Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 132 - Siren's Antidote

He tore Vladstin's whole head off!

Sangfroid did not even have the time to register in his mind what he was happening, not even realizing that he was thrown high into the air. This fall would surely kill him...


Fortunately, the branch of a tall pine tree caught the Crescentian Flag he was wearing over his shoulders. Sangfroid's quick reflexes immediately hold on to it. 

But he is too heavy, and that tattered flag could not carry him any longer.

He still fell, breaking his legs in the process, but at least, he did not die. The flag of the country he fell in love with at first hearing of saved him. Now it has a large tear, but Sangfroid's still holding on to it closely while groaning at his aching legs.

The impact was really hard. The pain radiated through his whole body. Yet he injured it.

He had fallen near Ofelia's pool.

The siren girl immediately awakened at the large thud beside her. Her big eyes widen even more in alarm. "Daddy Sangfroid!"

She swam by his side, and seeing her father hurting, she also found herself hunting too. She soon started to cry, asking with no pause. "What happened!!!!? Who hurt you!!!??? Who did this to you!!!???"

"Ofel.....ia..... Swim away from here..." He said with a grunt, and use the powers of the Amulet to extend the small pool slowly into a river.

"No! I won't leave you, Daddy Sangfroid! No! No! No!"

The new Vampire Lord looked at the one he just beheaded with a fanged smile. His sharp senses heard high-pitched shouts from far away, and he tilted his head to the side, curious.

He stepped on Vladstin's body, not seeing the flesh stretching and trying to reconnect themselves together. Vladstin's emancipated head kept quiet. 

Could it be that Leron cannot remember most of his memories again? There must be a certain standpoint where he could last remember, and it is most likely.....

The night he was bitten.

Vampire Lords are born out of wrath, of a desire for revenge. When they are first awakened, their mind is only filled with recollections of everything their target, their perpetrator, their 'prey'..... had done wrong to them. Perhaps some of the good too, but it is twisted into a way where they see it as something wrong instead, that it was only done out of bad intentions or that it caused them harm.

If Vladstin hadn't drowned in the Fountain of Truth, he would have remained the same way. He would remain a prisoner of his past grievances. And that is what Leron is now.

So that means he does not know that Vladstin is immortal anymore.

Vladstin waited until this new Vampire Lord that is really more comparable to a wild beast with his much superior strength and speed had been out of sight. He was walking slowly to Sangfroid and Ofelia's location, like a ghost waiting for the perfect time to shock its victims to death.

Vladstin saw that he is too focused on the two non-vampiric beings, and reach out for his own head to reattach it. Then, he would secretly follow behind this beast...

And kill him.

Unlike him, this beast is not immortal. Unlike him, he can die through the thousand cuts, followed by the beheading or a stab through the heart. Vladstin will use the rope that he was tied into his cart from, then scratch his whole body with his sharp claws, and finally....

Tore off his head, just like he did to him. 

Then.... The Beast would not hurt them any longer.

The beastly Vampire Lord's blue eyes gleamed, big and clear like the moon above. He saw with delight a scene of a small girl underwater weeping and clinging onto the pant leg of a man lying in a twisted position, both looking pitiful. He couldn't help but laugh lightly at the expense of the two. 

"And who might you two be?" He asked gleefully, hands behind his back to make his itchy claws behave. 

He lost control earlier. It was Vladstin's fault. He was too close to him during his transformation.

But then again, no use on crying over spilled blood. His prey was killed. 

And now he was presented with two new morsels in exchange. It is still a shame, but these two looked like they are healthy and full of beautiful, beautiful crimson, except for the injury, of course. That young man.... Maybe he can serve as a substitute for Vladstin.

After all, they betrayed him. He doesn't know how, or what made him aware of it, but all he knows is that this one is just as much as prey as his fellow vampire.

He wondered how good their blood would taste. He would empty the girl, torture the young man a bit before emptying him, then drink Vladstin's blood slowly, carrying the body just to be fed on for centuries. 

The girl turned to him with her pretty face filled with tears. "Daddy Leron.... Somebody hurt Daddy Sangfroid?"

The wind made him understand the girl's language, and even without its aide, he can strangely recognize a few of the words. Still, he only sees her as a fascinating foreign creature second, and food first. "How did you know my name, little girl?"

