Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 121 - Father, Father

"Siren girl, listen to me. No matter what, do not tell your fathers about the hibiscus flower until it's full moon time." Eis said. "That is my last reminder for you. This is the only way to stop the Hermit's plans. I have to go now."

"B-But, Ofelia cannot just keep this to herself—"

"You must! Farewell!" The goat bleated before running out into the distance, never to be seen again.

Ofelia is under a great dilemma, the greatest one she encountered in her whole life.

She felt so uncomfortable again, her human skin itching and her gills closing and opening frantically. This was the same when her mother said she would have to leave to look for her friends. Even then, she has sensed something, as much as a little siren girl like her can sense danger. She can tell from back then that she doesn't want her mother to leave, that there is something stopping her from being calm, and yet, she was not able to stop it.

And she was being told by a small goat that she could not stop it too.

What should she do? Can't anyone just tell her what to do?

She doesn't want to lose anyone. Not her mom, nor her friends, her fathers that took care of her after years of being stuck underground. But then, she has no other choice but to keep all this boiling anxiety deep down her throat, and pretend nothing happened. Until full moon.

She swished her tail back and forth, then back and forth, unable to smell the good scent of the fish soup in the air. Her stomach grumbled, but she bare it. She stayed quiet for a long time, biting her tongue and controlling herself from blurting anything out.

"And that is how our first encounter went." Vladstin concluded, despite Sangfroid being the one to tell the tale. This earned him another well-earned glare, which he was happy to earn.

"That poor child...." Leron rubbed his own arm to clear out the goosebumps. "I mean..... I know that it is only because of Vladstin's lack of empathy, I do not blame him but..... Of course, I would always wish that such a thing had been avoided. I can see how his loss will give a lasting impression on Sangfroid."

"That explains why you are so aversed to Vladstin." Leron said, placing a hand on Sangfroid's shoulder. "But that's in the past now, right? You understand that Vladstin received no joy from doing such a thing."

"Maybe I did." Vladstin said with a bright smile.

Sangfroid placed his hand atop Prince Leron's, and sighed. "I know he did not, Your Highness. Even though he doesn't act like it. Even when he likes to pretend he does."

Vladstin chuckled, drawing his head back and standing up. "Pfftt, blonkers blinkers, think whatever you want, you two."

He went to the apprehensive Ofelia's pool, whose tail stiffened once he approached, not wanting to hear whatever theories these humans have about him. Thinking they understand him, when he wants to be as incomprehensible as possible.

"But....." Sangfroid continued now that Vladstin has left. "That unfortunately does not exempt him from everything he had done. Especially in the Ilvedians' eyes."

"But how about in your eyes?" Leron kneeled beside him with a frown. "Do you think he is not worthy of living anymore?"

"He does not even want to live anymore, Your Highness."

"That is because he lost a reason to!"

"And can you give him a reason?" Sangfroid asked, brows knitted and desperate. He really wants to convince Leron to give up, especially after what happened to them during the bath. "Your Highness, I cannot help someone who does not want it. I love you, and I have already long forgiven Vladstin for Cintho's death, and all the trouble he caused, but forgiveness is not enough. It will take a long time for me to even consider him a friend. At most, he is an unreliable ally, r a minor, tolerable hindrance. And I cannot give up my duty to such a person."

"If you get to know him past this facade he set up, I am sure you will warm up to him." Leron took both his hands. "I am sure of it. Just give him a chance. Or at least, do this for me."

"I... I am sorry, Prince Leron. Nothing can change my mind. And besides..." Sangfroid remembered the Huntsmen's conversation from the shard.

"And besides?" Leron prodded. "Is there something you must tell me, Sangfroid?"

Just as he was about to open his mouth, Leron coughed. Sangfroid placed a hand on his back. "Are you alright, Your Highness?"

"Yes... Er... This position just made me a little dizzy, being close to the fire and all." He stood up, with the worried hunter supporting him. "I suppose it will improve once we eat. Let us talk again later before going to sleep."

"Alright....." Sangfroid said, but his heart is still alarmed. Because he noticed something he'd rather ignore, but could not.....

When Leron adjusted his scholar, he caught sight of the thick black veins growing on his neck.

His breathing has also become deep and slow over the last few days, and now, it has become even more evident. Leron has become paler, and his canine teeth had grown sharper. As time pass by, the effects of vampirism have become stronger. These changes were so slow and small, but of course, they will eventually surface. 

They need to quickly find a solution. 

They all ate the fish soup with noticeably heavy hearts. Ofelia liked the taste, but she does not have the capacity to praise it as enthusiastically as she should have before she had talked to the little goat kid Eis. Vladstin sucked fish blood in silence at another tall tree, brooding about what Sangfroid said about him. And Sangfroid and Leron still have so many unresolved things that they can no longer talk about without getting physically and emotionally exhausted.

Going inside Vladstin's head, the sandy kingdom had grown more vivid and more troublesome for him. In there was Cintho, who recited the night he died over and over again. Vladstin's aloofness and madness is just a cover, a veil to keep the sand kingdom away.

But Sangfroid revealing the farce out loud, right to his face, had taken off that veil, and his whole coping mechanism collapsed in itself.

He can longer pretend like he does not care.

"Ahhhh.... Yes, yes! I know already!" He complained to the countless voices in his head. "It will stop when I die.... Everything will stop..... Uggghhh..."

He leaned on the tree bark and chipped some wood from it.  Then, he took the sharp tip over his wrist.....

And wrote some words. On his own skin, on his own flesh.




Satisfied, he threw the chip and watch as the wounds he inflicted on himself dissolved. Once the words disappear, he was unsatisfied again.

Even such a thing as this, he cannot have. But he kept repeating this ritual of petty injuries that will eventually heal, he will just become more hungry. That's it. Even if he manipulated them to stay longer, the curse inflicted on him after drowning in the Fountain of Truth will not let them last permanently or give him any of the sweet pain he desires.

If physical pain could not be inflicted.....

Then how about he gives himself his own emotional pain?

He looked at Sangfroid, Leron, and Ofelia below, trying to come up with anything to make his heart ache from the scene. That's actually relatively easy to do. There is a lot of things that in the context of someone else watching would be considered 'miserable' and 'agonizing'.

"One, Leron is the love I lost."

"Two, Sangfroid is the love I will never have." Then, he grinned sadly. "But hey, at least I have his seeds inside me now."

"Three, I will never see Ofelia meet her mother."

"And four...."

Before he could continue, he saw from his high vantage point the goat he had noticed before. Only slower, and frantically running towards a steep slope, as if in a hurry.

"Huh. Gotcha." Vladstin jumped to another tall pine tree.

Who needs pain to be distracted? He has a goat to catch, and this may lead him to that mysterious old man they have been looking for for so long.

The wind joined him in is his chase as he went farther and farther away from his companions.


Eis had reached a clearing, and saw his father waiting for him. He is not worried about this. Ari may look intimidating to their group of mountain goats, but Eis knows he is an easy goat to reason with. When he is being reasonable.

But his small kiddy heart almost burst when he saw.....

"Eis, where have you been? Father Skull has been looking for you."

He looked up to the tall skull hanging over the floating head hidden by bundles and bundles of autumn leaves.....

And a goatskin cloak.

"Wonderful evening to you, Eis.. It is thanks to you for escorting our visitor, good child."

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