Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 114 - Snake Bite

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Sangfroid quickly dashed into the water to catch the snake by its head. He was planning to throw it away quickly, but his hands were slightly shakier than before from the work, and so it managed to sink its teeth into his flesh!


Hearing the shouts, the two former princes finally turned, causing the butterflies by their shoulders to fly away. "Sangfroid!" 

They both run to assess the situation.

The aquamarine hairstreak that Ofelia was following was nowhere to be seen, and the girl cried in disappointment. Meanwhile, a pained Sangfroid held his bitten hand, but still managed to hit the snake with a rock.

Leron doesn't know where to go first. He wanted to go to Sangfroid, but then—

"Daddy! Daddy!! Wahhhh!!!!" Ofelia held on to his ankle.

"O-Oh, what's the problem, Ofelia?" He turned to console her. "It'll be alright.... It'll be alright...."

He turned, and Vladstin had already reached Sangfroid's side. He looked at the two puncture wounds, frowning. 

"Do you know if the snake is venomous or not?" He asked Sangfroid. 

"Yes..." Sangfroid sat by a tree, leaning on it.

The vampire squatted beside him, taking his hand. "Which is it?"

"... It's venomous."

Vladstin brought the hand closer to his lips. "Then I better suck off the blood."

Suck! Slurp!

He pressed his mouth hard on the flesh and took in the venomous blood without care, like someone just enjoying a meal. This caused the hunter to be perplexed. Sangfroid's blood already tasted toxic to him, how rancid would it be when mixed with venom?

Knowing this, he said in a hoarse voice. "You can spit it out. Don't swallow it."

"Mmppf.....Nn...." Vladstin kept sucking.

"That's probably enough...." He slowly became more and more uncomfortable because of the sounds. "The venom must be out of my system now....."

"Mmm.... Ah....." Vladstin let go, only to suck on it again. "No, I need to suck it all. All of it."

"Vladstin, I am serious." Sangfroid held on to his hair, but did not quite pull yet. "You shouldn't drink it. It's bad for you."

"Ahh~ No, it's not~ It's good~" 

Sangfroid really didn't like this lascivious tone, and he checked on Leron and Ofelia who were not too far away. The siren girl was crying too loud so they probably cannot hear it, but this does not lessen the discomfort in Sangfroid's heart.

A vampire drinking your blood can cause some..... troubling reactions. Lethargy, dizziness, being unaware of the current time and space...

And more importantly, pleasure.

His breathing is noticeable getting louder and more erratic now. His skin is becoming more sensitive to the texture of Vladstin's dry pale lips, which haven't tasted fresh blood in so long. No wonder he would still crave it no matter how rancid it was.

"Vladstin..... Stop now." Sangfroid warned, pulling him away by force. He breathed deeply once it's over. "Hah...."

Vladstin looked a little dazed. Drinking blood is pleasurable to vampires too, this was a secret he had held for so long. Not just in a way you enjoy food, but also in the way you enjoy.... Other physical pleasures.

"Apologies.... I could not help myself." He grinned at Sangfroid, looking down in slight embarrassment....

When he saw something that surprised him.


Sangfroid followed his line of sight.....

And he was horrified beyond disbelief!!!!!

"What..... What is this..." Sangfroid did not show it on his face, but Vladstin can feel the heat of pure vexation inside him.


No.... It can't be... All his life, this never happened to him! Even for Leron, his love is sweet and pure! Holy, even!

He tried to will it to disappear, but it stuck out like a sore thumb. It would not go away. He felt disgusted on himself, his head reeling, unable to think rationally.

This cannot be. Not to this man, he cannot react this way to his man. Why!? Why won't it go down!!!!

He became so frustrated that he thought: If it wouldn't go down, he could just chop it off—

"It's a natural reaction." Vladstin tried to calm him down with his mellow voice, though it sounded a bit strained and tired. It gave another sensual effect. "I can help you with it....."

"No." Sangfroid said, yet not as firmly as before. With the vampire lord looking at him with those moony golden eyes, the thing in his pants started to ache more. Yet he wants nothing of it!

"Well, you can't possibly ask Leron to do it for you, can you? Not when he's currently talking to a child." Vladstin gave an annoying smirk. "So you either let me do it or do it before they see you with it."

"Hah.... I'll do it myself...." Sangfroid crawled farther away and hid behind the tree. Vladstin just followed him with that bloodstained smile.

"Are you sure? You know how fast I can move, right?" The vampire lord persuaded him, speaking in hushed tones closely by his ear. "I can make you finish faster with my hands than yours."

"I said I don't need it." Sangfroid edged further away but took the treacherous thing out of his pants now, huffing.

He felt like his entire dignity has been ruined in the spot. Yet the vampire just gazed at it with amusement, ogling at the thing like some rare attraction.

"Are you sure that really is a part of your body and not another snake?" He jested." How did you manage to keep something so big and long—"

"Not another word or I'll cut off your tongue. Go away." Sangfroid warned.

Now that he is under the that of pleasure, it seems that whatever icy curse that caused his face to be always frozen stiff had been thwarted now. He becomes more expressive, both in expressions, words, and tone.

Vladstin likes seeing this side of Sangfroid so much that he felt like he was falling even deeper for this man.

"Sangfroid....." He approached closer, trailing his fingers down on his bloody arms. "I implore you. Let me do the honors."

