Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 17 - The Prince's Friend

"Come on, Leron! It's almost time for our visit to the orphanage!" Vladstin said, knocking at his door.

"I still cannot choose an outfit." Prince Leron rummaged through his new personal drawers and the clothes made for him.

He was still unused to Crescentian clothing. They were too thin and breezy, and way too colorful for his eyes. They like frills and stripes a lot, their vests and adornments having swirly patterns that boggle the mind. Prince Leron found it all too overly stimulating compared to his monochrome clothing of coats and overcoats of the same color in Ilvedia.

It was understandable though, since Crescentia was a warmer climate where people would like their clothes to be more breathable. Meanwhile, it rains and snows in Ilvedia almost every day, and Ilvedians prefer to be more uniform with their clothing to represent their status. The clothing difference also fits the personality of their people.

So Leron really doubted that these clothes would suit him.

The door opened.

"Hey, the carriage is here—" Vladstin stopped on his tracks, eyes widened. "You... You still haven't...."

"This sash thing is hard to wrap around. I don't know how it works." Leron said, the sash on both hands. "Can you assist me, Your Highness?"

Young Vladstin gulped. This was the first time he saw Leron's torso bare. His lean neck and shoulders look smooth and soft to touch. His whole body is in pristine condition despite walking for miles when he was exiled, you would expect that he would have some scratches here in there. But he was perfect. The sun from the window shone at him, giving him a dazzling aura.

For a moment, Vladstin thought he was looking at a young god. He stared in awe, wondering if he really was an incarnation of the god of the sun or beauty.

"Your Highness?" Prince Leron called out to him. "Is there something wrong?"

"Ah, no, no!" Young Vladstin snapped out of it and laughed, waving his hands. "You need help with the sash, right? Here, let me teach you!"

He went over to the god-like Leron's side and took the piece of cloth. "First, you wear this shirt, then tie this sash around your waist. You can add assortments to it if you want. If we had time, I had a good lace with sapphire jewellery that matches your eyes...."

He was busying himself by looking down and tying the sash on Leron by himself that he didn't realize they were standing too close. When he looked up, those sapphire eyes that he just mentioned immediately came in full view, reflecting his stunned face.

"It's too tight." Prince Leron said.

"Oh, sorry!" Prince Vladstin untied the sash, hugging Leron from the front to fix it. He can feel Leron's breath on his neck and he was sure the exiled prince can feel his too.

He unconsciously stopped breathing. In Crescentian myth, if you met a god, they might disappear into a thousand fireflies once you came too close to them. It's stupid, and he know Prince Leron is not a Crescentian god, but he still feared he might disappear any moment nonetheless.

"It's done." Prince Vladstin quickly moved away, catching his breath. "L-Let's go."

The outfit showed a very deep V-line of the chest, and Prince Leron felt uncomfortable showing so much skin. But it was perfect for the hot, sunny weather, and Vladstin and the King were also wearing something like this. Prince Leron hummed in agreement, and they went to the orphanage.

They soon reached a brick wall building that's just as grand as the Crescentian Palace. That meant they were equally modest and unseemly. Still, there was a bright aura from it, like you could tell that this was a place full of joy and happiness for children.

"VLADSTIN IS HERE!!!!" He heard a sharp, high-pitched voice scream.

Children of all sizes burst like a flock of wild chickens, jumping in the air from excitement at the sight of Vladstin. Vladstin opened his arms wide with a wide smile, ready to accept them. The children jumped at him and they all fell to the ground.

"Vladstin, we were waiting for you for so long!" A blonde girl who's losing one of her front teeth said.

"It's only been two weeks, Sazha." Vladstin chuckled, buried by three to four kids almost half his size. "I was helping my new friend settle here at Crescentia."

"We have heard of this new friend from Aunt Vanesda." A dark-skinned girl with very light blue hair said, just as old as the ones tackling Vladstin. She had a regal composure that made her seem older than her age.

The light-blue haired girl approached Leron. "You are the Prince of Ilvedia, correct?"

"Former. I am no longer a prince but an exile." Leron straightened his back, ready to be scrutinized.

