Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 110 - Advice From A Rival

"You do know how to butcher a chicken, don't you?" Vladstin started slow, making the cooking as a diversion to slowly bring up the topic.

"Mn." Sangfroid's very generous reply.

"You cut off the head, let all the blood out, then take out the feathers---"

"I know."

"Good. You don't know how to make a proper move to the one you love, but at least you can butcher a chicken."

Sangfroid hit the chicken's head with a knife slightly too high. "What?"

Vladstin gave up since someone like Sangfroid wouldn't understand the point when given in a roundabout way. He's someone straight to point, so it is best to just be frank with him.

"Have you ever thought about what you will do once we succeeded in finding the Hermit, got my head cut off properly and unable to be attached back, and you finally get to sit on the throne with your lovely prince at your side?"

"Of course I have. That's what I imagined to happen."

Vladstin grinned as he sliced the tomatoes into flower-like arrangements. "Haha, of course, you do. But are you sure.... that everything will go as planned? That Leron would just accept my death so easily?"

Sangfroid did consider this, but tried to ignore it for a long time. He was silently praying. Praying that Leron will try to forget Vladstin, that since he is already aware of the fate that awaits this vampire, he will cut off the strings of attachment to him.

But what if these prayers were unheard, and Leron never gives up on Vladstin?

"I would assume that if he still loves me, he will do his best to 'save' me," Vladstin said, seeming to read his thoughts as he took the butchered chicken from him and sliced it into even smaller parts. "His definition of save being different from mine. Because to me, salvation is dying and achieving the tranquility of being six feet under and never being bothered by the trifles of the world. But to him, saving probably means keeping me a hostage of life."

"Who knows? Maybe once we both become human, he will trick you and try to have both of us escape you and the New Ilvedian's reach." He grinned. "Wouldn't that be awfully tragic for you? Risking everything for this journey only to be abandoned in the end?"

Sangfroid grabbed his collar, looking him down. But he was long used to Vladstin's taunts. He just said with firm resolution. "I will not let that happen."

"How then? How will you not let that happen?" The vampire just flashed one of his protruding fangs at him as he licks his lips.

"I will..."Sangfroid let him go. "I will do it. Now stop talking and just cook."

"Hehe, do what? Be more specific, dear!" Vladstin peered behind him but he was a tad shorter despite being older, so he had to be on tiptoes to do so.

Sangfroid was silent, preparing the kindling for the fire where they will put the pot to boil the chicken soup.

"Hmmm..... You want me to guess then, huh?" Vladstin grinned beside him. "Could you mean.... that you can make him fall in love with you?"

The purple-eyed man just ignored him, but Vladstin has a mirror over his very soul.

"So I am right. You do think you can make him fall in love with you. How do you plan to do that?" Vladstin teasingly poked his chin. "By being as stoic and boring as a rock with no personality or entertaining facets?"

These were all mockery, but he actually saw Sangfroid's face fall. He didn't even retaliate from the poking, merely watching the water in the pot simmer into tiny bubbles, lost in thought.

Vladstin frowned. "Hey, I was joking---"

"I know. I know that I am not as interesting as you, nor good with words and expressions. I cannot even cry at my father's death even when I wanted to. His Highness is always so full of life, and it doesn't fit him to be with a dull man." Sangfroid finally spoke. "But I want to hope that..... even with all that, he would love me for myself..."

"But it's impossible. Thank you for reminding me. Emotions cannot be forced." He turned to Vladstin with his purple eye, looking very sincere. "If he still loves you..... Then he still loves you. I cannot stop him."

This made Vladstin frown. He picked up the chicken cuts and tossed them on the boiling water. "That's because you're not even trying!"

Sangfroid didn't say anything, like a boy experiencing his first real sulk. Thinking that if he denied the pain and sadness, it will go away.

"Sangfroid, what I said is only real if you believe it." Vladstin is now annoyed, putting the carefully cut tomatoes haphazardly into the pot as well. "If you think you are plain and uninteresting, then that is what you truly are. For the gods' sake, grow a spine and be confident with yourself! You're only dull because you choose to be, just someone chasing after the footprints Leron made and not the man himself!"

"Do you want to remain a loyal follower and not a partner forever? Because even dogs get to play their owners and get pampered more than you!" He took a wooden spoon and stirred it. "Hahaha, it's so pathetic!"