The young man groaning in pain continued to shout in a strained voice. "Ofelia, swim! Swim away!"

Ofelia was confused. "But Daddy Leron is here! He can help Daddy Sangfroid!"

"Sangfroid....." The Beast spoke the name like he was tasting it on his tongue. He know what that name meant, strangely enough. He wondered if this young man's crimson is really cold just like his name suggests.

"That is not Leron! Go----Agh! Swim away!" Sangfroid kept on begging this little girl, this Ofelia. 

Ofelia's eyes widened. Right. She may be a naive child, but she is not that young. Why would Daddy ask her name? Unless....

It really was someone else, pretending to be him and wearing his face!

She quickly swished her tail and swam from the fight, swimming as fast as she can! Heart racing, she swam and swam!


"Where are you going, little girl? I'm not going to hurt you, I'm your kind Daddy Leron."

The Beast appeared in front of her in just a single second, wearing a wide, fanged smile.

She fell back, almost falling to the waters. She swam back to Daddy Sangfroid, yelling, "Daddy Vladstin! Mom! Friends! Save me!!!!!!"

Her pleas were heard.

Soon enough, just as the Beast was about to grab her with those evil claws of his, her savior in black appeared, his white hair glistening in the moonlight as he apprehended this vampire!


Vladstin landed on the shallow waters, and the Beast sidestepped him. He aimed a jab on his smugly grinning face, and the Beast just grabbed onto his wrist, catching it! Then, he twisted Vladstin's arm, trying to tear it off, but Vladstin kicked his core, putting distance between them!

The Beast is strong, but that doesn't mean his constitution got higher. He spat out some more dry blood. He wiped his mouth, and only tilted his head in interest. "How come you have not died yet?"

"I would not die until I kill you." Vladstin sneered back, aiming to hit him again.

They went on, continuously pulling close, then pulling back. The Beast was savage, an even match for Vladstin. He had never wrestled with anyone who knows his movements so well. It must be part of Leron's unconscious already, which he was not able to put into use because even with this knowledge, his body could now apply it.

But now it can, and he applied it perfectly.

They exchanged blows like they were dancing in the ballroom again. It was swift, graceful, yet full of murderous intent.

One must die by these waters.

The little siren girl watched in horror. Sangfroid as well, not knowing who he was rooting for. Yes, he knows it is no longer Leron..... But it is still difficult to let him go. After his hope building up from knowing the existence of the blue hibiscus flower, he was struck back by this transformation hard both literally and figuratively that he could not go back on his feet.

He could only watch, as his consciousness is slowly failing him due to the immense pain of his legs.

On his blurry vision, he caught the Beast gaining the upper hand. He managed to kick Vladstin on the shin, making the vampire unsteady, and reach out to his head. But just then-----

Vladstin pulled out the hempen rope that was used to tie him from his pocket, and wrap it around the Beast's throat quickly.

The Beast's eyes widened. Then, he laughed heartily despite being choked. "Hahahaha, I thought you are not one to use a weapon, Your Highness!!!"

Vladstin did not answer, only strengthening his grip until the rope dug into the Beast's paper pale skin, marking a pattern of wounds on him.

The Beast fell on his knees, but continued smiling. It seems that... It seems that he was enjoying the pain.

"Yes.... I have never seen you choose weapons over your own fists before. You have finally grown out of that big head of yours, that arrogant, naive head....." He praised, laughing and laughing like a maniac. "But you're not the only one with a weapon!"

They have forgotten about the scabbard Sangfroid put for him when he was dressing him up, and quickly drew his sword.

It went straight to his heart, making Vladstin let go of the rope a little.

"Heh, I don't know why you still manage to be undead... But I will kill you no matter what it takes. I will kill you again and again if I have to! Hahahaha!" He seemed so happy with this words. "Oh, this will be fun! An eternity killing and killing my Vladstin---"


They heard a shout that did not seem to come out of anyone. It was not just a shout, it was a force. A force that brought earthquakes to the ground!

The force made the ground shook, and the two vampires turned to the source, to the epicenter.

It was the siren girl.

Then, the Beast blinked. Once, twice.


He saw an unconscious man by the side. He was immediately alarmed. "Sangfroid?"

And finally, he looked at the one he stabbed with a sword. 

"V-Vladstin!? What am I doing?"

Leron has woken up. But will his consciousness last?

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