Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 148 - Ilvedia

Ilvedia is one of the most progressive kingdoms 800 years ago. Even at the present, it is still more developed in terms of discipline and governance. One word can only describe it: Regal.

Prestige is in every corner, and it is the prestige that this kingdom had strived to uphold the most. They would only strive for the best, or at least, keep pretenses of attaining it. 

Thus, one could also describe Ilvedia with another word: Superficial.

The glamor is important not only to the nobles, but to the average people of the society. Milkmaids sell their wares to wear pretty clothes and gems to decorate their bodies with. The fairer you are in appearance, no matter the sex, the more chances you can get in living a good Ilveidan life. Your face is your most important asset. Besides being the Regal Blue Kingdom, it is also referred to as the 'Land of Infinite Beauties'.

Being born ugly in the Land of Infinite Beauties is a shame indeed.

So much so, that it is quite common for women to discard of their babies, whether boys or girls, if they have found the appearance ugly. They have blamed the fairies and various monsters in the myths for disfiguring their children, and the men had tolerated it. Stories of changelings and cursed children had been circulated and popularized to justify these horrible acts of giving away, abandoning, or in some cases... killing the children themselves.

Besides being extremely superficial, Ilvedia is also hostile towards strangers, yet hides behind a mask of smiles and welcoming arms. They are used to the beauty standard they have set upon themselves, so much so that if they see a fellow human being that does not fit this, they would immediately feel disgusted and walk away. Foreigners from different kingdoms have different features than them, and anything that is considered different, will be thrown away and ostracized by the system. 

It does not even have to be foreigners at all. They are extremely averse to the tribal people of their own kingdom, the people who settled in large tents with purple eyes.

There was a study released by Faldenhorf, being a land of knowledge themselves, about the indigenous people of Ilvedia. These people are divided into three groups, though they intermingle with one another due to being driven away by most of the current Ilvedian society and alienated, not treated as a 'True Ilvedian' for their looks.

The first group is easily just called Shepherds. The Shepherds are very poor, and so they cannot afford creams and luxuries to beautify themselves. They are associated with light-colored eyes. Not all Shepherds are born not looking like the standard of beauty Ilvedians have, and some of them can return to the borders and mingle with the average Ilvedian.

This group includes the village in the outskirts Sangfroid and the Noble Huntsmen found. The one terrorized by the Vampire Lord Vladstin 800 years later. Cinto's great great great great grandfather was one of the leaders of the shepherds, an 'Elder' as they refer to him. He maintains peace from those who are inside, and those who are outside. Sometimes, traveling Ilvedians would vandalize and play silly tricks towards the poor, hardworking Shepherds, like hitting them with rocks or stealing their goats and sheep, but these humble people will say nothing in order not to alarm Ilvedian guards and start any war.

According to the book made in Faldenhorf, the Shepherds have the best relationship with the Mainland Ilvedians out of the three indigenous groups.

The second group is called Harvesters. Harvesters must have existed in Ilvedian grounds since 4000 years ago. They are brown-skinned, and they prefer to plant and sow seeds to sustain themselves. The Harvesters are a quiet group, and they are individualistic, owning small separate plots of land. They don't feel like a community, but rather, a collective of families that survive through the same method of planting, and eating only what they sow.

The Harvesters are vegetarians not by will, but because there is no other choice. They would rather not interact with either the Shepherds or the Mainland Ilvedians to buy meat. Some of them do, but if you are a Harvester and caught doing so, you would receive the spiteful looks of your kin. The Harvesters are also not afraid to retaliate to any Mainland Ilvedians that plan to wreak havoc in their peaceful and simple living, often associated with their slingshots and pulling on trees to fight back any intruders.

However, it is not the Harvesters who have the least amicable relationship with the common Ilvedians. They are not the most hated and the most discriminated against.

But first, what really is the Ilvedian beauty standard that all must follow? Well, it had actually been mentioned several times.

An average Ilvedian must be born with black or brown hair, black or brown eyes, and fair white skin. Anyone who does not fit this will be considered ugly, just like how King Casserome considers Leron ugly for his blue eyes. This is not because they are truly 'ugly' in the sense that they are horrible to look at....

But because of envy.

Ilvedians are highly envious of the things they can't achieve. They retaliate and despise those who are special because they could not understand why they could not have those special traits themselves. The moment you are of a different appearance, livelihood, or status from the masses, you would be an outlier to their severely bitter and envious society.

