Chapter 29

Elisabeth sat well before the baroness, waiting for her next test.

Baroness Terran called Elisabeth from the day after she came to the Daughtry mansion. It was early in the morning. So Victoire, who was unable to receive Elisabeth’s morning greetings, protested to his sister, but to no avail.

“Children should get up early and learn patience by studying.”

The teacher in charge said no matter what, even the father had nothing to say. Even though he knows it’s all to be mean to Elisabeth.

‘Thanks to that, my eyes are swollen now, but I’m glad they ended up swollen.’

I lived for eighteen years in my previous life and received all kinds of abuse, so I didn’t care about this much.

‘But Baroness Terran’s being mean enough for a child to endure, right? When I was five years old, I was punished to stand outside the door and stayed up all night in the Cabezo duchy.’

Baroness Terran was a person with common sense for Elisabeth, who had been through all sorts of hardships.

“I heard you were a princess. You must have learned well from the money you earned from other people’s blood and tears, so you can read this much, right?”

Of course, it still stings my heart to hear such a harsh remark.

Baroness Terran presented a thick book. When Elisabeth received it, it was so heavy that her arms fell down.

“I’ve never been a princess, but I did my best in writing. I will read it.”

Elisabeth opened up a book she didn’t even know what it was and began to read.

“<He was looking for a ghostwriter who wrote very well. All he needed was a ghostwriter who could copy the Duke of Leschine’s handwriting.>”

After reading a few lines, I could see what this book was about.

‘There was no book like this in the study.’

This seemed to be a privately owned book by Baroness Terran.

Elisabeth did not panic and read the book as a child who did not know what it was about.


When Elisabeth was reading a book in a naive way, Baroness Terran stopped her.

“Did I make a mistake?”

“No. You read it well without a single mistake. You have a talent for reading.”

Baroness Terran said expressionlessly.

‘Is that a compliment?’

Elisabeth’s head tilted.

“Then read this.”

It was the Imperial Law that Baroness Terran presented.

‘You give all the books to a 12-year-old. This is definitely bullying.’

Still, I thought it was a relief that she didn’t hit me with a book.

This time, Elisabeth played an unknown game. The page marked by Baroness Terran unfolded.

“<A person who has made an illegal contract in the handwriting of another person under the Imperial Law shall be sentenced to 10 years in prison, and a person who committed the act of framing someone shall be sentenced to 20 years in prison, and if all such crimes are related to the Imperial family, he/she shall be sentenced to death.>”

“That’s all you had to read.”

Baroness Terran took the law book back.

“It’s a difficult book, but you read it well.”

“I studied hard.”

“So there’s nothing more I can teach you?”

“Oh, that’s… “

Baroness Terran stared at Elisabeth as if she wanted to speak.

“I’ve been working hard because I’m not good enough. I have to work hard to make up for my lack. I’d appreciate it if you could teach me a great lesson.”

The look of Baroness Terran at Elisabeth changed strangely. Her hardened cheeks had softened, but she had a dim face that was neither bright nor dark.

“You’re a good speaker, whoever you look like.”

“Thank you!”

Baroness Terran looked dumbfounded at Elisabeth, who greeted her with sincere joy.

“This is a task.”

It was a book translated into foreign languages that Baron Terran’s wife presented.

‘This is ridiculous!’

The test so far was not even a test.

Before her return, she read the law book several times, but now Elisabeth was twelve years old anyway. It would just be as amazing, but it’s a foreign language book.

“You know a simple foreign language, right? Memorize it by tomorrow.”


‘This is absolutely ridiculous!’

Elisabeth wanted to scream. Even if it was given to the eighteen-year-old Emilie, it was a task that was enough to run away.

‘But I’m not Emilie right now. I’m Elisabeth, who is being tested by Baroness Terran.’

Elisabeth smiled naively and held the foreign language book tightly in her arms.

“I understand, Baroness. I’ll be back in the baroness’ room at the same time tomorrow.”

“You can come later if you are tired.”

“No, I can’t keep the baroness waiting.”

If we say I’ll be late, I’ll be nitpicked again.

She was used to that kind of test. The Duke of Cabezo had to make countless tests on young Emilie to take.

Elisabeth, carrying a heavy law book, left the room of Baroness Terran.

The next morning.

Baroness Terran awoke before the sun could even reach her head. She hasn’t slept well since she was a child. It was because she lived a life of fear and being chased all the time.

She could hardly sleep well even after living a peaceful life with Baron Terran, who cared for and protected her.

People thought Baroness Terran was diligent, but the truth was the opposite. She used to stay up late at night.

Baroness Terran, who had already been in order and drinking tea before dawn, was startled by the employee’s words that appeared after opening the door.

“Elisabeth is already waiting in the drawing room?”

It was still 30 minutes earlier than the appointed time.

‘It’s a hard time for a child to wake up.’

Even if she was a little late, I was going to say a harsh word and move on.

‘But I didn’t expect you to be here already.’

Baroness Terran went out to the drawing room. Elisabeth sat with swollen eyes, sitting in her arms was the foreign language book.

While half-asleep, the girl jumped to her feet at the appearance of Baroness Terran’s figure and leaned sideways as she greeted her.

If Marian, who came with her, had not caught her, Elisabeth would have fallen.

“You don’t have to come out this early, Baroness. It’s not time to make for the appointment yet.”

