Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 123 - The Thin Line Of Love And Hatred

Leron continued to convulse, and Sangfroid can do nothing but watch it. Ofelia wailed and wailed, yelling out:

"Daddy Leron! No! Huhu!!!!! Daddy Leron!"

Yet Sangfroid's senses are deteriorating, he cannot hear, see, or feel anything. Only the strong pain that took over his entire being, his entire soul. Leron in his arms, his veins growing and growing like a sapling starting to burst out its roots and branches right before, until they have grown so big that they threaten to explode.....

Leron's voice was hoarse and loud, clawing onto him wildly like an animal. But Sangfroid did not mind it at all, still embracing him, ready to be bitten if he had to. He does not mind being preyed upon, he does not mind dying, just let Prince Leron....

Let Prince Leron be with him once and for all. Forever.

"Let go of him, Sangfroid."

A voice behind them spoke without any hint of emotion.

This served like cold water pouring out into the faithful servant's head, awakening his lost senses and returning him back to this awful reality instead of his idealized perspective of it. That's right. This vampire exists. There is a job to be done. There are people waiting for him.

He let go of Leron, who stopped clawing at him now that Vladstin was here, and wiped the sweat from his brows. Sangfroid stood at a towering height over the vampire that just stared to observe him, expression as unfathomable as the stars and the planets in the sky.

Then, he let his fist meet its face!

"Why won't you just die!" Sangfroid yelled, punching and punching the motionless vampire that never fought back. "Die from losing too much blood like Leron! Die from your head being bashed! I don't care how, I just want you to die!!!!"

Ofelia yelled out again and again, asking her fathers to stop fighting, but it was to no avail. Sangfroid had beaten Vladstin's loathsome face to pulp and crushed his skull with that fist, until he was an unrecognizable mess. Eyes popping out of the sockets, bones bashed in, meat and flesh and blood everywhere.

Sangfroid stopped only when there was no way to identify who this corpse is anymore, and wiped the blood from his clothes. Two corpses now lay in front of him. One he thoroughly love, and one he thoroughly hated.

But he knows the 'life' of the one he hated will be returned, while his loved one will stay lost forever.

Despite the gift of immortality, it still took a while for Vladstin to rearrange his whole face back. Sangfrowned cleaned his hands on a pool, and went over to bring Ofelia away from the disturbing corpses of her two other daddies, speaking comforting words in Gargen. But he was only doing it for the sake of doing so, he knows there is no way to console a child after such a traumatic event.

Sangfroid heard some grunts, and so he knew Vladstin was unfortunately resurrected again, and so, he left Ofelia be by the pool. "Stay here." He commanded with a stern tone of a true domineering father.

He approached Vladstin, who had his head buried on the crevice of the dead Leron's neck. 

Sangfroid curled his fist that was also heavily injured from punching and punching Vladstin for so long. "What are you doing!?"

Vladstin stopped, wiped his lips, and lazily turned to Sangfroid. "It's all your fault. I got hungry. Besides, he won't need any of his blood anyway, right?"

Sangfroid looked like he would mutilate Vladstin again any moment, but his body was too exhausted and incapable of doing so at the moment. Maybe tomorrow.

"Go to Ofelia and tell her you are alright." He lazily sat down, grabbing Leron from him, whose eyes have now become completely white. His body is as cold as the chilling night.

"Mn." Vladstin nodded, inexpressively leaving him alone with whatever he had in mind of doing with Leron's corpse. He went over to console their little siren girl.

Sangfroid rummage their belongings for a cloth to wipe Leron, and using the Amulet, he conjured a small basin of water to wash him. Just like what they did back then. He changed His Highness clothes, who remained still as a puppet who has no master controlling it. He used the lave to wash his hair, and a soap made of almond and milk, taking great care of the dead.

Then, he dressed him in the most lavish way possible. He conjured some small gems which he used to decorate his hair with twine, making a hasty but still beautiful circlet.

