Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 19 - The Royal Orphanage

"You must never do anything like that again." Vladstin wrapped a piece of cloth on a dainty, little hand. "Losing is not a problem, mother said we must always know our limits."

"Wasn't it you who challenged Yulio to fight me in the first place?" Leron grinned at him. "It was His Highness' decree, I couldn't afford to deny such responsibility."

"I know that!" Vladstin's plump cheeks reddened. "But Yulio offered to stop halfway, didn't he? Yet you kept going anyway, and now your nose is bleeding!"

"I'm sorry, Vlad." Yulio, who had his own injuries like the bruise on his back, was lying on his stomach shirtless while being massaged by Lady Wilhengard. "I thought he could deflect it in time because he was so good at defense."

"I do agree that you shouldn't have gone too hard on the child." Lady Wilhengard pressed harder on his bruise, and the orange-head teen yelped. "Was your dignity hurt that he can keep up with someone seven years older than him?"

"It's not that. I just treat all my opponents equally." Yulio sulked. "But I really am sorry for your nose, Leron. You look so adorable nonetheless, I wish I couldn't have damaged your face. You were amazing back there, I enjoyed sparring with you."

"Thank you. I share the same sentiment, I believe you could really be the head of the military with your potential." Leron said.

"Really?" Yulio's face brightened up. Then he looked away, snorting. "I mean.... Of course, I know that! It's not like I have any doubt on my skills to feel flattered that a royal like you would commend me. I don't need your praise!"

"Stop being stubborn and just accept the compliment!" Lady Wilhengard pressed harder again on his bruise.

"Owwww!!! Lady Wilhen, that really hurts." Yulio whined. "Anyway, congratulations. Let's do it again sometime, just not as intense. We could share tips and stuff if you want."

Prince Leron smiled. "Sure. I missed sparring with my fencing tutor before. I think I have much to learn from you."

Vladstin frowned. "There's no way I'm letting you hold a sword again at that state. Even though you looked really awesome like a mythical warrior...."

Prince Leron's eyes widened. "Were you impressed, Your Highness?"

"Yes..." Vladstin admitted, not meeting his eyes and focusing on the bandage.

"Then I more thrilled for you to watch it again! We could even have the king and queen over to witness it!"

The young Prince Leron figured that if he looked strong and dependable, he would gain more trust from them. They might even assign him as Vladstin's personal bodyguard and let him have a sword around, which would be really helpful when it is time for him to assassinate the prince.

"Didn't you listen to what I just said? Look at your face!" Vladstin clasped his face with both hands. "Bunny, you shouldn't hurt yourself like this. No swords for you from now on!"

"I think you're overreacting, child." Lady Wilhengard finished applying ointment to Yulio. "And you're squishing his face. The cotton on his nose might pop out."

"Oops, sorry." Vladstin let go, and sighed dramatically. "It's not that I don't think you can take care of yourself at all. You are a really good swordsman. I just can't help but to worry when my friend gets hurt."

"Aren't I your friend also?" Yulio sat up and drank a glass of orange juice. "You didn't react that much when I got slammed on the back."

"You have a tougher physique like a big burly ox. You probably enjoy the pain anyway." Vladstin rolled his eyes.

"I do not!" Yulio slammed his glass on the table.

"Yes, you do." Raishti poked his bruise, making him yelp in a shrilly voice again. He grabbed Yulio by the hair and sneered at him. "How does it feel losing at a fencing match for the first time? And to a child?"

"I take it like a man." Yulio glared at him. "Let go of my hair."

"Don't try to deny it, it hurt your pride. I can see that your upset." Raishti mischievously pinched his cheeks. "The edge of your lips go down when you're feeling down. You think I won't know as your closest friend?"

"Closest friend, my ass! You're just an annoying jerk who enjoys teasing me!" Yulio punched his hand away and stomped off. "I'm going to my room to take a rest!"

"Aww, don't worry, I'll comfort you! I'll clear your mind off it by pressing on your bruise! Or would you prefer a whip like usual instead?" Raishti followed him, still looking smug.