“Then why did you come so early?”

“As a disciple, it’s only natural to be prepared before your teacher.”

Baroness Terran looked silently at Elisabeth.

As the awkward silence continued, Elisabeth hesitated and held out a small plate.

She had brought it for Baroness Terran.

“This is my favorite cookie. Eating it every morning makes me feel better. You should try it, too, Baroness.”


Baroness Terran stared at the smiling girl with her eyes half open.

“I don’t eat things like that. Take it back.”

Baroness Terran turned away with a cold air.

“Don’t be heartbroken, my dear.”

She heard Marian soothing Elisabeth from behind.

‘Huh. This nanny overindulges.’

Baroness Terran snorted.

“It’s okay. My father used to throw my present. This much is fine. It’s my fault for not knowing Baroness Terran didn’t like cookies.”

Baroness Terran’s foot stopped as she was about to return to the room.

‘Your biological father, Duke Cabezo?’

She had heard from Victoire about what had happened to Elisabeth when she was Emilie at the Cabezo duchy.

Victoire said with the nuance that Elisabeth, like them, was the scapegoat of the Duke Cabezo. Baroness Terran had snorted at the story.

But when she heard that story from a young girl’s mouth, it felt heavy.

‘It’s really like Duke Cabezo, who has no blood or tears, to throw away a gift that she prepared so carefully to look good to her father.’

Baroness Terran jerked back. Then she came to the surprised Elisabeth and Marian.

“Now that you’ve brought it, I’ll eat one.”

Baroness Terran, who had a cookie cut in front of two people who had no idea, gave Elisabeth a look as if she were saying,


and went back to her room.

‘You cannot be a human being unlike the Duke Cabezo.’

Unaware of Baroness Terran’s thoughts, Elisabeth smiled brightly at Marian.

“I think Baroness Terran is more friendly than I thought.”

“She’s a good person. I’m sure you’ll get along.”

Elisabeth and Marian looked face to face and smiled.

Baroness Terran’s reappearance in the drawing room was exactly the time of her appointment.

“You’ve done your homework, haven’t you? I’ll test it out.”

Baroness Terran held the law book without giving her time to breathe.

“Under the Imperial Law, those who commit a conspiracy shall forfeit their property. Those who conspire to commit treason face heavier punishment than those who conspire to commit treason, what kind of punishment is it?”

She made her memorize foreign languages then asked questions in Imperial languages. She was trying to confuse her.

But this was easier for Elisabeth, who had an 18-year-old mind. She had read the law book several times while studying in her previous life.

Besides, Elisabeth had already noticed.

‘I know why Baroness Terran tests me with the law.’

It was to show how much sin the actions of the Cabezos had committed to the Leschines.

Elisabeth intensively read and read only the relevant parts.

“Property and titles are confiscated and get executed.”

“When one impersonates another?”

“One is sentenced to 10 years of hard labor. However, if you have to hide your body due to unavoidable circumstances, you can reduce or invalidate the punishment through a trial when you impersonate someone.”

Baroness Terran swallowed her breath.

‘Did you really memorize all this?’

Honestly, I was surprised. No, not just surprised, but unbelievable.

‘She doesn’t even stutter.’

The little girl didn’t know how to speak the law so fluently. Maybe this kid is a genius?

‘Honestly, I was looking down on you a little. It wasn’t like this when I met Princess Polia.’

A few months ago, when she stopped by for work, Baroness Terran unexpectedly met Princess Polia Cabezo.

There was a tea party for young children at the home of the young lady who was invited, and she tried to make the younger greet Baroness Terran.

<Baroness? I’m a princess, do I have to go say hello to her? The baroness should come and say hello.>

However, due to Princess Polia’s stubbornness, the young children were unable to greet Baroness Terran. Baroness Terran also thought it was rather fortunate that she didn’t see the bloodline of Cabezo.

But on her way out of the mansion, she passed by the hall where the tea party was held. Baroness Terran saw Polia’s face there for the first time.

The impression of Cabezo’s peculiar sensitivity and arrogance was vividly remembered by Baroness Terran as if it had happened yesterday.

Most of all, it was impressive to see Polia gobbling up in anger when someone emptied out the drink glass before her.

<Because my mother is of a lowly background, you dare insult me, a princess?>

Baroness Terran, who had seen it, said a word.

<Princess Cabezo. Originally, the last glass is for a person of high status. It’s a basic rule of etiquette, but you still don’t know?>

The flushed-face of the girl still came to mind.

‘Elisabeth, this child is a more legitimate Cabezo bloodline…. so different.’

I couldn’t figure out why the child was hated by Duke Cabezo.

“That’s it for today. Let’s stop and go back.”

“Thank you, Baroness. I’ll also look forward to tomorrow’s class.”

“You should be prepared, not looking forward?”

“Then I’ll be ready!”

Elisabeth clasped her hands and answered smartly.

The look was so cute that Baroness Terran almost smiled at the moment.

She coughed for no reason and asked.

“Where are you headed now?”

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“I’d like to make a morning call to the Count. He was very sad because I couldn’t give it to him yesterday. I’m sad too.”

“It’s no use saying hello every morning.”

“But I’m very happy. There’s someone who’s happy to see me in the morning.”

“Have you also been this devoted to your biological father?”

Baroness Terran asked casually. Then Elisabeth’s face turned white.

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