The still young and inexperienced hunter did not say anything, just absorbing all his words like a sponge. He remained brooding while watching the smoke rising from the flames, and the scene beyond it where a blue-eyed prince is braiding a siren.

Vladstin squatted beside him and pointed. "Look at them. Would they close if Leron didn't step up to try and initiate a conversation with Ofelia? Would he be braiding her hair now if he didn't try to make use of the charm he had: his knowledge and curiosity in the world that gives him the power to talk about a myriad of topics that the other person may be inclined to?"

"..... No."

"Then what are you waiting for? Another rise of a vampire lord?" Vladstin elbowed him. "Go charm him. Slowly raise up rocks to build a bridge beyond your friendship, be more upfront and daring with your emotions!"

"But I don't have any charming points." Sangfroid said. 

"Pfft, you got to have something. Like how despite not talking much, when you do, it always has a layer of depth in it. You are not one to waste time in idle conversations and focus on the ones that matter to the heart. That is a particularly rare trait among nobles, I am sure Leron would appreciate it. Since he was used to putting up a facade, but with you, he doesn't have to."

Sangfroid's eyes widen at this. He examined Vladstin's face again and found the vampire lord is serious. His look at him with those strange yellow eyes is telling him that what Vladstin speaks is true. 

This is a man who could see through everything about him.

"Is that what you..." The hunter started.

"What?" The vampire just blink at him innocently. Their faces are so close and the surrounding was hot because of the fire, causing tints of red on their cheeks and a bit of a dizzying daze.

Both did not realize that they were inching closer and closer, and the first one to break free was Sangfroid. "Nothing. Is the soup cooked now?"

Vladstin checked on it, stirring it with the ladle again. "It will soon be."

"I will call them over." Sangfroid stood up, somehow a little perplexed.

Because what he wanted to ask was a simple question after all, yet why can he not say it?

"Is that what you like about me?"

Leron happened to say to Ofelia after she made some gestures while speaking in Gargen. Even without knowing the language, the answer is clear. She was talking about his eyes.

"It's like the color of the ocean." Ofelia said, her own cobalt blue hair now braided in the side, still reaching up to the small of her back. But now it looks much tidier, and she is indeed prettier this way. Leron even put some flowers that he found nearby to design it.

"Hm?" Leron was so busy adoring his own handiwork and checking every single detail to notice Sangfroid approaching.

"Your eyes. It's like the color of the ocean."

"Oh." Leron suddenly felt a little strange because of the way Sangfroid spoke. "Why did you suddenly say that? Are you translating Ofelia's words?"

"Yes." He nodded.

The little girl continued. "It's very kind. And it shines, so Ofelia likes it."

Realizing he could use this situation to his advantage, he said. "It's full of kindness. And it shines like the twinkling starlight that illuminates the dark sky, so I like it."

He was stunned by this, looking at the little girl. "Did Ofelia really say that? I didn't know she could be so poetic. Maybe she has a natural gift at this, Vladstin should teach her how to write poems sometime...."

The girl just grinned back at him, not knowing about the misunderstanding. Seeing this, Sangfroid felt wrong. 

"Is the food ready? It smells good from here." Leron looked up and angled to take Ofelia out of the water. "I am really starving. I suppose all of us are."

He went to walk on but Sangfroid suddenly took his hand.

What he did earlier, using Ofelia as a scapegoat, is basically lying. And he doesn't like to lie. Remembering what Vladstin told him about being more daring about his feelings, he took claim of his own words. "Your Highness, I was actually just the one who compared your eyes to the stars. Ofelia said nothing about stars, forgive me."

The prince's star-like eyes grew wide, and a blush spread across his face. "W-Why? Did you mistranslate or---"

"No." Sangfroid smiled, a genuine one. "I just wanted to let you know."

Hearing this, Leron did feel a bit of a tug in his heart. It was different from a brother being touched by the compliments of a brother, or a friend appreciating the praise of a friend. It was a thrill, a slightly electrifying spark.

Watching the two birds he caught in one love arrow, Vladstin frowned while holding his chest. He should be happy for this little success in his matchmaking plans. He does feel truly happy for them but....

Why is there still some unsettledness in his heart, a hollow feeling slowly eating up his insides?

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