Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 146 - The Neverending Stream Of Truth

The person in the water resembles Vladstin a little, though his clothing and small details about himself were altered. There was an older sense to this reflection of him, something more ancient and benign than his current jaded and darkened Vampire Lord self. 

The reflection was wearing a bright smile on his face, and his eyes twinkled like Polaris, the North Star. His white hair was not prickly and spiky like the undead vampire, but more like his former self's, the one from back when he was alive. Though the styling is different and it is wrapped in more exotic cloth that serves as like a band around his head.

Vladstin recognized this from his history books. This is an old Crescentian headwear, back from the time that it is much more tribal and did not adapt to other kingdom's reality just to get along with them and avoid war. This may even be worn during the Ilvedian-Crescentian Siege from 800 years ago.

The details of that war were not well-written, for there is not much to say, and most details are obscured, re-written, or destroyed to make people forget it existed and maintain a peaceful atmosphere between the two kingdoms. Of course, before King Casserome ruined it, of course. There were some battles waged after that, but not as horrible as that certain Siege. It was also called by the Crescentians as the Blue Death.

One hundred thousand Crescentians were killed because of the Ilvedian's attack. But one hundred thousand Ilvedians were also killed back. It is a death caused by the Blue side, the Ilbedians, but also resulted in the Death of the Blue, hence the name. What they sow, they reap. 

After the Blue Death, the relationship of those two kingdoms had always been a complicated back and forth, but not to that extreme. They fight, reconcile, fight and reconcile. To stop this, people must forget about the great war that happened.

But of course, the library in the Crescentian Palace is different from the common libraries around Crescentia. Vladstin has more access to these kinds of events and the writings by scribes about them than anyone else.

So he knows what certain outdated wear this reflection of his have. But he feels like that shouldn't be what he was focusing on.

Why is his reflection different? The first time it appeared, he already knows the answer, but he wants to make sure.

He tilted his head to the side, and the reflection did the same. He did the other side, and it mimicked him. He reach out, and so did he.

"Who are you?" He asked, not in a demanding tone, but a calm and curious one.

He then waited if this man in the water would speak.

He did not. 

His mouth merely copied the way Vladstin's moved, but no sounds came out of the water he is encased in. He was just like the empty husks, no soul, just appearance. Though he looks much livelier than them.

Vladstin leaned forward, bending his knee. The reflection did the same.

He waved his hand in the water, sending ripples on this image, this apparition. The image remained the same despite being disturbed, smiling so brightly. 

And then....

Vladstin's fingers that were barely grazing the water were sucked in, along with his whole body!


"I wonder what's taking the Hermit so long...." The Beast said impatiently. He then changed his tone so his two fellow beings with a soul won't notice. "I mean..... Is it not a little worrisome? The Wind promised to only distract him for a short moment."

"Perhaps he did not expect us to get here so soon. But....." Sangfroid frowned. "The day must be ending outside soon. We had been here for perhaps six hours. What I'm more worried about of not returning...."

He conjured a grapevine, and gave some to Ofelia. "Is Vladstin. I told him to travel the area, but I do not expect him to travel so far or return so late. He might get lost with how big this cave is."

"You worry about Vladstin now, Sangfroid?" The Beast acted like how Awful White does, making his eyes big and cute. "I do not understand.... I mean, I am glad, because you are both important men in my life and I would want you to be friends with each other. But... Can I ask why you suddenly developed a closeness to him?"

"I..... Hmm....." Sangfroid pondered a little, but his mouth spoke for him before he could make a decision. "I had developed a less hostile relationship with him over the whole course of our travel. Not only that, but even before New Ilvedia was made. I had just only came to realize it recently, how I do not dislike him at all."

He then went on to relay all the experiences with Vladstin that he could remember, from the time they first met, then to when he healed him while he had scurvy, all the way to learning about his kingdom in the present. The Beast listened with great delight and curiosity. For someone to be so open.... It is part of the Desire to be known, to have someone understand you. 

Yes, most people lie and manipulate for their desire. But people also share experiences because of their desire to be heard and connect with others. Morality counters that, wanting to hide everything for the sake of 'humility' and 'self-control'. It wants you to push down your emotions and hide your traumatic experiences as to not burden others. 

Sangfroid also had the urge to even tell him about.....

The snake bite.

He doesn't want to hide anything from Leron anymore, especially in this dire situation they are in with no assurance of survival. Though they have the Amulet to rely on, everything in this world had just become so unpredictable that anything can happen. They do not know what the outcome would be....

And every moment they have with each other matters now.

"Prince Leron...." Sangfroid started. "You remember the time that Ofelia followed a butterfly, and was almost bitten by a snake?"

The Beast tilted his head to the side. They were talking about Vladstin just now, how is this related?

But he continued listening and letting Snagfroid speak. "I don't recall it fully well. Can you recount it in detail for me?"

And so, as per his request, Sangfroid recounted everything in full detail. What Vladstin did, what he felt about it, what he let him do and lost. His turbulent emotions during the whole affair, and how much it affected his already complicated perception of him. 

"So..... you and Vladstin had an, er.... intimate experience like that together." The Beast tried to act flustered to hide his devious intrigue for this. "Do you think that you.... you like him that way?"

He wants Sangfroid to do so. He wants Sangfroid to like Vladstin, as well as him, and watch his turmoil about it, choosing between his promised loyalty and desire. He wants to see for himself what really happened, go inside the body of either of the two, experience it himself...

He wanted so many things the moment he had realized about Sangfroid and Vladstin's relationship. But it all ties to one thing.....

He wants all three of them to be involved with each other. Chaotically entangled, never able to leave, never cutting off one. Three remains three forever, no couple, just three.

All three of them will be ruined together, will catch fire upon the destruction. That is what he truly wants now, a little romantic but also terribly corrupted way of affection.

He waited and waited for Sangfroid's answer, merely anticipating, biting his lips to stop himself from letting his deep anticipation burst out.

Meanwhile, Sangfroid is at a loss. He doesn't know how to answer the question.

Prince Leron means a lot to him. He loved him for so many years. To exchange him for another is not only wrong, but it will collapse the very foundation of his life itself. He dedicated his entire life to Prince Leron, he is already deeply rooted in his heart... How can he uproot him and let his heart be destroyed and bleeding?

And yet..... He could not say that his relationship with Vladstin is enemies, strangers or even friends anymore..... He also bears a weight just as heavy in Sangfroid's heart, though they are different kinds of weight. Just like how a kilogram of steel is the same weight as a kilogram of feathers.

But..... is that enough to say he likes him?


Just as he opened his mouth, they suddenly heard the gushing of water drawing closer and closer. Until.....

A large wave burst forth, like that of a tsunami!

It rose high, moving and moving. It seems to have begun from the very end of the cave itself. A neverending stream, and it was about to go right through them!

Sangfroid wasn't able to think quickly of using his Amulet for anything, as the wave already closed in for any counterattacks. He only wrapped his arms around little Ofelia and Leron...

As they were all washed over by the endless stream.

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