The third group, the most hated and misunderstood one, is the worst of the outliers. 

The Hunters.

Also called the Hunter-Gatherers, these people have a very primal way of living compared to all the other Ilvedians. They, according to Faldenhorf's theory and studies, are the first group of Ilvedians to ever exist in the land. They are believed as vicious, and live in the wild, too near the Perilous Woods to be considered 'civilized'.

The Hunters have both traits heavily disliked in the first two groups of outliers. they have the light-colored eyes that the Shepherds have, and the dark skin the Harvesters have. They speak in a different dialect of Old Ilvedian that is hard to describe, and sounded very guttural and violent.

It is in the Hunters that the Amethyst Tribe was included. The tribe that took care of King Vinsen, and where Sangfroid's father was born in.

Though they appear like barbarians to mainland Ilvedia's eyes, they are actually a very nurturing and compassionate group of people. They do not believe in 'families' the way other Ilvedians do, which only relies on blood relations. the Hunter-Gatherers treat everyone as their family, and practice communal living and parenting. 

Not only that, but they also treat animals and nature as a family. They are aware of the food chain, and know that only the strongest can survive, and yet, they still have much respect for all beings in a different way. They chant wishes for an animal's soul to pass and achieve eternal happiness after death once they had hunted and killed it. They treat plants with much care and talk to them, not seeing them as mere sustenance like the Harvesters.

If one would truly get to know this group of people, they might fall in love with them. Falling in love with freaks..... will cause to the birth of freaks. More people who don't fit the standard.

And so, the mainland Ilvedia had spread lies about them, saying that the tribes that lived in the outskirts of town are cannibalistic, and they fight each other whenever they cannot hunt enough for themselves, and eat their own fellow humans. They spread rumors that these detestable Hunters will shoot an arrow at anyone, whether it is man or woman, young or a child.

They like to compare the Hunters to the Crescentians, causing everyone to bear more ill will towards them as Crescentians are their worst enemy. 

Crescentians who beheads with their scythes, and had been seen to pull out limbs and tendons with their bare hands. Crescentians who stuck the head of their enemies and traitors on the spires of their gates. Crescentians who ate and drink and make merry at the death of people instead of having a solemn funeral, proclaiming words of 'rebirth'.

Anyone who is like those Crescentians, whether they truly came from Ilvedia or not, will be treated like monsters. Being called a 'Crescentian' is the worst insult one can achieve in this kingdom.

But one man did not listen to those rumors, and he did not believe the Hunters are like the Crescentians at all. He set out to meet with them, and further study their behavior, in order to verify whether the rumors and old wives' tales are true.

His name is Xenophon.

Xenophonl is a rich aristocrat, and had studied to be a scholar. But he has more ambitious and risque dreams of being an explorer, and he first wants to explore the outskirts of his very own land. He set out with only himself and a journal in hand, where he wrote every minute detail of his life, and went on to meet the Hunters.

And the Hunters welcomed him like their own. 

There he met his first and last love. A beautiful woman with the brightest purple eyes named Qu'adra.

He and Qu'adra had a child, a beautiful baby boy with more Hunter features than Ilvedian. The couple was overjoyed upon his birth, and plans to give him a good life and good education once they have bridged the gap between the indigenous and the masses using the love they have.

Xenophon plans to bring his family back to the mainland, introduce them to the court, and show all his study and experiences to disprove all the false beliefs towards the Hunters. It was a valiant purpose indeed....

Only that the moment he entered the gates, the soldiers had killed Qu'adra.

Xenophon could only run and hide his child, completely ruined from losing his love. The mainland Ilvedians would not believe him, and told him that he had lost his mind from interacting with those barbarians. His father would not accept him back at his home with an ugly child in his hand, and said that if he wants to survive and not be killed, he had to return the monster child from whence he came or kill it on the spot.

He does not want to part with this boy. He wants to see him grow, even from distance. And so, Xenophon made a difficult decision. 

And left the boy in a basket, at the footsteps of the Santimieda Chapel. The kindest orphanage he can think of.

When he attends the mass of the Holy Dragon Lord, he will be able to see his son. Though not able to talk to him, to embrace him, to tell him about his wonderful mother, and his wonderful family outside of the great walls this terrible kingdom has put up.

In the basket, he had written the child's name.


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