Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 135 - Two Souls, Two Undead

"Ehhhhhhh????" The Beast grumbled in disappointment. "I thought you must have utmost loyalty to me from what this 'Crimson Wolf' said. It turns out it is not true, then?"

"It is true. I am loyal to Prince Leron, and only to Prince Leron. But I have learned that loyalty had nothing to do with care and devotion. And I have care and devotion for many people, and two kingdoms now, and though I am loyal to you, that does not mean I must give up one for the other."

Vladstin raised his eyebrows from hearing this. So Sangfroid had finally learned that, huh?

He is still very self-sacrificing, but at least he is not willing to drag others with him and take the fall by himself.

He even gave up his position as Chief Huntsman for this prince! Risked being scorned by his own people, killed even! If not for him being the chosen heir through the Amulet of the Dracon, he would have truly lost his whole life just for his 'loyalty' to Leron.

It is very similar to worship towards a god, if you think about it. Sangfroid was like a martyr priest, the most faithful towards his one true god since childhood. And yet, now knowing that his god can also have the face of the devil inside him, he is willing to save others from that god. Only throwing himself to the pits.

It is not ideal, but it is progress.

"Hah!" This evil side of his god only scoffed at this. "How boring. All humans are the same. They cannot restrain themselves full to one person because even their will is weak! They are selfish just as they are cruel, trying to form as many connections to as many people like collecting precious rocks! Making a legacy, to be remembered, to feel 'loved'.... When these very people they spent so much care and devotion for will also perish! Haha!"

Sangfroid did not mind these scathing words, he did not mind being called selfish or cruel. For even if he had always tried to uphold a good heart and do kind deeds, he never realized how much of a saint he was. He never knew his true worth, or possibly never will.

"Even if that is so, I will still be devoted to them. To the people I am bound by duty...." He turned to Vladstin. "And to the people I am indebted with. Though I am devoted to them, that does not affect my loyalty to Leron. I do not ask anything in return for it, I do not ask to be remembered or loved. I will give everything to all of you, to serve all of you, even if I become fully spent."

The Beast went silent from the sincerity of these words. For they are something he will never understand.

He is a force full of hatred and obsession towards one thing, and one thing only. To have someone admit that they have passion for more than one.....

It is odd.

Truly bizarre. He could not grasp it.

He was someone who wants to dominate, to be a master over the world itself. Over corpses, and especially the corpse of Vladstin. While Sangfroid is the opposite.

Sangfroid is a true servant, and it baffles him why someone would deliberately choose to be so!

"I do not understand you." He said with furrowed eyebrows. "I do not understand you at all."

"That is alright." Sangfroid nodded. "I do not need to be understood either—"

"Quiet! Your nonsense bores me out of my mind, it makes me insane!"

Vladstin snorted. "So says someone who acts like a lunatic already."

The Beast glared at him. "We are both insane. Perhaps it is because of that that we could not understand the words of a sane human."

"I can understand him. Somewhat." Vladstin admitted. "But I do not share the same sentiments completely. I am willing to serve Ofelia and Sangfroid....."

He saw the look Sangfroid was giving him, and so reluctantly added. "And fine, Leron as well, but that is only for the purpose of the first two. But anyway, I am willing to divulge all of my efforts into serving them, but not to my complete ruin. I want something too, and I always will ask for it, though I will not get upset or mad if it was not given to me."

"That is the difference between me and Sangfroid. He never asks, while I do."

He then added with a sneer as he had stood up and brushed himself, getting ready to pick up the Beast and brought to Ofelia so she could summon Leron. "And the difference between me and you is that you never ask, you only take. You take and you take what you want, without service, without love."

"Because I am not a weakling. And I can't love after all the horrendous things people have done to me." The Beast said as he was being lifted up the ground like a sack of potatoes over Vladstin's right shoulder.

"No." Sangfroid said as he was also being lifted up and carried to the left one. "It is because you are not strong enough to forgive. You can't love because you do not allow yourself to."

