tactful.”

“But I wanted to be nice to you. I gave you a present because I wanted to change your mind and get along well as sisters. But why did you lie like that?”

Polia’s eyes distorted ferociously.

“You want to get along well with me as a sister? Don’t be ridiculous! You must have given me that cheap dress because you felt sorry for me!”

Emilie’s present was a designer dress that Polia had never even heard of. The fabric is also far inferior to the luxurious one she wears all the time.

“I’m the same princess as you. Don’t take pity on me, you arrogant thing!”

Polia screamed at the top of her lungs.

Emilie’s face turned white as a sick man.

“The dress is the most expensive and best thing I’ve ever had. At the same time, it was my favorite. It was a new one I never wore.”

“You want me to believe that a princess wears this? My father buys me a palace designer’s outfit, and you barely wear it?”

Polia doubtfully asked. Emilie turned white as she had been greatly shocked by the remark.

Emilie’s dress was always under her stepmother’s care. Her father never stepped up to Emilie and gave her a dress or anything.

But Polia got a royal designer’s clothes as a gift that no one can wear even if they have money. Besides, she didn’t even know that!

Looking at Emilie’s face, Polia belatedly grasped the situation. The displeasure vanished like a lie. Polia screamed with laughter.

“What, really? I guess my father doesn’t care much about you! I can’t believe you call it the best dress. You sympathized with me on that subject? Oh, what a disaster!”

Seri still can’t forget Emilie’s back, who was trudging away with her drooping shoulders.

Polia didn’t stop there. She went to the Duke of Cabezo and set her up again.

<Dad, I can’t wear such expensive clothes anymore.>

<What are you talking about, Polia?>

<My sister came to see me today. She says she can’t stand me wearing the same clothes as her younger sister. I don’t want to upset my sister.>

Since then, the favoritism of the Duke has intensified. Emilie, on the other hand, lost her gown like a man who gave up everything.

But if she had quit at that point, Seri wouldn’t have been trapped in this box now.


A gloomy voice came from outside the box. Seri wiped the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand. She will be punished again if she gets caught crying.

The lid of the box opened. Seri crouched and fearfully faced her young master’s face. Polia looked down at Seri, who was so terrified of her, like she was having fun.

“Have you reflected on yourself a lot?”

“Yes, yes, Miss. I’m so sorry. I won’t offend you again.”

“Certainly, Seri. You’re already on the same boat with me. You can’t complain to employees like this anymore, can you?  You’re the one who got the snacks Emilie gave to her employees and got the stomach ache medicine.”

“That, that’s because you made me do it!”

“Will people really believe that?”


“Especially when my father doesn’t trust anyone but me? Hoho.”

The sound of Polia’s laughter gave Seri goosebumps.

“If you listen to me, you’ll be able to eat and live well for the rest of your life.”

Polia have always said this after bullying Seri. It was what Polia learned from her mother that after the severe reprimanding, a carrot and stick approach. She didn’t know that, but Seri had to answer like this.

“Miss. I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Come out.”

Polia said. Seri crawled out of the box.

“Get ready to send a tea time invitation.”

“To whom are you sending it to?”

Seri asked, even though she knew it, out of courtesy. These days there was only one person for Polia to send out an invitation.

“The lady of the Daughtry family.”

“But the lady has never appeared and seen in public. Besides, there’s no reply to the invitation given to Sir Daughtry.”

“Send it! Princess Cabezo is inviting her, I’ll see how long you won’t show up!”

Polia shouted. If the Duke of Cabezo finds out, it will hurt his pride and won’t let her do it, but Polia had no intention of quitting.

She wanted to call out the spoiled younger sister because the invitations she sent to Dylan kept being ignored.

‘I can’t believe you didn’t see the princess off just to see your sister. How is that possible? You should have said hello to the princess first if you were a newly admitted Count’s subject. I’ll fix that habit of vulgarity firmly.’

Polia had never dreamed that the letters arranged to Elisabeth would reach Dylan before it could reach her.


Deep wrinkles formed on the forehead of Duke Cabezo, who was reviewing the documents. The butler, Chris, looked as if he knew this would happen.

“These days, budget spending has been strange. Polia’s budget spending is too much.”

“That’s because Princess Polia uses that much. Everything is double-checked.”

“These items are luxury items that Polia doesn’t use. These luxuries have always been billed for Emilie. Even if I didn’t let her buy it, the weak-hearted Polia ran to beg me to buy it.”

The Duke of Cabezo was nervous. Usually, Duke Cabezo was not interested in such small budget details, but he had to speak out because he was noticeably suspicious these days.

In the meantime, he could not have known that Seri, who had been ordered by Polia, had fabricated her claims as Emilie’s. Even the butler Chris, who had no interest in the breakdown of the budget and had no ability to manage it, with Duke Cabezo had no choice but to be deceived.

But now that Emilie had disappeared, there was no one to pin down for Polia’s luxuries.

‘So hold on for a while until I have a way out.’

Chris took after his father and cursed the stupid and emotional Polia inside.

“Your Excellency, would you like me to cut back on luxuries in the history of Miss Polia’s claims?”