"Your hair is very dark. It's as dark as the night." A boy with rose pink hair observed him.

A common trait among Crescentians were light colored hair and eyes no matter the skin tone. The Crescentian royal family had the lightest, their hair stark white and eyes pure golden. Dark hair and dark eyes, even brown ones, are very rare to them. Dozens of pastel colored heads went closer to Leron, their pastel eyes staring at him with wonder.

Leron was nervous, thinking that the children find him strange for being foreign and having dark hair.

"You are very pretty." A green-haired little boy that may be four or five years old told him.

Leron was surprised to hear such compliment. He thought they would judge him for looking different. "Thank you. I think you all are very pretty too."

"I told you they would like you." Vladstin brushed himself off, the kids finally letting go. "Everyone, I would like you to formally introduce yourself to Leron of Ilvedia. He will be living with the royal family from now on, so treat him as your brother."

"Should we call him 'Your Highness'?" The light-blue haired girl asked, twisting her dreads. "Since he was a prince?"

"No need to call me, Your Highness. I am now just a commoner like all of you." Leron smiled.

"We don't call Vladstin 'Your Highness' either." Sazha said.

Prince Leron turned to Vladstin. "Really? Is that allowed?"

He had never heard of a prince being referred to by his name, especially by commoners.

"Yes, we're all family here." Vladstin picked up one of the children with grey hair who was reaching out to him. "Isn't that right, Izre?"

"Vlahtihn!" The small toddler spoke without any teeth, spraying spit on his cheek.

"Haha, gross! Can someone give me a napkin?" Vladstin chuckled. The light blue-haired girl took one from her dress pocket and hand it to him. "Thanks, Xiani."

A middle-aged lilac haired woman came to the door, wearing an apron.

"What are you all stalling outside for!? You haven't cleaned your tables yet!" She then noticed Vladstin and Leron. "Ah, Vladstin is here! And this must be Prince Leron! Have you two eaten?"

"Yes, we have, Lady Wilhengard." Vladstin flashed a bright smile at her.

"Good, all of you get inside now and help! You can play with our guests later!" Lady Wilhengard ordered, swishing her rug in the air.

"Awwwww....." The children grumbled and whined, but went inside.

"We can make our introductions later." Vladstin told Leron, still holding the little drooling Izre. "Let us wait in the playground for now."

Leron followed him, still culture shocked by what happened earlier. The people at the orphanage don't regard Vladstin as any different at all. He's just like a normal child paying a visit to his friend's house.

"Your Highness.... Do you visit the orphanage often?" He remembered Sazha saying they have waited for so long.

"I visit almost every other day, sometimes with Mother or Father, and sometimes all of us will visit. It's my first time to bring someone else." Vladstin said. "Do you not like it here?"

"I do. I'm just not used to your customs, that's all. You seem like a friend to the people." Leron explained, catching a falling dandelion fuzz on his hand.

"Isn't that how royals should be?"

"I don't know.... I was taught that the royals and nobles are higher than the common people, and must be shown respect. Commoners must serve the royals."

Vladstin rubbed his chin thoughtfully, swaying by the swing with the little Izre who had fallen fast asleep. "My father said that if you want people to treat you with respect, you must treat them with respect too. He always told me that royals are the ones who serve the commoners, not the other way around."

Vladstin shrugged his shoulders. "Your kingdom is really different."

"Yes." Leron looked down. "Yes, it is."

Their kingdoms are leagues apart in terms of everything: from appearance, traditions, and ideals.

"That's why I like that you've become my friend. I get to learn something new from you." Vladstin grinned.

"Don't you think that people who are so different cannot be friends?" Leron asked.

"Who said that? A philosopher or something?"

"No, it's just what I've always seen. Friendship is when two people who have similarities bond together because of those similarities."

"Ehhhh???" Vladstin's eyes widened. "I think friendship is just when you like a person and enjoys being with them. I treat everyone I met as a friend."

"That's too hasty of you, Your Highness." Leron sighed. "What if...."

Leron played with the hem of his shirt, covering the exposed chest area with his arms, as if hugging himself. Hesitating, he asked:

"What if you cannot trust this person and they betrayed you?"

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