"Vampire, I am not just giving you empty threats." Sangfroid gritted his teeth as he slowly and very hesitantly rubbed himself. "Ha.... If you won't stop this, I will really hurt you in every way possible."

"Then do it. But can I touch you in exchange?" Vladstin moved closer to the crevice of his neck, breathing softly on it. "I've been long used to pain. You can hurt me all you want afterward to vent your frustrations. But please let me.... Let me touch you.... I am begging you now...."

Sangfroid felt like he was going crazy. There was so much anger in his veins that he felt like he could just explode!!!

But at the same time, there's that irresistible itch to let the vampire do what he wants, to succumb to his pleas.....

It's tearing him apart.

"You.... You must never tell Leron about this. Or I will never, EVER, let you speak again." Sangfroid said with the deadliest of glares. "I will cut off your tongue even when it keeps regrowing, and even when you turn back to human."

Vladstin's face beamed at this threat. "Thank you! Oh, thank you, Min Libitino!"

Sangfroid groaned, but during his incomprehensible moment of insobriety due to this sudden arousal, he somehow felt like he liked this nickname. Somehow.

Vladstin placed his long fingers around the shaft, and Sangfroid closed his eyes, feeling even more sinful than the most sinful man to exist. He could not face it, could not accept how he could do something so wrong, to betray his loyalty to His Highness like this.....

Meanwhile, Vladstin is just thinking of how nice that snake-like appendage would taste like when he put it in his mouth, and how deep he could swallow it.

"Aha..... Sangfroid..... It's so big...." He mumbled as he went on to rub it up and down, up and down, with equal force.

"Do it..... Faster..... Hah....." Sangfroid complained. He wants this to be over with.

But to Vladstin's ear, he interpreted it much more appealingly to himself, that's why he felt so happy.

"Do you like the feel of my hand on your manhood? Do you? Do you?' He kept asking like a persistent child.

"Stop talking." Sangfroid just repeated. His eyebrows raised up from the intensity of the emotion inside him, as Vladstin stroked it impossibly fast.

"Hah.... Hah...." He bit his own arm to stop his voice from leaking, while Vladstin just let his own freely.

Meanwhile, Leron had finished calming down Ofelia, and looked around confused. "Where did Vladstin and Sangfroid go?"

"Maybe they came to play with butterflies?" Ofelia suggested.

"I.... I really don't know much Gargen to understand what you're saying." Leron patted her head with a wry smile. "But are you alright now?"

He tried to remember the Gargen words for 'Alright'. "Uh.... Ordnung?"

Ofelia nodded. "Yes, yes!"

"I see. Go swim back to our last encampment, I'll go look for Sangfroid and Vladstin."

He communicated through gestures and tone of voice, and thankfully, the siren understood. She swished her tail, going back from where she last saw the butterflies, hoping some of them are still there.

Sangfroid covered Vladstin's mouth when he sensed some nearby movement from where they were hiding.

"Mn?" The vampire just mischievously tilted his head to the side.

"Vladstin? Sangfroid?" Leron called out. "Where are you?"

Sangfroid clenched his jaw so hard, he almost chipped his tooth, and ordered Vladstin as quietly as he can. "Finish it quickly."

Vladstin relished being ordered like this, but didn't stop a moment to tease. "But what about the 'filth'?"

Sangfroid knows what he means, but does not dare think about it? "What about it?"

"Prince Leron will definitely notice it." Vladstin said. "So how about you let me swallow it?"

He became even angrier. "I will not let you to—"

"Hello?" Leron repeated. "Sangfroid? Are you alright? Where are you two?"

Sangfroid had no choice. Defeated, yet still holding great disdain, he surrendered. ".... Fine."

Vladstin put the thing and his mouth and worked sloppily and as fast as he can. It felt so good for him, so good that he's trying his best not to bite the meaty flesh pumping with so much blood..... While to Sangfroid, it felt so distasteful and horrendous that all his wrath just turned into one big—



"Oh, there you are!"

Leron finally spotted the two, with Vladstin's back behind him, covering. Sangfroid who was resting by a tree. He saw Sangfroid's bloodied arm and rushed to his side.

"You were bitten!" Leron said. "Are you alright now?"

"Yes...." Sangfroid answered.

His face was strangely redder now, making Leron even more worried. "Is he getting sick because of the venom? Why is he perspiring so much?"

"I sucked him." Vladstin grinned, wiping his mouth happily.

Leron blinked confused, so Sangfroid immediately added. "He sucked the venom out of my bloodstream."

"Oh.... That's great then. Will you be safe now?" Leron asked.

"Yes." Sangfroid nodded, standing up. He seems to be a little dizzy, because he staggered for a bit.

Leron supported him. "Oh, I better clean up and wrap your wound! I'm so sorry, it was my fault. I should have watched over Ofelia more."

Sangfroid felt like it was really wrong for Prince Leron to apologize when he was the one who did something wrong, according to his own judgment. "Don't apologize, Your Highness. Right now, we must prioritize going to the Hermit as soon as possible. No more..... Going astray."

He glared at a certain vampire when saying that, warning him with his eyes about what he said earlier. But the vampire just smiled and winked at him. He chooses to interpret that as him keeping his promise, but he can't be quite sure.

Sangfroid decided that he will forget about all this. It was just a snake bite.. It was just a snake bite.

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