The Beast rolled his eyes, only wearing a scowl. This bind... This bind is the freaking Enchanted Rope Bind! The one he made when he stabbed this pesky vampire carrying him!

There were also the injuries he sustained in their brawl last night, and so, he couldn't fight off and jump out of this vampire's back. For now.

Maybe he should just wait for the right moment, the siren girl's song was still ineffective to fully take him away, after all.

He should find a way to kill that girl first while her singing skills is still lacking. She is the biggest threat at the moment.

Why are they traveling with a siren girl anyway?

He doesn't want to ask either of them, and so maybe the only choice is to secretly peer at the memories carried by that weakling soul, that Awful White, once they are in a Limbo-like state. Where they are struggling in between.

But because it was a 'struggle', controlling what he learns would be difficult. It will not be easy to find specific memories and information.

Another idea came to his cunning vile mind... What if...

He pretends to be the White soul from time to time?

It will be easy, and he can use it to control that Sangfroid to his will. Vladstin may be able to see through it, but if they are somehow alone.....

Yes, yes, it'll be perfect. That Sangfroid will not be able to discern white from black, the Beast or Leron. And once he had hooked him over....


He will bite him and drink all his blood in one go, turning him into a corpse puppet!

And he shall order this puppet to kill the siren girl himself! Two birds in one stone!

It will terribly hurt this enemy of his, his fellow vampire lord! Now, he has a corpse puppet at his disposal, and might help give him an edge if they fight once more! The siren girl's voice might also be useful too! Victory is his!

He was so delighted that he did not realize he was even set down.

Ofelia was sleeping with creased eyebrows. One could tell how tired she must have been practicing all night. Vladstin gently tapped her cheek. Though he does not really want to use this child and make her work too much, they could only rely on her.

"Ofelia dear.... We need your song." He said lightly. It was translated to Gargen by the wind.

Ofelia stirred lazily, and the nodded. "O-Oh... Yes, yes, daddy.... I will sing now."

Since the girl is tired, her performance was not looking bright. But you can tell how much effort she had put into it. She sang with a gentle tune, her high voice like that of the twittering birds in the sky.

The black-souled Beast felt something creeping into his body, like strings, more annoying than his binds.

These are the strings that connect him and that Awful White together. Along with all the other souls that were lost.

Now was his chance to probe memories. Why is this siren girl here, and what is she for....

While he is struggling with the strings, he peered into Awful White, who was surprised at him peering at him. In this liminal space, he pulled Awful White close instead of pushing him away and out of the body, and the white spirit's eyes widened in shock.

"W-What are you scheming!? Why are you—"

"Shut up." He said as he opened his mouth....

And he fully engulfed Awful White for a while, siphoning him into a wisp of air before the siren girl could use her song to push him out of the body.

Instead of a useful memory though, the thing running at Awful White's mind at the moment was...

"S-Sangfroid.... Mn....."

What in the world???

The Beast has taken on the perspective of Awful White, in a memory he had no recollection of whatsoever. He was naked, and could feel cool water around him, and the sunlight over the shade of trees gave a perfect balance to the temperature. But he can feel his own face was hot, as well as the body intertwined with his....

That servant boy! That Sangfroid! What is he doing, touching him like this!?

He wanted to strangle this man but he could not move since it was not really him at this present moment. He could only feel what Leron had feel, see what he sees, but not move or change the past for it is only a glimpse.

"Am I doing well, Your Highness?" That annoying one-eyed boy asked, looking all delicate and shy. Psh, such a pansy!

He felt his own lips move. "You're doing well..... Ahh..... This is..."

He felt something poking through his thighs.


"Y-Your Highness, I'm sorry!" Sangfroid apologized.

"No... No, it's fine, it's only natural for us men to... You should not be ashamed..."

'YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED! Shame on you for being aroused by such a little thing such as kissing, have you no pride!? I bet you're one of those types who releases his filth within three seconds of being inside a hole!'

"In fact..... Sangfroid, I... I think.... Me too....."

The Beast had never been shocked by something ever since he became his own entity. What does he mean with 'Me too'!? What—

"Do you want to.... rub them together?"

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