Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 104 - The Life He Never Had

This one is different. This isn't a real memory. This was his daydream, back when he was lovesick at 16, when he and Leron had to pose to be painted together. The latter lying on his chest, holding a rose, and the young him could not help letting his mind come up with scenarios for the future.

And in this one, he isn't a phantom anymore.

The daydream started with him facing a mirror, being himself, but cleaner. Teeth less sharp, smile kinder, and demeanor more cheery. He was wearing a white coat with the texture and pattern native to his kingdom.

And most notable of all, he was wearing the crown from his coronation day.

A knock came to the door.

"Crowned Prince Vladstin, are you ready?"

He blinked a bit. Should he answer and play along?

It feels right to do so. Dreams aren't reality anyway, there's no harm in letting yourself be pulled on their whims. At this moment, he won't be the bitter vampire. He would be the Vladstin that never existed, the one who aged as a crowned prince peacefully, and will be wedded with his closest friend, the man he loved most.

"Come in." He said, with a genuine smile.

Madam Felitia and Queen Vanesda entered the room. They look about a few years older. When they saw the dashing Vladstin in a white coat, they were too stunned to speak.

Madam Felitia burst sobbing right there and hugged him, while Queen Vanesda wiped a few tears that escaped her eyes, then acted like nothing happened.

"Oh, you beautiful, beautiful boy! I'm so proud of you! How you and Leron have grown, I've been watching you two over the year,s and now I can see your very own wedding!" Madam Felitia choked on sobs on his shoulder. "I still can't believe it, only yesterday you were tiny, tiny children---"

"Ahem, Madam Felitia, you would soil his shirt." Queen Vanesda reminded.

"Ah, apologies, Your Majesty! This is your boy's day, after all, I have overstepped my boundaries! You are his mother, you must want to have a word with him first before some pesky maid, haha." Madam Felitia stepped back and took a handkerchief to blow her nose. "I'll give you some space to talk to yourselves."

"No, it's not really that, Madam Felitia. We appreciate all the hard work you did, it is true that you and everyone in this palace have raised these children, not just us." Queen Vanesda bowed to her respectfully. "We are very thankful for your service."

"Oh, Your Majesty! You're too kind! And you raised your boys so well! I am sure that Crescentia will always be in good hands, even under their rule in the future!" Madam Felitia curtsied exaggeratedly again, and left.

Now that they are alone, Queen Vanesda meticulously straightened Vladstin's clothes. She only asked, "How are you feeling?"

Vladstin remembered his daydreams dialogue by heart. "Ecstatic."

"I thought you would be. I was also the same when me and your father went under the flower arch." Queen Vanesda showed no unladylike emotion on her face, still regal and serene. "But you must still uphold good conduct and poise, and remember to follow all the traditions precisely as you should---"

"Mother, it's my wedding day." Vladstin chuckled, and hugged her. "Can you just be happy for a bit and not be a mood-killer?"

"I'm not being a mood-killer." She scowled, but then returned the hug. "I'm just..... I want this day to be perfect for you."

"It will be." Vladstin promised. "As long as I'm with Leron, it will be."

Queen Vanesda parted ways with him, dabbing her eyes with her handkerchief. "Go now. He is waiting. And your father is already finishing all the bottles of moonshine before the celebration even begun."

"Classic Father." Vladstin grinned. "Just remind him to leave some for me."

"Alright." Queen Vanesda didn't bother preaching to him the bad effects of alcohol on one's behavior and reputation, since she is in high spirits. "Go now."

They parted ways by the door, when Queen Vanesda called out. "Oh, and Vladstin."

"Yes?" He turned back to her.

"Take this." She took something from her pocket....

And it was an amethyst amulet, with a butterfly inside.

Amethyst? Amulet? This isn't part of the daydream before. 

But seeing it, he was reminded of Sangfroid, and can't help but smile. This way, he could attend his wedding. "Where did you get this, Mother?"

"Your grandmother gave it to me. It belonged to a friend of her own grandmother." Queen Vanesda smiled. "It is said to bring blessings and miracles. So I thought you and Leron should have it."

"Blessings and miracles, huh? Well, thank you."

He worked it around his neck, and the pendant dangled by his chest, where his heart was.

He breathed deeply, before going down the many flights of stairs, his mind lost in thought. Once outside, he went to the wall that hid the serpentine hedges of the maze leading to the Dandelion Archway.

Yes, when he was young, this is where he wanted him and Leron to be married. So that just like the couple from the legend, even if trials may test them, they would still always be together through a wish on dandelions.

He found everyone there, seated in front and waiting. And peeking behind the hedge with a worried but also excited look on his face....

Was him.

Back then, just a look at him would bring relief to Vladstin's heart. Back then, just having him by his side could make him believe in eternity, a paradise where they could not be separated by the wheels of reincarnation. Just staying together in that state, never changing.

As he looked down at the butterfly pendant on his neck, he could only chuckle at how foolish he was. Caterpillars turn to pupa, wrapped in the chrysalis, then turn into butterflies. Nothing in this world stays forever, it always changes.

