Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 130 - Crescentian Kiss

An odd predicament they found themself in. One wants to kill, one wants to kiss.

Which one shall they satisfy?

Sangfroid assumed that it will be Vladstin who will give up on his own desire, and let him do the killing. After all, he is infatuated with him.

And yet..... Vladstin moved closer. 

"You said you do not hate me as much anymore. Is that enough to allow me to kiss you, just once?" He asked with unreadable eyes, too cloudy and vague but also sincere. 

He held on to Sangfroid's shoulders and the blue hibiscus flower he long hid can now be seen. Sangfroid looked at it for a while, but he is still entrapped on those vague and sincere eyes of his scorned man.

"No." He answered honestly. "It's still not enough for me to kiss you."

"I already guessed that." Vladstin said with a soft smile, letting go. "Let's go back then."

"But... But you won't let me---"

"Before. I might have. I might have let you do so with my body as you want. Abuse me, use me then discard me.... Heh, I am sorry if I word it like we are lovers, when we are the complete opposite." Vladstin tilted his head to the side. "But strangely now..."

"Now, I do not feel that way anymore. Sangfroid, because of this stroll of ours, I have fallen deeply and truly in love with you."

This caused the hunter to furrow his thick eyebrows and go to say something, but Vladstin pressed a finger to his lips. The vampire continued. "I know what you are thinking. If this insufferable vampire truly loves me, then why is he not allowing me to do what I will with him?"

Sangfroid closed his mouth again, just waiting for him to finish speaking. 

"It is because by loving you more, I came to love me loving you too."


"I have come to respect what I want, Sangfroid. And what I want is a kiss. I have truly loved you, so I make space for me to be allowed to love you." Vladstin said in such a twisting paradoxical manner, yet also understandable.

Yet though Sangfroid can somewhat understand, he also truly could not understand.

The vampire laughed heartily, deep within his heart. "Now come on. We have a sweetheart of yours to revive." 

"Then... If it is that you truly want to do what you just wanted now.... Why are you still reviving Leron?" It is seriously giving Sangfroid a headache.

"I want an even match."


Now it's Sangfroid's turn to play deaf and mute, like he hasn't heard. When in truth, he just doesn't know what to say.

He watched as Vladstin walked back to their encampment area, his black tattered cape which was once a Crescentian flag swishing as he went. This prompted Sangfroid to say something completely unrelated to their situation.

"Do you still miss them? Your family..."

Vladstin immediately turned around with a questioning look.

Sangfroid looked down. "Of course, you miss them but.... You rarely talk about them, or what you feel about the.... all that happens. You rarely say what you truly feel, and even if you do, I feel like I cannot be sure because you disprove it again all the time."

"Heh, you want me to have a genuine heart-to-heart about my own past and trauma with you?" Vladstin chuckled, walking with a slight jog. "Alright then, let me tell you about what I think and feel about my dear Crescentia..."

And so, they talked as they strolled back about the vampire's hometown, and how he lost it, how it affected him once he lost it.

"In Crescentia, life is always as light as a breeze. And it is not some exaggeration. Though we have daily struggles, most of the people are wonderful, positive lot who believe that if we work together as one, we can solve everything. Your neighbors and family are no different. A fellow Crescentian is already close to your heart." Vladstin recalled fondly. "We have all sorts of festivities, we love to drink and are proud of it, just take my father for example....."

He went on to describe his home in great detail. He seems to never run out of anything to say, which is clear proof of his claimed fondness for his kingdom. And the more he speaks, the more Sangfroid realized that Crescentia really is a place worth loving so much. You suddenly have the urge to visit and want to see if it was truly as wonderful as Vladstin said.

And even in his twinkling eyes and smile that never falters, you can just tell how much this land is endeared to him. How devoted he was to keep this paradise's beauty in his heart. He will always be, and proudly be, a Crescentian.