He prepared the beddings, and they slept together once more under the starry skies.

Sangfroid closed his highs hoping this was all a nightmare, and the motionless corpse he is embracing will become that bright prince he loved once again in the morning.


"Daddy Vladstin..... Sob... Why did Daddy Sangfroid hurt you?" Ofelia asked as she was set down from the bucket to the semi-bloodied pool.

"Because he hates me, Ofelia." Vladstin said.

"Ofelia doesn't understand what you're saying.... huhu..... But whatever it was..... Please don't fight anymore!"

She begged. Vladstin could understand her clearly as he had taken in all of Leron's minimal knowledge of Gargen from interacting with her, but not enough for him to be able to speak the language.

In the sandy palace of his head, Leron's voice was now the loudest.

He can hear absolutely everything he thought about him. He came to his throne room in a relaxed walk, almost seeming to be delighted to be here, to be one of them who would that constantly torment the inside of Vladstin's mind.

He was wearing thin red clothing, the same one as the entertainers he have read about in Sun K'mer, with a thin veil over his face. He was laden with jewels in his head, as well as his waist. He knows what this kind of clothing was for. It was not for entertainers only. It was for the highest entertainer in the Sun K'mer king's council: his concubine.

"Vladstin, do you know how much I love you?" He asked, smiling underneath that translucent veil. "Do you know how much pain it brings me for knowing that you love Sangfroid? How much it hurts me that you hate me with all your heart?"

Vladstin ignored this, wanting to have a distraction. He turned to the sobbing siren girl, and took some pebbles from his pocket. "Come, let's play the pebble tossing game again."

But Ofelia shook her head. "No..... Daddy Vladstin, I don't want games. I want you to get along with Daddy Sangfroid like before, all three of you.... happy like before..... huhu...."

"Now you can speak the word 'I'." This is what he paid attention to instead. "That's good progress, you're learning well, Ofelia."

"The goat..... he said..... Daddy Vladstin, you need to find the flower...."

"What flower?" That was the only word he could understand.

The siren girl stopped sobbing for a while, her eyes widening. It reminded Vladstin of Ari's son, that little Eis. She shook her head again, this time more like she was saying 'no' to herself rather than to Vladstin. "No..... Ofelia made a promise.... No speaking until the full moon....."

Vladstin was at the limit of what and what he cannot understand here, so he decided it's better to leave the taking tomorrow until his translator woke up. Who will most likely beat him again if he does wake up?

"Sleep now, Ofelia. I'll sing you a lullaby, sleep now." He repeated.

He sang, his lullaby reaching far and wide to comfort people's hearts. Ofelia found herself still resisting it because of her anxiety, but eventually eased into slowly closing her eyes. The wind carried Vladstin's voice, reaching into Sangfroid as well. But Sangfroid was already sleeping, and so the song never went to be registered in his mind, only in his heart.

Even the dead heard the song.

Leron, who was just staring blankly with his white eyes, closed his eyes.

And the trees, the flowers, the moon..... they all come to rest, and listen to Vladstin's song for a while. A song full of reflections and deep meditation on life itself. What it means, what it is for, and what awaits after it, or if we should even wait for what is next to it.

But more so, he was singing about duality, of the existence of two.

There are always two.

The sun and the moon. The life and death. The new and old. The existence of something, and the inexistence result in nothing.

The love and hatred. 

It always feels like he and Sangfroid are always standing on opposite sides of the two. That is just how it is. But then again.....

Were there really just two?

No bridge to bring them together? No Gray?

Vladstin seemed to ponder over it in his song. He pondered for hours and hours, until he was eventually lulled to sleep by his own song, his own tired meanderings. He is so tired.

He doesn't need an answer. He doesn't want the deal.

But he is forced to find out, to search for the Gray.

The gray line between him and Sangfroid.. It is so thin, yet it still feels so hard to reach.

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