It is only through fantasies that infinite happiness exists.

And thankfully, he's in one.

"Bunny." He walked over behind Leron, putting his hand on his waist. 

"Vladstin!" He jolted in surprise. "D-Don't touch there! What took you so long...."

"Jitters. But I'm over them now." Vladstin just went exactly how his former self scripted this from him. "Where are the flower crowns?"

"Here." Leron handed him one of the two he was holding. "They prepared both masculine ones."

"As they should." Vladstin grinned. "Are you ready to walk towards the archway with me?"

"Yes...." Leron answered, then pulled on his sleeves. "But wait! How do I look? Do you think the nobles will be satisfied with my appearance?"

Vladstin looked at him head to two, rubbing his chin. "It's good enough, but you're missing something..."

He can see the visible panic in Leron's eyes, really like a frantic rabbit. "What? I should go tell the seamstress right away oh I hope they can fix it last minute---"

"A smile." Vladstin chuckled, grabbing his hand before he could go. "A smile is all you need and you'll be perfect, love."

Leron reddened at this, and hit his arm lightly. "I almost thought it was something serious..... Ah, you."

Vladstin just grinned, mimicking him, but in a different tone. A more satisfied and loving one. "Ah, you."

This made Leron smile, kissing his cheek, and their little banter was resolved.

King Lazar officiated the wedding, drunk. He forgot a few of the vows, and the guests laughed so many times that they start to clutch their stomachs, but it was just perfect in Vladstin's eyes. Every single second of it was perfect.

"Vladstin, repeat after me. With this circle of flower....."

Vladstin readied his own flower crown. "With this circle of flowers...."

"I promise you my life."

He felt that irony again, making his heart ache a bit. "I promise you my life."

"Now, Leron. You say 'With this circle of flowers..."

Leron happily repeated, staring Vladstin right through the eyes with his deep blue ones. "With this circle of flowers....."

"I promise you my eternal loyalty."

"I....." Leron wiped a tear first that came without him noticing. "I promise you my eternal loyalty."

King Lazar closed the book, and chanted a song in Crescentian tongue. Then, he made a gesture signaling them to put the flower crown over each other's heads.

"You are now bonded together by Crescentian law and the Crescentian tradition of Loving Union. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness with each other, and your children, and our kingdom. May you stay together even if the highest mountains may flatten and the deepest seas become dried.

Queen Vanesda joined him. "And I wish for a lifetime of blessings and purpose to you too. May you stay together even when the loudest winds lost their voice and the brightest night skies lost all its stars."

Leron bowed to the both of them, and leaned in, his eyes closed.

Vladstin, feeling that this dream is too much, gripping the amulet tight with uncertainty. But everyone was waiting for him, staring at him with expectant eyes.....

And so, he did it anyway. He kissed him.

The amethyst pendant broke apart from its chain, and once Vladstin's hand relaxed while kissing Leron even deeper, it fell on the soft grass.....


When someone feels immense joy, they forget everything so quickly that they could not believe life will give them any problems.

He and Leron danced in the celebration area held outside the castle, their only light being a large pyre. The people wined and dine merrily, with no inhibitions or restraints, like the satyrs in the tales. They never used utensils and ate with their hands, and even Queen Vanesda ended up being tipsy and carrying her wasted King, rocking him like a baby and singing lullabies with her sonorous voice.

It was an intoxicating type of joy, and Vladstin just left all the thinking away as he swayed his body, hands, and feet to the beat, eyes never leaving this beautiful man in front of him that he can rightfully call his.

"Min Vido." He called out. 

"What was that?" Leron giggled and leaned in, since the music is too loud.

"I'm calling you 'Min Vido', and you should call me that too." Vladstin grinned. "You know what that means, don't you?"

His new groom nodded, color rushing to his face. "Mn.... It's Crescentian for 'My life.'"

"Precisely. You are my life. And I am yours." Vladstin stopped dancing, and caressed his face with both hands. "My life, my darling. I hope we can stay together forever like this, loving each other."

Leron kissed his palm, nuzzling his cheeks from his warm hold. "Me too."

They kiss again, the bright moon shining above them.

"But..... Min Vido." Leron hid his face on the crevice of his neck, as the dance slowed into something more somber. "It cannot be."

"Why?" Vladstin asked, knitting his eyebrows.

"You're already dead."

As he said this, the world swirled like a sandstorm, and the Leron of his dreams was slowly being pulled away from him. He reached out, yelling, "No!" But it was hopeless.

There was darkness again, and the only thing that stayed was an amethyst encasing a butterfly by his feet.

He bent down, eyes wide in a daze, clutching it on his hands.

"You wouldn't leave me too, right?" He told the butterfly. "Don't go. Don't abandon me."

But as he clutched it tighter, there came a crack. His golden eyes rippled from panic, as more and more cracks came...

And the butterfly broke free, flying away to abandon him.

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