Chapter 33

Warm sunlight shone on the sleeping face of Baroness Terran. Baroness Terran opened her eyes with a refreshed face.

‘I think I had a pleasant dream.’

Looking at the clock, it was just past noon. She had a cold from last night, and her whole body was shivering at dawn. She groaned and fell asleep as if she had fainted.

However, when she woke up, she felt relaxed as if she had never been sick. In addition, the cold rain seemed to have stopped.

“Now that the weather is better, I’m going to leave for the North quickly. I couldn’t get ready yesterday because I was sick, but I should get ready to go back to the North now.”

Baroness Terran, who was about to wake up, turned her head casually to the soft, warm feeling of her hands.

She could see a small round head.


Elisabeth was asleep while clutching her hand tightly.

A damp towel fell from the surprised Baroness Terran’s forehead when she woke up.

Elisabeth raised her head gently.

“Are you awake? Your face looks better than before.”

Baroness Terran stared at Elisabeth with a perplexed look. The half-asleep girl laughed helplessly.

Baroness Terran picked up the damp towel that had fallen.

“Did you take care of me?”

“Just for a moment.”

“Why did you do that?”

Baroness Terran asked, handing over the hair in front of Elisabeth’s big, curled hair.

“I feel sad when I’m sick and there’s no one to look after me.”


“That’s what I do. Especially when I was sick, I was always alone.”


“Baroness, if I’m being rude…”

“No. You’re not.”

Baroness Terran said firmly.

“Thanks to you, I got better.”

At those words, Elisabeth laughed brighter than the sun.

However, Elisabeth’s cheeks looked exceptionally red. Baroness Terran put her hand on Elisabeth’s cheek just in case. The child’s cheeks were too hot.

Dylan took a deep dip in the meat with a fork. It was quite nerve-wracking.

“There’s no fool like her. Aunt is all well, but then she caught a cold.”

Damon looked at Dylan with a smile as he forked the plate as if it were pierced through.

It was fun to see his younger brother, who had been acting like an adult since the first meeting which was not cute at all, acting like a boy of his age.

That’s because of a girl younger than him.

“If you’re so angry, why don’t you go and tell her why she did such a stupid thing? Oops, you’re banned from going to Elisabeth, aren’t you?”

Dylan raised his eyes and glared at Damon as Damon teased him.

“I don’t understand Victoire or Aunt. What’s so young about 16 years old that I should be banned?”

“It’s not because they’re worried about you, but because if you catch a cold, you can’t take care of Elisabeth with all your might.”

Damon was offending Dylan easily today. He couldn’t imagine that because his younger brother, Dylan, was cute even when he was angry.

“Do you think I’m the kind of idiot who catches a cold?”

“Yes, yes. You won’t. Our Dylan won’t catch a cold. Even the cold runs away because they’re scared when they see Dylan.”

“Are you making fun of me now?”

“I’m going to have dinner and go see Elisabeth’s face.”

Dylan shouted ‘Argh’ next to him. It was definitely the sound of extremely enduring jealousy.

“What do you mean, at this age, I’ll catch a kid’s cold? Let me go see Elisabeth, too. Of course, it’s not because I miss Elisabeth.”

Damon looked at his younger brother in a sad way, saying things that didn’t add up.

“Don’t worry about Elisabeth because father and aunt are nursing right next to her. If I’m added to that, Elisabeth will get well soon with perfect protection and care. There’s no room for you to intervene.”

“Go ahead and catch Elisabeth’s cold.”

Dylan jumped up from his seat and went up to his room.

Damon chuckled away.

Elisabeth fell asleep with a face full of red spots. She drank the warm milk that Baroness Terran fed her and quickly fell asleep.

“He said it was okay.”

(t/n: i think he means the doctor said that)

Victoire took a look at Elisabeth’s forehead and sighed.

“She’s fighting a cold with a young body, so the fever is rising. Elisabeth is fighting magnificently.”

Baroness Terran soothed Victoire. But Victoire couldn’t calm down and hired servants.

“What are the assemblymen doing? I heard that if you take good medicine, you’ll feel better soon.”

“Count. This is unlike you, why are you so impatient? How can you get over your illness so quickly? I’ve been sick for a whole day too.”

While saying so, Baroness Terran’s gaze at Elisabeth was full of sorrow.

‘What did I do to be taken care of so hard? I’ve only been harsh.’

She was a child who had a lot of love and longed for love. It cannot be malice.

‘I can’t believe a child like this was born in the Cabezos. Maybe something’s wrong?’

Baroness Terran squeezed a wet towel and put it on Elisabeth’s forehead. This was something that maids could do, but she wanted to do it herself.

Because she did this to her too.

“I’m relieved to have you sister.”

Victoire, who was sighing next to her, said.

“What relief. Would this child have caught a cold if it wasn’t for me in the first place?”

“Don’t think like that. Elisabeth did it because she wanted it, but if you blame yourself, the child will be sad. Elisabeth likes you, sister.”

“Likes me?”

Baroness Terran asked again as if she could not believe it.

“You don’t know how much she has been chirping about you every morning. If you scare her, you’ll look cool and if you compliment her, she’ll say you look like an angel. She liked everything sister did.”

