Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 27 - Growing Old With You

Meanwhile, Prince Leron had fallen asleep still frustrated by the Looking Glass that still refused to show him Vladstin's whereabouts. Instead, it showed more and more irrelevant memories.

When he woke up, a year's worth of memories had passed. The Crescentian family went on a trip for the first time with the new addition to their home, the 'exiled' Prince Leron.

Leron had become accustomed to the royal family's endless banter during carriage rides.

Vladstin kicked at his seat. "How come I cannot join this year's wrestling match!? I thought Father would agree with me!"

"I don't disagree with you wrestling, but I do agree with your mother that you are too young." King Lazar smiled at him apologetically.

"But you said all men are equal in the battlefield, and we must be brave enough to fight in any circumstances!" Vladstin complained.

Queen Vanesda smack King Lazar on the shoulder. "You told him that!?"

"It was so he would be a brave young lad of a certain age, I never told him to start being brave NOW." King Lazar denied.

Queen Vanesda sighed in relief. "Now you heard your father. Listen to us, you are still our baby boy no matter how much you age, we worry about you. You're already getting all kinds of cuts and bruises from playing around all day, how can we trust you to handle a wrestling match well?"

Vladstin grumbled and crossed his arms. When Queen Vanesda was too engaged with the scenery outside the carriage, he whispered something to his son.

"Actually, I don't mind you joining a match now. But consider the other contestants. I'm a good friend to a couple of wrestlers, I can't have my son humiliate them and make them eat dust!" King Lazar winked.

Vladstin's face brightened, and he whispered back. "Don't worry, Father. I'll try to take it easy on them. I'll settle for bronze for this year, but when I'm 10, I won't hold back anymore!"

King Lazar ruffled his hair excitedly. "That's my boy! So sad that your mother and I will be occupied on a date far, far across the sea during that time, if you know what I mean."

"Oh my, that is unfortunate. Guess me and Leron would have to enjoy it all by ourselves for you, with no doting Mother to watch us carefully. " Vladstin giggled.

"What are you boys mumbling about?" Queen Vanesda turned her head to them.

"Ah, Vanesda!" King Lazar wrapped an arm around his queen's shoulders. " Have you heard that the Western Sea had this exquisite breeze during the fall? I was thinking of having a getaway on the ship there, just you and me on August 4 to 8!"

"But that is the time of the Festival of the Crimson Wolf. I have to watch over the kids to see that they are in their best behavior." Queen Vanesda knitted his eyebrows.

"Ah, let the children be with Lady Wilhengard! She'll be disciplining them just as much as you." King Lazar took her hand. "Look, we haven't visited the sea in these past few years. That is where you have appeared on a dying but still handsome prince from a shipwreck, remember? Then that handsome prince took your hand and vowed in the skies, seas and mountains that he will never adore anyone as much as you—"

"Oh, stop it! I know how our first meeting went. You had seaweed on your hair, how can I consider you handsome. More like pitiful." Queen Vanesda smacked his shoulder.

"But won't you reminisce with me? We could visit your own island, I've heard your grandfather had reached his 120th year here on this world yet still look like a robust middle aged man! Your people really never age, I believe even at 80 years you would still look like a young maiden!"

"Lies! Don't you see my warts?" Queen Vanesda then sighed. "But I do miss the island.... I feel like I have abandoned my family there for too long."

"Right? So lets go there on August 4 to 8!" King Lazar said.

Queen Vanesda pinched his ear. "Lazar, what are you planning? Why are you insistent on that date?"

"Ow! Ow! Nothing, my dearly beloved gorgeous queen! I just thought it would be a nice date."

The Queen look him over with a frown. Then, she finally relented. "Alright. But once I learned this was a trick, find another bedroom to sleep on."

"Yes, my queen." King Lazar scratched his head with a dopey smile. He whispered back to Leron. "Tsk, the things I do for you. You better not cause more trouble than the usual, boy."

Vladstin gave two thumbs up. "Thanks, Father!"

The young Leron just listened to this conversation, pretending to be busy on watching the lavender fields outside. He was trained to be good at listening for information so even Vladstin's and King Lazar's whispers did not escape his ear. He enjoyed listening and watching the Crescentian royal family from the sidelines, feeling a sense of happiness from seeing a family so pure and intimate with each other.

It's like watching something you can never attain, you're already satisfied from just the sight.

"You're woefully quiet. We're going on a trip, and you're not smiling." Vladstin went beside him, also looking out at the carriage window. Their elbows were touching with each other.

"I'm not woeful, Your Highness. I'm just feeling the serenity of the view. Lavenders are in season now, and they have come in full bloom." Leron said.