Each scene he describe, like the palace, the orphanage, the Crimson Wolf Festival.... Each of them were described in detail. What the people wore, the objects, the movements, and even the sky during that day. It vividly imprinted itself on Sangfroid's mind that he can almost taste the food, almost imagine himself laughing and mingling with the townsfolk, and playing their childhood games and dances. 

It meant home to Vladstin in every sense of the word. Where he was born, grew up, and loved the people there, and where he and these loved ones died.

That's right. This beautiful place that Sangfroid can only imagine in his mind...

Is long gone.

There is no chance to visit it at all.

Only through the words of this man, who will die soon and take all these memories, these vivid memories of Crescentia with him. It was like he was carrying the remains of the kingdom on his back itself, and once he crumbles, so will its last traces. There may be other Crescentian survivors intermingled within New Ilvedia but...

No one can remember it the same way Vladstin does. No one can tell it with so much veracity, with so much vigor and genuine patriotism.

"Oh, by the way..... One thing you should remember about us Crescentians is that it is natural for us to kiss one another. Greeting someone you haven't met? You kiss them on the cheek. Friends kiss each other often and much more the lovers, even in front of a crowd. No one would mind such ardent display of affection."

Ah, he went back to the kiss again. Sangfroid should have known.

But this made him wonder...

"Then.... How often have you kissed Leron?" Sangfroid asks a little bit of jealousy and genuine curiosity mixing in his tone. 

"Heh, you know what? I never even thought to count. I have been doing it since we were a child." He grinned mischievously.

"And... what did His Highness think of it?"

"He was surprised, of course. But he had already done his research on my kingdom before visiting. He tried to avoid it at first, whenever I kiss his chubby cheeks each morning to greet him, and another to say good night. I kiss his hands and ask him to kiss mine when we're playing, and he would always reject me. But eventually, after seeing that everyone is doing it... he got used to it as well."

Instead of jealousy, Sangfroid had a sense of understanding, like he was opened to something he hadn't known before. So it is really natural for some people to kiss and mean nothing about it. It was merely a tradition to them, a part of their culture.

"Then..... When you're asking me to kiss you... Can I just do it how Crescentians do?" Sangfroid asked. "A meaningless kiss---"

"You seem to have misunderstood. Though we often show affection in ways most of you conservative Ilvedians would not, that does not mean that is it more trivial and meaningless than how you do it. We are just very, very loving people. We have so much love to give to everyone, and we like showing it, making others feel as much love as we can. I kissed Leron because I loved him. My parents kiss me because they love me. Platonic love, romantic love, it does not matter. A kiss is a genuine love for someone."

"So yes. I want you to kiss me like how we Crescentians do it."

Sangfroid was dumbfounded, and suddenly felt ashamed of looking down on this group of wonderful people like this.

Knowing how much kisses truly meant to them, and how openly they are in giving it, unlike him who cowardly rejected himself for doing such a thing to the one he loved for so long..... he really felt ridiculous.

"I.... I see now. I'm sorry." Sangfroid said. "I shouldn't have thought about it that way."

"It's alright. But I also know....." Vladstin was now smiling sadly. "That you wouldn't be able to do it."

Sangfroid stayed quiet, his form of agreement.

"Sigh, come then. Let us go quickly to Leron before dawn arrives and this large blue moon is gone---"

He suddenly felt a pull on his back, and turned around. He realized Sangfroid had pulled on his cape, and lowered his head over...

To press his face on that flag with a crescent-shaped red wolf.

He kissed the Crescentian flag.

"This is all I could do for now. I... Because of you showing me what your kingdom is like....." Sangfroid confessed with much admiration on his usually stone-cold face. "I have fallen in love with it. And so, I want to give it my regards the way Crescentians do."

The Crescentian prince creased an eyebrow, and took the cape in his hand as well. He also pressed a kiss on it.

"I now have also made my regards. I love you, my Crescentia."

And he then took it off, wrapping it over Sangfroid's shoulders like a scarf.

"And I love this man, so stay with him always."

Sangfroid's eyes widened. That's right. Though Vladstin would die soon, though he may be lost...

Crescentia's wonder was passed on to him.

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