This positive side was also a disease.

“This child, really.”

Baroness Terran clicked her tongue. But her expression says otherwise, as it was bright.

“I’m glad someone like you became Elisabeth’s teacher.”

“No. A person like me who doesn’t have affection should not be a teacher of a child like this.”

Baroness Terran said.

It was sincere. A child who’s gentle and clear as Elisabeth should not have learned and resemble a hard person who burns with vengeance like herself.

“What do you mean, sister? Elisabeth feels so much affection for you.”

“I really don’t understand this child. Which part of me does she feel good…”

At that time, Elisabeth tossed and turned to see if she was feeling uncomfortable. Baroness Terran was startled and quickly helped Elisabeth’s body comfortably.

Victoire gazed at the sight.

Baroness Terran then said.

“Who knows, maybe this child’s in the same boat as us. “

Victoire, who was smiling, looked at Baroness Terran with a surprised face.

“Because I’m hurt by the Cabezos, and I have to hide myself because of that family.”

Baroness Terran turned her head and looked straight into Victoire’s blue eyes.

“Count. Can you do that? Sacrifice this child.”


“Make sure you decide. You can’t turn it back if you’re late.”

Victoire looked at Baroness Terran with a stiff face.

Now, the younger brother was not the person she knew. He was not the Victoire Leschine without blood or tears who lived only for revenge.

He was like a father.

The father of Elisabeth.

‘I know what this means.’

The revenge of her family that she’s been hoping for all her life may fail.

But her younger brother, who has lived in pain all his life, can feel the warmth of life because of her.

‘If my brother is feeling the same emotion I received from Elisabeth, it may not be a bad thing.’

For everyone, Victoire was a perfect and thorough piece of music. Count Daughtry, who was cold and hard as ice.

However, to Baroness Terran, he was still her younger brother, Victoire Leschine.

Baroness Terran’s eyes gleamed fondly.

“I won’t blame the Count even if he can’t. But don’t delay your decision too much.”

Baroness Terran said. Victoire looked at Elisabeth, who was asleep comfortably in the arms of Baroness Terran.

She had a comfortable face even though she was suffering from a cold and fever. She had complete confidence in the other person with an expression that looked like she was being protected.

Elisabeth looked like that when she ran to Victoire and hugged him. All the time. Instead of looking for an answer, Victoire held Elisabeth’s small hand. With that, Elisabeth clasped Victoire’s hand tightly.

Late at night, Victoire and Baroness Terran returned and were also dozing off in their own rooms.

Marian must have been very tired because she was next to Elisabeth all day long.

Elisabeth’s fever had also decreased due to her extreme care. Maybe that’s why her sleeping face was peaceful.

Smiling like she was having a good dream, Elisabeth opened her eyes to the rustling sound from the balcony.

‘What is that sound?’

Elisabeth, who raised her head, saw a familiar shadow reflected in the moonlight and rose up.

Dylan was crossing the balcony into Elisabeth’s room. When he saw Elisabeth wake up, he came in a hurry.

“The balcony is dangerous.”


“The balcony is dangerous. Ywou did wrong, didn’t ywou?”

Elisabeth questioned him with a pink face. Her voice was still stuffy.

“You listen to words well.”

“I always listen to Dylan.”

“Then remember one more thing. Colds are as dangerous as balconies. From now on, don’t go around people who have a cold.”

“Even if Dylan cwaught a cold?”

(t/n: her nose is stuffy; that’s why she talks like this)


Elisabeth tilted her head. Would it be an illusion if Dylan’s expression as he answered seems bitter?

“I don’t like that.”


“Even if Dylan has a cold, I would still go.”

“Listen. There’s no exception even if I catch a cold.”

While saying so, Dylan was secretly fond of it.

‘Sheesh. You want me to take care of you.’

Elisabeth found Dylan cute with his mouth twitching.

“No, I don’t want to. I will take care of Dylan if you catch a cold. I’ll feed you to death. “

“You listen well but you’re a liar.”

“What liar. You’re talking too mean.”

Elisabeth clenched her fists and shouted. At that moment, Marian, who was asleep in the chair, tossed and turned.


Dylan put his finger on his lips in a hurry.


“Victoire has banned me from coming to see you. He said I was going to catch a cold.”

“Huh? That’s why I haven’t seen you all day. I missed you.”

Dylan’s face turned red when Elisabeth murmured quietly those words. It was fortunate that the darkness covered the redness.

“But then, why are you here? Wouldn’t you get in trouble with Victoire?”

“I don’t care if I get in trouble. I… missed you too.”

“Wow. Really?”

Elisabeth gave a big smile. If she had the energy, she would have jumped on the spot.

‘I’m glad I came.’

Dylan smiled. He arranged Elisabeth’s messy hair.

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“I’ve seen you doing well, so that’s enough. I’ll be leaving.”

“Already? So I can’t see you again until I get over my cold?”

“You can get over your cold quickly. They say you need to sleep well to get over your cold quickly. Go to sleep.”

“I got it. I’ll sleep well so I can see you again tomorrow.”

Elisabeth lay down and pulled the blanket up to her neck. Then she closed her eyes, pretending that she was sleeping.

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