"Do you like lavenders? I could have a servant give you one everyday." Vladstin said, blushing when he realized that their skins were touching from their elbows.

"That would be the sweetest gesture I have yet to receive, Your Highness. But I don't want to bother you." Leron smiled with his dazzling pearly whites. "I appreciate the thought of it though."

"It is not a bother to me. You know I'll do anything you ask of me....." Vladstin cleared his throat and added. "Because that is what friendship is for."

"Right. Friendship." Leron pretended to mumble to himself in a hushed voice that is still loud enough for Vladstin to hear. "I wish it was something more."

"Pardon?" Vladstin's eyes widened. "What did you say?"

"Nothing, Your Highness. " Leron's eyes twinkled with glee, as if hiding a funny little secret.

He's playing with the poor boy's heart like a fiddle, striking the right chords with his fingers.


They have reached the destination of their trip, a clear, unnamed waterfall. King Lazar and Queen Vanesda set up a picnic table and Vladstin and Leron observed the fields and rocky sides of the falls.

"You boys be careful not to slip alright!? Alright!?" Queen Vanesda said while holding a straw hat over her head.

"They already know that, my queen. Vladstin will look after Leron. He has been here since he was a crawling little monster." King Lazar chuckled, helping her arrange the food they have brought with them.

"Shall we go for a swim later?" Vladstin dipped his toes on the gushing water.

Leron did the same, then quickly took his foot back. "It's freezing cold!"

"You'll get used to it. It will be refreshing, it's a hot summer day after all." Vladstin rushed to the rocks and started to climb. He offered his hand to Leron. "Come on, there's a cave in hear somewhere behind the curtain of water by the falls! It's really awesome!"

"Won't there be bugs and bats inside the cave? Mosses and algae too, Queen Vanesda will immediately notice we ventured far if we get our clothes dirty." Leron hesitated to take his hand.

"If it's already dirty, she can't do anything about it. That's why we should go now before she could stop us. I have something I wanted to show you as well." Vladstin took his hand and squeezed. "Please? Won't you come with me?"

"Alright." Leron finally agreed, and he was hoisted up on the rocks by Vladstin. When he stepped on the stone, it was too narrow for the both of them, so Leron instinctively grabbed on to Vladstin closer.

Vladstin supported his back so he wouldn't wobble and fall. "Stay close to me and watch your step. It's very slippery, we don't want to die here."

"I won't mind dying together in this beautiful waterfall with you, You Highness. " Leron said looking at Vladstin straight in the eyes.

Vladstin's ears went red. "I don't mind too, it's just that mother might kill me again in the next life for dying so young. And I still want to live longer in this life anyway. Let's go."

They grabbed on and stepped over more rocks, treading carefully. Soon, they reached a crevice covered by a wall of showering cold water, and Vladstin led the way.

"Look at this." He took Leron inside the small cave that was only twice as large as their shared bedroom in the palace.

Inside, the walls were dotted with glittering green lights, looking like stars in the aurora. Leron was genuinely amazed and gawked at the sight. "It's very beautiful. What are they?"

"Their luminescent algae, I think." Vladstin said. "I brought some with me the last time I was here and Father told me about them. Pirate legend says that when you find them, that means the cave has a hidden treasure."

Vladstin sat down on the damp soil. "I still haven't found it though. I don't really think it exists. Pirates believe in treasure all the time."

Leron sat beside him, pointing outside the water wall. "I could see the King and Queen from here. They look small like ants!"

"They're probably being all lovey-dovey without us, yuck." Vladstin snorted.

"They've been together for so long, huh? I can't imagine having someone stay by my side for years and years of my life. Won't they eventually get tired of me?" Leron meandered, looking at the distance.

Vladstin raised his eyebrows. "Why would they get tired of you?"

"Because I have no distinct personality. I'm the type that follows the flow of other's conversation with no opinions of my own." Leron smiled sadly. "And I can't compare to the beauty of others, when I grow old, I won't be like Queen Vanesda who retains a youthful face."

"Even then, I still won't leave you, I promise!" Vladstin raised his hand sincerely. "Even if you grow bald or get wrinkly, I'd still stay with you if you want me to!"

Leron's eyes widened, like he never believed Vladstin would make such a promise. He was aware that the Prince of Crescentia had affection for him, but not to this extent.

Vladstin took Leron's pinky and hooked it with his. "Let's make a promise now. Let's promise that we will stay together and grow old with each other until all the days to come."

Leron's eyes started to become glossy, but he pushed the tear away and smiled. "I promise!"

He really wanted to keep that promise, even though he knew that he couldn't.

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