Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 138 - The Limbo

This caused the hunter with the Amulet of the Dracon to have his mind be set into a deep fire and be roasted for a long while.

"I.... Uh.... What...."

"Hehe, please, Sangfroid? It's not just me asking for it, even Leron is asking for it too!" Vladstin went over to his side, putting an arm around his broad shoulders. "I want your blood because of its sweet sweet smell, and now I have a chance to consume it possibly without the poisonous taste."

The Beast raised an eyebrow. "Sangfroid's blood taste poisonous?"

"Yes. I think it is because of his soul itself. He is so averse to vampires and malignant creatures that he developed blood that stings their palate itself." Vladstin proposed. "That is just my hunch, though, but all I know is it has to do with who he is as a person. But these empty husks have no identities like that which could possibly poison us, or carry annoying memories with them that will bug us to insanity. It is a very good alternative!"

"Hmm... I see....."

Blood that smells good but tastes poisonous.... That really does seem like a special survival trait a  prey can have to protect itself from predators. It is logical but....

The Beast still wants to drink the real Sangfroid's blood someday. All of it, no matter how horrible they taste.

He can't help it, he is desire himself. And once he set his mind on something, just like his main purpose of taking revenge on Vladstin, he will not let it go. Despite this minor setback, he will suck Sangfroid's lovely crimson dry.

In fact, there was now even a thrilling appeal to it. He can't wait to feel the sensation itself, and how truly poisonous it really tastes like. What could happen, if it will have bad effects on his body... He really wants to know!

But now, he has to be patient. He should settle with a practice toy for now. Just like how skilled fencers sometimes used wooden mannequins to practice getting their hits right.

He will practice with the empty husk Sangfroid how he will bite into him to drain all that sweet sweet red liquid. Where it could possibly bring the most blood.... or hurt the most.....

Sangfroid is unaware of these perverse and twisted thoughts because he is just relieved that he had found a solution to quenching his prince's thirst for blood. And he was also slightly glad to help Vladstin have some too. Just slightly.

Vladstin meanwhile drank the empty husk's blood while deep in thought. His intuition is telling him that Leron is acting wrong, but how, he could not discern. Even if he tries to explain it to Sangfroid later when they are alone, he could not do so either without any concrete proof.

"Sip... Sip..."

The two feasted to their fill. Vladstin was biting at the neck, though he had to push the long beard away with much annoyance, while the tied-up Leron just nibbled small bites by the wrists. Eventually though, he started letting go of his inhibitions and drank more greedily, taking bigger bites at where large veins can be found.

Sangfroid did not really watch directly. Ofelia is far away from such a scene. He spent time ruminating on a rock while watching the sunset until the two vampire lords have finished their meal. There is also an odd feeling of intruding on something if you keep watching them, like how you know you must not watch hungry hounds when they eat or they would growl at you.

Their eating area is now a territory, and like wild beasts, vampires are highly territorial. They might attack at the smallest of afflictions.

Once done, there was an overbearing silence, and before they even realize it, it is already time for humans to sleep.

"Still no Beast?" Vladstin asked Leron.

"No..." Leron hooked his head, eyes big like a poor sweet little thing. "I wonder if he will return when I wake up..... I am scared."

Sangfroid reached out to his hand, still only kneeling and crawling around because of his legs. "Don't be, Your Highness. We have Ofelia to keep him away, and maybe tomorrow's song will make you last a day or two even. These small days will turn into weeks, and before then, he will be completely expelled from your body."

"I hope so...." Leron said. "Um... I know there is really no choice here as it is, but... Can I have the binds loosened a bit? It's.... quite uncomfortable....."

Sangfroid grimaced a bit, for His Highness really does look pitiful sleeping while tied up like this. But he is also aware of the situation they are in so he was hesitant. He turned to Vladstin, wanting to convince him without saying anything, but the Crescentian vampire's response was written in his face already.

"No." Vladstin said coldly. " We cannot take any chances."

The Ilvedians were disappointed, and so they went to bed without another word, with the same arrangement as before.


While they were asleep, the Beast was deep in thought.

Tomorrow, if he does not revert back to his real personality, these people would be suspicious. They know that the siren girl's powers are not that good yet. But if he did, they will exorcise him out of the body again through the song...

Awful White will reveal everything, that it is not truly him that they have been with for the majority of the day. So what to do?


What to do indeed.....

Sangfroid would even conjure an empty husk of himself tomorrow. No matter what, his deception must not be revealed. It is too delicious of a treat for him to miss out on just because of one misstep.


He then had an idea.

Closing his eyes, he concentrated on reaching out to his Limbo, his inner state. It is large space, and it has three divisions. One is the Above, where the one who is there gets to show up on the outside. He gets to control the body, his words, and actions received by the real world.