“No, you don’t have to. I’ll buy it if she wants.”

The Duke of Cabezo said so, but he had a stiff face. It was not unusual for her to be such a high-maintenance princess.

Aristocrats were the virtue of spending more than making money. In the past, Emilie bought it and he resented it, but if Polia bought it, the Duke of Cabezo was willing to spend as much money as she wanted.

But it was really strange that items that had always been billed for Emilie’s history now became Polia’s.

‘Surely…. No, it’s not.’

Unless he was a fool, questions had to arise. But the Duke of Cabezo struggled to erase the speculation from his head.

His daughter Polia couldn’t have done that.

However, it was no coincidence that he had been having a hard time and suffering from insomnia since Emilie’s death.


“What is this?”

Elisabeth looked at Jeremy’s yellow fruit with sparkling eyes.

It looked like a potato, but it smelled like a sweet potato. The surface was so full of moisture like it was throbbing and would burst when touched.

“Hainas. It’s a very delicious fruit, and it’s a snack for the common people.”

“A snack?”

“It’s probably the first time you’ve heard of it because poor common people enjoy it. But true gourmets enjoy hainas.”

Jeremy said with pride. He was so cute when he was flattered that Elisabeth decided to please him.

“It smells really good! Can I try it?”

“Of cour…”


It was that moment Jeremy and Elisabeth’s hand, holding a hainas, were about to meet in the air. Dylan snatched the hainas.

“Dylan! What are you doing?”

“I was going to eat it!”

Undaunted by the cries of the two, Dylan smelled the hainas with a bump.

“As expected, it’s sweet. This is bad for you.”

Dylan tried to throw away the hainas.


Elisabeth clung desperately to Dylan’s arm.

“Elisabeth, this is very unhealthy.”

“Hey, Dylan! Will eating one make her die?”

“How can I guarantee that she won’t die?”

Dylan said, looking at Jeremy with a cold face. Jeremy’s shoulders, which were proudly rising, shrank infinitely.

“What, I, I won’t die, right?”

“How can you be sure.”

“Oh, haha… You, you could die! There’s nothing impossible in the world!”

The frightened Jeremy fumbled with laughter.

Elisabeth couldn’t keep her mouth from sticking out forward. Honestly, that hainas or something, the sweet smell was too much. At first glance, it doesn’t look very healthy, but as there is a saying from faraway countries of a *ghost who dies after eating has color and charm, I wanted to die in a good way anyway.

‘That looks really delicious!’

And the important thing is, there was no fruit that kills from a single bite unless it was a poisonous plant. But if I couldn’t eat it, I might die of regret.

‘I can’t give up like this.’

Elisabeth quickly reached out, taking advantage of the confrontation between Dylan and Jeremy.

“Huh? Hey!”

The two men helplessly watched the little girl, who was smaller than them, jump up like a butterfly and snatch a hainas nimbly like a bee.

‘Nice catch!’

Elisabeth, who had taken the hainas away, only looked ahead and began to run. She felt Dylan chasing her fiercely from behind.

Realizing that she could not win at speed, Elisabeth quickly crouched behind the shrubs in the garden.

“You just try to go ahead and eat that!”


When Elisabeth saw the hainas in her hands, she opened her eyes wide. And then…


She took a bite.


It was a heavenly taste. Everything delicious in the world was said to be bad for you, but the sweet taste came to your head and seemed to melt your whole body.

‘I can die like this.’

Elisabeth, with tears in her eyes, took another bite of hainas.


A dark shadow hovered above Elisabeth, who could not endure and made a happy sound.


“Ah, ung? Nyam.”

Elisabeth, who had a mouthful of the hainas, was found by Dylan and laughed.

“Did you just laugh now?”

Dylan glared horribly, but Elisabeth was just happy.

“It’s so delicious.”

“I told you not to eat. It’s bad for you.”

“I won’t dwie~ Hehe.”

Elisabeth mumbling while munching the hainas.

“Seriously. Before, you used to not do anything I didn’t like to look good to me.”

“Umm. Nyam nyam.”

Elisabeth has become quite bold since Dylan’s ‘this oppa’. She felt a little more at ease.

More than anything else, Dylan didn’t say to piss off any more, even though he was being more comfortable than before.

“Look at this. Elisabeth is so happy.”

Jeremy, who followed late, said triumphantly. As Dylan glared like he will kill Jeremy, the main culprit, Jeremy quickly shut up.

“That’s enough. Stop eating.”

“Umm, no.”

“Give it to me.”

“I’ll stop eating if Dylan eats too.”

“I don’t eat things like that.”

“Eat it. Hurry.”

Elisabeth said, chewing the hainas hard. Once he tastes this, Dylan will surely understand Elisabeth’s heart.

“Just try it once. That’s what Elisabeth asks.”

Jeremy pointed to Elisabeth, who was holding her hands tightly with her cheeks swollen. Dylan closed his eyes when he saw the moist eyes full of anticipation.

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“Ugh. Then just a little bit.”

Elisabeth smiled and handed him the hainas. Dylan frowned and ate a very small portion of the hainas.


Dylan’s face changed after tasting the fruit.

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