"I said I don't like pain! Stop treating me like a masochist— Ahh!"

The two finally left, and the blonde teenage girl who was holding Sazha grimaced. "They're really shameless idiots. I hope they lock the doors this time."

"Why do they have to lock the doors, Suzhi?" Edvart asked her.

Suzhi ruffled his hair. "You don't need to know, Edvart. Don't grow up like those hooligans, have a pure, normal relationship like everyone else. Or at least try not to bother those around you with your freaky business!"

"Ok?" Edvart tilted his head to the side, too innocent to understand her advice.

"I don't understand it either." Prince Leron said to Prince Vladstin. "Can you explain it?"

"No clue." Prince Vladstin shrugged. "Don't worry, the orphans here are just strange."

Prince Leron can agree to a certain extent, but he felt like the issue with Yulio and Raishti was not really related to them being orphans. Still, he let the matter go and changed the topic.

"How did the Royal Orphanage came into existence?" He asked Vladstin.

"My mother built the Royal Orphanage a few months after she had given birth to me. Beforehand, since she was still young, she had always been visiting the poor and the sick. This orphanage was just built for me, so that I could have other children to play with." Vladstin explained. "I've said before that my mother couldn't give birth to another child."

"Why? Does she have a weak fertility?" Leron listened carefully, gaining information that his father might find useful.

"No. She had an illness." Vladstin said vaguely.

He seemed reluctant to continue further.

But Leron persisted. "What about your father? He could still have children, right?"

"Yes." Vladstin lifted an eyebrow. "So?"

"He could have children with another noble lady." Prince Leron said so matter-of-factly.

The young Vladstin was shocked. "Why would he do that? He loves my mother!"

"It's not a matter of love, that's just what royals commonly do to secure their lineage." Prince Leron was even more baffled that he didn't know this. "If something happens to you, who will be next in line for the throne? It will not be from your parent's children because they didn't sire another child."

"What's wrong about that? Why should it be important that the next heir came from us?" Vladstin still could not wrap his head around it.

"For the honor of your bloodline?" Leron offered.

"Would there be any honor left for our bloodline if my father took another woman just so she could bear his child? That's infidelity." Vladstin said. "He loves no one else than my mother. Unless he loves someone to take them as a spouse too, and my mother loves that person too, I don't think I could accept for him to have another child just for that silly reasons of securing the bloodline."

Leron remembered that polygamous marriages are possible in certain areas at Crescentia, as long as it was through consensual polyamory and not through matters of status or arranged marriages. There must be proof that all three or more people involved love one another and agrees to be wedded with each other. It was not common but the monogamous Crescentians were not against it, they just have a neutral stance on it.

"I'm sorry if my question upsets you, I was just curious." Leron apologized from seeing so unsettled by the mere thought of it all. He must have gone too far. "Our cultures must have been different, I did not consider it."

"I know. It really is different." Vladstin said. "We Crescentians do not like betrayal and cheating the most. My tutor thought me that our forefathers believe 'we must remain truthful unless speaking the truth would bring chaos. Secrets should only be kept if it might hurt someone, and you are taking someone else in consideration, not just for yourself'."

He recited this passage he learned word for word, like he take these values to his heart.

The older Leron of the present felt a wave of melancholy from seeing this scene from the past. This had been a warning to him. He knew how much wrath he would incur from betraying the Crescentians. Yet he kept the secret of his intentions for the sake of himself, for the sake of his own safety.

His younger self kept quiet, and nodded with a fake smile. "I understand now. I agree with you too."

"What are you two talking about?" Edvart went to them. "If Leron is alright, you could join us play. It won't be as dangerous as a swordfight, I promise."

"We could act out stories instead!" Sazha offered. "I'll be a warrior goddess who saves Crescentia with my lute!"

Vladstin chuckled. "Yeah, let us play. Are you coming, Leron? You could stay here and rest."

"If it's just play pretend, I think I would be alright." Leron said.

"Alright, just don't move your right arm too much.." Vladstin held his other free hand, and they run to the playground.

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