The second is the Great Gap. That is all it is, merely a midway point between the Above, and the last division. It is where they travel, where he zoomed past quickly to take over as Awful White just stood there baffled at losing connection with the Above. This is where he also consumed Awful White to gain that awful but interesting memory with Sangfroid.

The third is the Void. The Void is bleak, dark, static. Nothing happens, not even time itself. You are left to yourself. No soul would enjoy his time in the Void, because there is no chance in doing so. If you ever mulled over something in the void, or did something, it disappears. Not just the memory, the event itself never happened.

That is where Awful White is right now. He cannot communicate with him if he is at the Void, so he has no other choice but to drag him to the Gap. 

The Beast made a reluctant huff as he went on to reach for this fellow soul fragment, this other part of Leron he truly dislike. His conscience, morality, shame, guilt, inferiority... everything that is just god-awful!

"Come here." He dipped his hands to the void below, waving back and forth to catch Awful White. It is like reaching out to pitch-black water where you cannot see something. It took a long while, or perhaps, it only felt that way, since time is relative and especially in the Limbo. The Beast was never impatient and he had growled many times in frustration before...

He had caught some hair, and immediately grabbed on to it and dragged it upwards!

"Ah!" Awful White shouted in pain.

Both of them look alike inside the Limbo. They are both Leron after all. But there is darkness in the Beast, while Awful White is clean and pure. The Beast reached out to his pristine white throat once his head is above the Void, and grinned.

"Finally caught you." He said. "I have a proposition for ya."

"Beast! A beast in my body!" Awful White yelled. "Let me go, I want to go outside and tell them about what you have done!"

"Quiet!" The Beast shouted, spit flying out. "Listen, do you want to know about what I learned while consuming you, you disgusting white scum?"

"W-What... What have you learned, what consume, don't... Don't do that again!"

"I will if you do not keep quiet and agree to my terms!" The Beast threatened. "And I do not want to learn more about your stupid memories. I am satisfied with all my hatred for everything, especially that Vladstin! What I want is to have equal control in the Above, to take turns with the body so I can have my chains to eat Sangfroid!"

"I would not let you! Sangfroid is my friend!" Awful White said.

"Oh, really?" This caused the Beast to sneer, it was exactly what he waited for Awful White to say. "Then do friends do this?"

He went down into the Void with him, only holding up with one hand!

"Wh-Why did you go here!?" Awful White reflexively grabbed on to him as to not fall. "If we both fall to the Void, no one will be able to go Above anymore! The body will be permanently dead!"

"Relax. I'm making a representation of what I have seen." The Beast said, wrapping his other hand around his waist. "As I was saying, do friends do the things you did with Sangfroid? Do friends do this---"

He reached out with his dark, dirty mouth to bite at Awful White's!

"Mpfh!" Awful White's tongue was bitten, though this doesn't really have an effect on their real body. But it is still not something he would want to happen for...

They are both naked in the Limbo. They are souls after all, what use would clothes be?

The Beast continued moving his slimy tongue inside, being deliberately sloppy and revolting as he could. He reached out his other hand lower and lower from Awful White's waist, to his hips, and finally....


A sharp pain caused by sharp fingers and nails digging into soft and sensitive flesh, going red and being roughly pierced, starting to bleed from small wounds and scratches.

"Do you remember now? This is what you did to dear Sangfroid outside. What we did." The Beast smirked. If only his one hand is not holding on to the edge, he could have also joined their swords together like in the vision.  But he would have to make do with this, he already enjoys injuring Awful White this way.

"I didn't..... That can't be.... ah..... ha... true....."

"Reach out to that memory. Reach out long and hard." The Beast whispered with a mocking tone in his ear, sharp fangs itching to bite that ear off. "Can you see? Can you see?"

"N-No... Aha..... Ah..."

It feels so wrong, being touched by someone who looks like you, who IS you. And the Beast is aware of it, that is why he made Awful White remember it this way. Despite his hatred for him. After all, he is the embodiment of desire, and desire has nothing to do with love and hatred. He wants to torture Awful White by making him feel things that will destroy him, due to his very nature of being moral, and see him struggle due to the fact that deep inside, he enjoys it.

As Awful White close his eyes through the great pain, he did start to see something. A scene similar to this. Two figures...

He opened his eyes horrified, and the Beast cackled. 

"Now, you see! Are you sure you want me to recall memories like that and recreate it like this---"


The Beast only raised an eyebrow. Ah, Awful White. Shame himself, always getting so pumped up over little things, making him easier to manipulate.

"Agree to take turns with me. I will have a day, you will have a day, we will alternate. Deal?"

"Y-Yes... just make it stop...." Awful White cried and cried, tears flowing endlessly

"Alright then. And remember, not a word to Sangfroid and Vladstin."

"Yes! Just let go of me already! Leave me be!"

The Beast smirked...

And let go of him, hoisting himself up.. This is going to be very fun for him.

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